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Friday 24th January 2025:

Proclamation at Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642

The Installing Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Andrew Peach led the Andrew Marvell Brethren through one of the most accomplished Proclamation Ceremonies I have ever witnessed. Small in stature, his huge personality, precise diction and air of absolute authority inspired the rest of us to excell.

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Thomas Stephen Cawkwell was retaining the Chair for another year, and some of his senior officers were likewise remaining in place, but adjustments were made; Bro Nigel Henry stepping up from Junior Deacon to Junior Warden, while the Charity Steward, W Bro Malcolm Forbes, took on the extra responsibility of the JD's role.

A new addition to the team was W Bro Barry Longstaff, ProvGMentor as Membership Officer.

The Lodge was honoured by the presence of W Bro Stephen Cox, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who obviously enjoyed the meeting very much and complimented the Lodge at the Festive Board afterwards.

It was a pleasure to see the rich and meaningful qualities of this important part of the Lodge's year so well applied; there was no necessity for the Lodge to move out of the First Degree and thus all those below the dais were able to enjoy a beautifully condensed ceremony. I felt privileged to have witnessed it, and to accompany W Bro Richard Smedley who sang the Anthem and Masters Song superbly.

[Photo of some of the Brethren: UGLE Officer Richard Smedley is on the WM's right, and W Bro Stephen Cox, AProvGM in his chain of office on the WM's left.]

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Wednesday 22nd January 2025:

Chapter of St Andrew 4683 Installation Visit

As a Companion of Humber Chapter 57 I attended the Installation meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. Other visitors included the Representative of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent the Excellent Companion Bill Glanville Past Grand Standard Bearer and Grand Chapter Officers E Comps Hiten Thakur and Eddie Wildman, who is the current second Principal in Kingston Chapter 1010. Provincial representatives accompanying E Comp Glanville swelled the number of the visitors.

As befitting of a very friendly Chapter all the visitors were made most welcome.

The Chapter was opened at 6.30 pm by MEZ Mike Graham. In his first appointment as Director of Ceremonies on behalf of the representative of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Dean Smith announced the arrival of E Comp Glanville at the door of the Chapter. E Comp Glanville took his seat in the main body of the Chapter.

Formal approval of the minutes of the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2024 was given before the Installation of the Principals took place.

The Installing Officer E Comp Ian Sugarman conducted the ceremony with the utmost skill. The three new Principals, MEZ E Comp Jason Garland, second Principal Haggai E Comp Eddie Brook, and third Principal Joshua E Comp Matthew Owen were installed into their respective Chairs. The explanations of the colour of the robes of the three Principals were given respectively by E Companion Graham, Almoner and Charity Steward Comp Ian Montgomery and E Comp Paul Bull.

The Officers for the ensuing year were then appointed.

Altogether the ceremony merited fulsome praise from Grand Chapter Officer E Comp Wildman, E Comp Glanville on behalf of Province, and the visitors during the risings. I gave greetings on behalf of Humber Chapter.

After the meeting was closed, the Companions enjoyed a Festive Board of fine food and company. I sat alongside E Comp Brian Daragon, the Principal Sojouner, who was standing in as Scribe Nehemiah, and E Comp David Whittle, a visitor from the Chapter of St Michael 7833, and opposite E Comp Wildman. E Comp Peter Stokes was also a visitor from the Chapter of St Michael. A full toast list of ten toasts was submitted/proposed.

In his response on behalf of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Glanville acclaimed the standards of ritual of the Principals and the Chapter in general. E Comp Glanville looked ahead to the Masonic year and the challenges facing Chapter Masonry, which the Chapter is well placed to meet.

Scribe Ezra E Comp Sugarman then proposed a toast to the new and retiring Principals.

The Principals Song was sung by E Comp Paul Ralph, with musical accompaniment from E Comp Wildman, whose virtuosity was much appreciated.

I responded to the visitors toast proposed by E Comp Daragon.

After the raffle, the parting toast was proposed by MEZ E Comp Garland.

It had been a thoroughly enjoyable night which the Chapter and its Companions can be congratulated upon. I further enjoyed the company of E Comp Wildman as I gave him a lift home.

Malcolm Forbes


Friday 17th January 2025:


Visit to Brough Lodge 5464

by Malcolm Forbes


I accompanied Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman, (WM of Humber 57) on a trip to Sutton to visit Brough Lodge. We were amongst five visitors, who included the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W Bro Paul Harper PJGD and his Provincial DC W Bro David Bateman. There was a relaxed atmosphere before the meeting as the visitors were cordially welcomed. It was good to talk to the other visitors, who included Bro James Anderson, a member of Holderness Lodge 3563 and the Brethren of Brough Lodge.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm and was opened in due and antient form by Worshipful Master W Bro Tony Christmas. Following his introduction into the Lodge by W Bro Bateman, W Bro Harpe,r escorted by a team of Provincial Officers from the Lodge, took his seat on the dais between WM W Bro Christmas and Lodge Mentor W Bro Alan Hatfield.

Lodge Secretary W Bro Mel Harmer read out a dispensation allowing the Lodge to move its regular monthly meeting from the first Friday of the month to 17th January.

A successful ballot was conducted for a joining member before the Tyler and Lodge Almoner W Bro Gary Chambers presented his Almoner's report.

The main business of the meeting was to initiate Mr Kevin Woodmansey. Junior Deacon Brother Matthew Harvey ably conducted Mr Woodmansey in his perambulation around the Lodge room. WM Christmas delivered the Obligation with authority and other stand-out moments of the ceremony included the Secrets presented by W Bro Chambers, the Address at the North-East Corner orated by W Bro Rich Tyson and the presentation of the Working Tools by DC W Bro Andrew Chan. There was much to admire in the whole ceremony.

On the return to normal business Charity Steward Bro Craig Chadwick presented his Charity Steward's report. A proposition for a potential candidate to be initiated into the Lodge was put forward by Junior Warden Bro Chris Walklet. It was seconded by W Bro Hatfield.

During the risings W Bro Wildman initially gave greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge before as a visitor he gave greetings as WM of Humber Lodge. As a member of Humber Lodge I rose at the same time. I also gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642.

After the closing of the meeting, it was time to enjoy a sumptuous four-course Festive Board. In his response on behalf of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W Bro Harper emphasised the importance of retention of members by ensuring their involvement and participation in the Lodge.

The Entered Apprentice Song was sung before Bro Woodmansey responded to the toast to the candidate. W Bro Chan explained the significance of the Masonic Circle as the Brethren gathered round.

At the request of the Senior Warden Bro Paul Garthwaite I responded to the visitors toast.

The parting toast was delivered by WM W Bro Christmas.

It was time to leave at 10.30 pm. It had been a productive night, enhanced by the musical accompaniment of W Bro Wildman both in the Lodge meeting and at the Festive Board. The Lodge can look forward to the future with a stream of candidates looking to become members of a vibrant Lodge.

[Photo: Bros Kevin Woodmansey, EA and Matthew Harvey, JD.]

Malcolm Forbes


Friday 10th January 2025:

De la Pole 1605 starts the Year as it means to go on

by Eddie Wildman

Although the sky was clear and there was no wind, the temperature had dropped like a stone. I'm sure I wasn't the only Brother at Beverley Road who had taken the precaution an extra layer or two. When the de la Pole Secretary, W Bro Peter Spencer PPJGW picked me up, there were icy plumes from our breath as we made our way to his (nice warm) car.

The meeting began half an hour before its normal six o' clock start; it was a third degree ceremony, longer than the previous two. The cold weather hadn't kept people away, though those with ongoing health issues (dutifully reported by W Bro Malcolm Forbes) were necessarily absent. The WM opened the Lodge promptly with fluent ritual and in due form, Happy New Year and fraternal greetings were extended from UGLE.

The next business was to Raise Brother Paul Alan Dickenson to the degree of a Master Mason. Bro Paul had had his hair cut specially for the occasion. As one who was losing body heat through the top of my head I was jealous though tried not to show it.

The WM opened the Lodge in the 2° and 3° with equal facility and the Lodge was prepared for Bro Dickinson's reentry, he having retired for preparation after scoring full marks in the Q&A exchange necessary to qualify for this advancement. Those readers who have been through the third degree ceremony will know that there is something different about the appearance of the Lodge; those who have not will have to wait to find out.

Senior Deacon Mike Kelly and Junior Deacon Aaron Sutherland conducted Bro Dickinson through the various moves to receive the 3° ritual: the obligation was given by the WM W Bro Malcolm Brocklesby; the Retrospect by W Bro Russ Garbutt; W Bro Jim Kerr meaningfully intoned the Sprig of Acacia and W Bro David Nicoll explained the Working Tools. The Senior Warden, Bro Graham Thornalley invested Bro Dickinson with his apron, and W Bro Stan McKewan explained the symbolism of its shape and decoration. W Bro Philip Cowing delivered the Historical Oration, W Bro Ray Platten demystified the Tracing Board and Bro Mike Kelly explained the Working Tools of a Master Mason.

The Chaplain, W Bro Cowing delivered the Charge after which the preparation questions for the Chapter were exchanged between the Master and the Wardens.

Time was pressing by now and the intended nugget was deferred until the next meeting. Reports, apologies and correspondence were swiftly dealt with, and the Lodge was lowered and closed, with greetings from various visitors including W Bro Malcolm Forbes and myself as members of Humber Lodge.

Sturdy soup and a Masonic Meat  Pie were very welcome, and the afterproceedings were reduced to two toasts, though in deference to Burns Night later in the month the Brethren gathered in a Masonic chain for the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

I was treated to a lift home in Jim Kerr's new Kia which sneered at the ice on the roads; what a super night and what a great start for the year for the de la Pole Lodge. Well done everyone! I hadn't needed the extra layers.

[Photo of Aaron Sutherland, Malcolm Brocklesby, Paul Dickinson and Mike Kelly by Jim Kerr]

Eddie Wildman, Organist.





Thursday 9th January 2025:

Constitutional Lodge 294 Installation Meeting Report

by Malcolm Forbes

On a cold winter's day I arrived at Trinity Lane in Beverley at 4.15 pm in time for a start time of 5.0 pm for the Installation meeting.

After the Christmas break it was time to resume friendships with fellow members of Constitutional Lodge and visitors who included the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Senior Grand Warden, and W Bro Eddie Wildman, both of whom looked in fine fettle.

The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Mike Noble, who was standing down after two years in the Chair. A welcome was extended to Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies W Bro Sean Carroll before W Bro Syddall was received into the Lodge room under his direction.

After a portion of the Antient Charges was read out by Secretary W Bro Gavin Collinson, the minutes of the meeting held on 5th December 2024 were approved. There then followed the presentation of Lodge reports before a ballot was held for three joining members, which was successful. The Lodge now has fifty-five members.

Subsequently the Installation of Master Elect Bro Sam Adkins took place. Director of Ceremonies W Bro David Turner acted as Installing DC and maintained the highest standards throughout. WM Noble exemplified those standards with his impeccable mastery of ritual. The Installation of Officers included W Bro Martyn Hennessy as Senior Warden and Bro Ben Blanchard as Junior Warden. I continued in Office as Charity Steward.

The Address to the Master was presented by W Bro Andrew Nicholson. W Bro Wildman delivered the Address to the Wardens and Lodge Orator W Bro Keith Charlesworth presented the Address to the Brethren. There was much to admire in the delivery of the Addresses.

On conclusion of the Installation WM Adkins continued with the ordinary business of the meeting.

During the risings W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge as well as in his capacity of WM of Humber Lodge 57 in the company of W Bro Syddall and myself, as fellow members of Humber Lodge. W Bro Syddall gave Provincial greetings.
The meeting concluded at 7.30 pm.

At the Festive Board I sat opposite to Lodge Mentor W Bro Martin Rowland and next to Steward Bro Ian Campbell Smith. Lively conversation ensued throughout the evening.

A full toast list was submitted/proposed.

W Bro Syddall in his response as the representative of the RWPGM commented on how much he had enjoyed the evening. Following on from the toast to the Worshipful Master and his Officers from W Bro Nicholson, Chaplain Bro David Brazier sang the Masters Song. W Bro Nicholson commented on WM Adkins' commitment to the Lodge since his initiation in 2020, which has included holding the Offices of Senior Warden and Membership Officer.

W Bro Charlesworth toasted the IPM and his Officers. Throughout a busy two years WM Noble has earned deserved praise for all the work he has undertaken on behalf of the Lodge..

The parting toast was given by W Bro Nicholson.

The evening had been a great success. The ritualists had shone throughout. The Festive Board was most convivial. Constitutional Lodge can be proud of the evening.

[Photograph: W Bro Ian Syddall ProvSGW, Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Martyn Dickinson Hennessy SW, W Bro Sam Adkins WM, Bro Ben Blanchard JW, W Bro Michael Anthony Noble IPM, W Bro Sean Carrol, ProvAsstGDC.]

Malcolm Forbes


Monday 9th December 2024:

Christmas comes Early to Andrew Marvell

by Chris Brown

Choosing the second Monday of December as an appropriate time for the Christmas Lodge everything was organised, as ever, to a tee by Colin and Margaret Shields. Guests outnumbered members with wives, partners, friends and prospective members.

Business upstairs in the Lodge room was kept to essentials and we were downstairs not long after 7.00 pm.

Luke rose to the occasion as ever with an excellent traditional fare of roast turkey will all the trimmings.

Malcolm Forbes created a quiz which was in his own eclectic manner, won by Eddie's team by a  good margin, don’t they say ‘great minds think alike?' and there were raffle prizes galore.

We were well entertained by Eddie, accompanied by his pupil, Matej Haas for all the traditional carols with a solo from Mike Price. The real surprise was the playing of Matej; he was there with his father and they both seemed to enjoy something, the like of which they had not previously experienced. Matej is studying music for his GCSE and his interest is in composition, we were all impressed by his chosen piece of Oscar Peterson's piano iazz, what a talented young man.

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Tom Cawkwell led the interactive text display for "We wish you a merry Christmas" involving other members of the Lodge holding up the words for audience participation while Eddie and Matej provided the accompaniment in piano duet.

Having started our meal before eight, it was surprising that it was after ten before we all said goodnight, bidding each other farewell until the New Year.

Chris Brown


Monday 2nd December 2024:

Humber Installed Masters and Guests

When it comes to putting on a display, the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494 evoke envy from smaller Lodges. It is not only the large membership (anyone who has been through the WM's Chair is eligible to join) but the number of high ranking Brethren who attend. Usually the business is a lecture (and there have been excellent lectures over the years since the Lodge was warranted in 1893) but occasionally it it a vehicle for a special event.

This evening was one such.

The Worshipful Master, W Bro William Glanville DepProvGM opened the Lodge promptly, explaining there was a lot of business to get through; the RWPGM would be demanding entry (with a huge escort of Provincial Officers) and he would take over; after closing the Lodge, wives, friends and guests would be invited to join the Brethren and witness appointments, a choir would sing, and there'd be photographs. His gavelling was echoed by the Wardens, W Bros Terence Ward Fisher and Anthony Calvert, and the business was dealt with swiftly, including the declaration of W Bro Ian Syddall as Master Elect for the February Installation, W Bro Bill Glanville for Treasurer, the nomination of Lodge Committee and Account Examiners and the Beverley Rd Representative.

W Mark Green gave a eulogy for W Bro Christopher Harland.

A report admitted the Provincial DC, who announced that the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was outside and he demanded admittance. 

The word ceremonial derives from late Latin caerimonialis which originally meant a religious ritual, but the religious element no longer applies other than in the sense that all Masons are believers in a Supreme Being. (The word ritual derives from the Latin ritus which meant correct performance, custom.) In the Lodge Room at Beverley Road, a sense of immense dignity descended as the glittering escort of Provincial Officers formed a double column for the entrance of eminent Grand Lodge Officers and Provincial figures, and, with the Provincial Banner and Sword Bearer, the Provincial Grand Master entered, and by virtue of his office, took the Master's Chair.

He was saluted by all present.

The RWPGM W Bro Dr David Chambers gave an account of the background of W Bro Mark Iveson, who stood before the assembled Lodge, saying "You are without doubt the right man for the Province." The patent was presented and read by the Provincial Grand Secretary (this being the official ratification of the UGLE) announcing that the Grand Master, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent authorised the appointment of W Bro Iveson to the high office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings. The Provincial Grand Master invested W Bro Iveson with his Chain of Office, at which everyone applauded.

The "official" part of the ceremony being over (there was more to come) the RWPGM closed the Lodge in short order, and the guests and choir were invited in.

W Bro Dr David Chambers explained what had happened, again congratulating W Bro Iveson for everyone to see. He also appointed W Bro John Stanley Broughton as Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works. (This pleased JSB mightily - his smile was enormous as he sat down.)

The Ladies Choir, under the direction of Mrs Liz Carmichael sang a pleasing Christmas selection accompanied by Dorcas Leather on the keyboard and were warmly applauded. The Deputy Provincial Grand Master thanked them and presented them with a cheque.


This was almost the end of the proceedings in the Lodge Room, and folk retired, but there was an opportunity for photographs and the Provincial Team returned for snapshots.


The Festive Board (with Master Chef Luke Pyrah producing excellent fare as always) was lovely. A toast was proposed by Bro David Alderson of the Alcuin Lodge 6300 (a number of Brethren from Alcuin had travelled from York to support Mark Iveson) to the new Assistant Provincial Grand Master, citing him as a family man, friend and Brother who demonstrates that true leadership is about service and example. W Bro Iveson responded humbly, saying how proud he was to be awarded this high office and thanking everyone for their support.

It was time for the diners to sing themselves now, including "White Christmas" and "The Twelve Days of Christmas" - it was a happy gathering. The Lodge Chaplain, W Bro Adrian Hayward presented a cheque to the RAF Cadet Training Corps, which was received with grateful words by Flt Ltnt Luke Clifford-Roper-Smith, who himself had been a cadet back in the days. W Bro Kevin Priestly auctioned a notable bottle of whisky, raising £70 and the final raffle raised £400 which will be properly applied, assured W Bro Granville in his closing comments, thanking everyone for helping to make the evening such a splendid occasion, and wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Well done, Humber Installed Masters! Another superb night!

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Monday 25th November 2024 :

Lodge Meeting report by Malcolm Forbes
En route to Beverley Road Masonic Hall I picked up Senior Warden Bro Ian Fuller and Bro Chris Wright, who stood in as Inner Guard at the meeting. 
On arrival we were able to join Lodge Brethren and nine visitors in friendly company. Unfortunately due to illness our Worshipful Master W Bro Tom Cawkwell was unable to attend. Visitors included the newly installed Worshipful Master of Technical Lodge 5666, W Bro Anthony James, who was accompanied by W Bro Rob Atkinson, the Lodge Festival Ambassador for Andrew Marvell Lodge. W Bro David Waddington, the Worshipful Master of Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 was accompanied by four other members of his Lodge. It was also good to see W Bro Alan Smelt, an unattached Mason. 
Standing in as WM and Chaplain was IPM W Bro Chris Lefevre. I stood in as IPM. W Bro Colin Shields stood in as Junior Warden and Bro Ian Walker stood in as Junior Deacon. It says much for the AM Brethren that they are instantly adaptable!
The meeting tyled at 6.30 pm and was duly opened in antient form. 
The Daggards were due to give a presentation but because of the absence of WM W Bro Cawkwell, who would have taken a leading part in the production, W Bro Eddie Wildman presented a most informative and entertaining talk on the operative work of Master Masons in Masonic history. As usual the talk was well-researched and witty and left no one disappointed. 
The Masonic educational theme was continued by Lodge Mentor and Lodge Membership Officer W Bro Bazza Longstaff, who presented a nugget on the significance of the forget-me-not as an emblem of Freemasonry. 
In his Royal Arch Representative report Lodge Secretary W Bro John Towler reported on the recent exaltation of Lodge member Bro Nigel Henry into Wyke Millennium Chapter 9696 on 22nd November. 
Following on from the Charity Steward's report W Bro Atkinson stood up to explain his role as Lodge Festival Ambassador for Festival 29. 
W Bro Shields proposed a potential joining member. I seconded the proposition. In turn I proposed a potential candidate for initiation with W Bro Shields seconding the proposition. Ballots in furtherance of the propositions will take place at the next Lodge meeting on 9th December. 
The risings were duly conducted. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Wildman complimented W Bro Lefevre on the facility with which he had conducted the meeting. As a member of Humber Lodge 57 I rose as W Bro Wildman, the Worshipful Master elect of Humber Lodge, gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge. 
After the Closing Hymn concluded the meeting, nineteen diners sat down for the Festive Board. Again chef Luke Pyrah excelled. Director of Ceremonies W Bro Richard Green presided over the Lodge meeting and Festive Board with equal professionalism. 
Following the toast to the visitors, the response was delivered by W Bro Waddington. 
Despite adversity, W Bro Lefevre's commitment and good humour shone throughout the evening and added to the enjoyment of the occasion. 
That enjoyment will continue at the Lodge's Christmas meeting and Christmas festivities on 9th December to which family and friends are invited. 
I was pleased to add W Bro Wildman to my passenger manifest on my drive home. 
[Photograph of Eddie Wildman by Richard Green.]
Malcolm Forbes IPM



Monday 25th November 2024:

Andrew Marvell 5642 Lecture

by Chris Brown

What a pleasure it was to see at our L5642 meeting a ’proper’ visit from Old Hymerian Lodge 6885, five Brethren including the Worshipful Master.

Now we all know the motivation was to hear a lecture from W Bro Eddie Wildman, and in that they were not disappointed. A fascinating link with the character of Baldrick in Blackadder – Tony Robinson. Not only was he the ever unfortunate butt of every malfeasant in the TV series, he is also an excellent historian with several notable books to his name. Linking his research on the building of our ancient cathedrals throughout Europe to the beginnings of Freemasonry, the trials, tribulations and dangers the labours endured could be likened the role Tony played in Blackadder.

Going back to the pleasure of so many visitors, it was like the ‘old days’, a reference I swore not to use when I became an old and experienced Mason, but I cannot help myself.

When I first took on the role of Secretary in the last century everything was handled with posted letters and summons. I was handed a calendar outlining when a Lodge would visit us and at which month’s meeting. Generally, these visits would include the Worshipful Master, Wardens and other members.

What happens now is a every secretary receives every summons for every Lodges’ meeting, the consequences of which we all know – Oh for the 'good old days’

Chris M Brown


Friday 22nd November 2024:

Going West in Search of Knowledge

by Chris Brown

Andrew Marvell's Worshipful Master Tom Cawkwell and I visited the Iuventutis Lodge 9338 in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding. This Lodge was consecrated exactly thirty-five years ago, primarily, though not exclusively, for past members of the British Junior Chambers of Commerce of which I was a one, (Past President in Hull 1982 and a Senator number 30660 of JCI International, the world ruling body) Members had to resign at age forty and a new Lodge was seen as a fitting continuation of our fellowship.

At the time of consecration Junior Chamber Yorkshire had over 1,000 members with about 5,000 nationally. Sadly that is no longer the case; but the Lodge continues and meets at the Castelford Masonic Centre on Friday nights at 7.00 pm, eleven months of the year, enabling members to attend from Yorkshire and beyond.

The ceremony was particularly interesting as it was very direct and business like in its choice of wording for the ritual, similarly at the Festive Board. The only problem was that Tom was in the centre of a conversation about past Junior Chamber events, most of which, he pointed out, had happened before he was born. "Senectus insanbilis morbus est," he told me on the journey home. I pretended not to understand.

Christopher Brown PPJGW



Saturday 16th November 2024:

Technical Lodge 5666 Installation

by Malcolm Forbes

I arrived at 3.45 pm at Beverley Road for the Installation meeting tyling at 4.30 pm. Tea and coffee with an assortment of cakes, biscuits and nibbles complemented a very welcoming reception from the Brethren of the Lodge. A strong Provincial team of Active Officers accompanying the Provincial Grand Master the Right Worshipful Dr David Chambers, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Bill Glanville and Assistant Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Chris Thomas mingled with the Brethren before the meeting.

The meeting to install the Worshipful Master elect W Bro Anthony James and his Officers was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Ian Parkinson. The Provincial Director of Ceremonies W Bro Karl Ward announced the presence of the PGM, the Deputy PGM, the Assistant PGM and the newly appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Superintendent W Bro Hiten Thaker, a member of Technical Lodge, who were escorted by the team of Provincial Officers into the Lodge Room.

The Installing DC W Bro Rob Gorman exercised calm authority throughout the Installation. Equally, WM W Bro Parkinson exuded confidence during the Board of Installed Masters as he put W Bro James into the Chair of King Solomon. The Officers appointed and invested represented a strong core of the Lodge.

The Address to the Master was delivered by the PGM. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman presented the Address to the Wardens. W Bro Gorman delivered the Address to the Brethren. Each presentation exhibited masterly oratory.

The Masters Song was sung by Bro David Turner.

Following the Installation WM W Bro James presented IPM W Bro Parkinson with his Past Master's Jewel.

On the return to normal business, W Bro Glanville presented Bro Nanda Kumar with his Grand Lodge Certificate.

The Lodge made two donations during the meeting. A £1,000 donation to Festival 29 was gratefully accepted by the PGM. Further, following a proposition from Senior Warden Bro Adam Tunnicliffe a donation of £200 was approved to help to fund meals for needy people through an initiative which Bro Tunnicliffe and Lodge members are helping with.

During the risings, W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 supported by Provincial Grand Senior Warden W Bro Ian Syddall and myself. In turn, I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. Also I rose alongside WM W Bro Malcolm Brocklesby as he gave greetings on behalf of De La Pole Lodge 1605. Two visitors from Lodges in Abuja and Port Harcourt in Nigeria also gave greetings. All the visitors expressed their admiration for the superb Installation ceremony they had witnessed.

At the Festive Board I was sat next to stand-in SW W Bro Mike Cheeseman, W Bro Brocklesby and opposite W Bro Tony Randle, a member of Invictus Lodge 9960, and W Bro Syddall. The humour was a constant theme of the Festive Board. A full toast list of ten toasts were submitted/proposed.

In his response to the toast to the PGM, Dr David Chambers highlighted the synergy between Craft and Chapter and how well the Lodge was coping with the membership challenge.

W Bro Paul Hillary provided an amusing toast to the Worshipful Master and his New Officers. Likewise Lecture Master W Bro Jonathan Sykes was able to toast the Immediate Past Master and his Retiring Officers.

The respective responses from WM W Bro James and IPM W Bro Parkinson showed their commitment to the wellbeing of the Lodge.

After Junior Warden Bro Mike Andrew proposed a toast to absent Brethren to which the hymn Eternal Father was sung, W Bro Cheeseman proposed a toast to the visitors. Members of the Technical Choir sang the Visitors Song. W Bro Randle responded to the toast to emphasise how the Lodge embodied the best of Freemasonry in terms of ritual and sociability.

The raffle raised £240.

After the Worshipful Master delivered the Parting Toast, it was time to reflect on the enjoyment the meeting and Festive Board provided. The singing of W Bro Philip Daniels and others who sang the Master's and Visitors Songs at the Festive Board along with the musical accompaniment of W Bro Wildman added to the lustre of the occasion. I was pleased to offer a lift home to one of the Nigerian Brethren who was staying in East Hull.

[Photograph by W Bro Chris Thomas, APGM.]

Malcolm Forbes, Visitor



Wednesday 13th November 2024:

Visit to the Lodge of St Andrew 4683

by Malcolm Forbes

For the first time since the Lodge meeting on 8th May 2024, I attended the Lodge of St Andrew 2683 for its regular monthly Lodge meeting at Beverley Road. Along with four other visitors from Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696 I was made extremely welcome as soon as I set foot inside the door.

The Lodge tyled at 7.00 pm. I took my seat in the Lodge room alongside the visitors from Wyke Millennium.

The Lodge meeting was opened in due and antient form by Worshipful Master W Bro James Billaney. After the formalities were completed a ballot was held for Mr James Cook, proposed by W Bro Billaney and seconded by IPM W Bro Eddie Brook at the Lodge meeting on 9th October 2024, for initiation into the Lodge. The ballot was successful.

The initiation ceremony began when Tyler Bro Ian Montgomery knocked on the door of the Lodge. Inner Guard Bro Lee Cawood then reported to Junior Warden Bro Robert Thirsk, who in turn reported to the Worshipful Master. The Worshipful Master directed that Mr Cook should be admitted.

The ceremony was impressively conducted. Junior Deacon Bro Philip Beadle conducted the candidate in his perambulation around the Lodge room. The ritual was performed authoritatively. The Worshipful Master delivered the Obligation, W Bro Robert Jackson delivered the Secrets, W Bro Roy Newton addressed Bro Cook at the North East Corner, and W Bro Glyn Davies delivered the Antient Charge.

Following the initiation, W Bro Billaney then presented a trophy on behalf of the Lodge to W Bro Brook in recognition of his recent run along the length of Hadrians Wall to raise money for charity.

On the conclusion of the Lodge reports, AOB and the receipt of correspondence and apologies read out by Lodge Secretary W Bro Ian Sugarman, the Worshipful Master rose to receive greetings. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 and greetings were also given on behalf of Wyke Millennium Lodge. The Lodge was then duly closed.

At the Festive Board I sat next to Senior Warden Bro William Charlton and W Bro Kevin Shilcock, the Secretary of Wyke Millennium Lodge. The Festive Board was both filling gastronomically and fulfilling Masonically with everyone embracing the spirit of the occasion.

A long toast list was submitted/proposed. Bro Cook responded well to the toast to the Candidate. W Bro Shilcock responded to the Visitors toast.The Worshipful Master delivered the parting toast.

The Lodge is clearly successful with participation in the ritual from Entered Apprentices as well as the senior hierarchy of the Lodge, growing membership and its friendliness. It can look forward to its Lodge Centenary Year in 2025 with confidence.

Malcolm Forbes


Friday 8th November 2024:

The Empty Chair

by Malcolm Forbes

On the way to the de la Pole Lodge meeting at Beverley Road, I gave lifts to Bro Ian Fuller, the Senior Warden of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 and member of De La Pole Lodge 1605, W Bro John Taylor and visitor Bro Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683.

Before the Lodge meeting I placed a wreath on an empty chair alongside a display board from the reception hall below commemorating fallen Lodge Brethren who had perished in armed conflict. The chair was the centrepiece in the Lodge room.

I took my seat in the Lodge room as ADC alongside DC W Bro Ben Kelly and W Bro John Appleby.

The Lodge meeting was opened by WM W Bro Malcolm Brocklesby. W Bro Phil Cowing stood in as IPM. In addition to the regular Lodge minutes, Lodge Secretary W Bro Peter Spencer read out Lodge minutes from the corresponding Lodge meeting in November 1924.

In remembrance of Lodge Brethren who died in battle Bro Paul Dickinson read out the names of Brethren whose names appeared on the display board on the empty chair in the Lodge room. A minute's solemn silence was then observed by the Brethren.

Bro John Hender and Bro Aaron Sutherland, who both missed the Installation meeting in October, were then installed as Lodge Treasurer and Junior Deacon respectively.

The highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Junior Warden and Lodge Mentor, Bro John Holmes, (pictured) entitled Freemasonry and Religion. In his talk Bro Holmes emphasised Freemasonry's universality and inclusiveness in contrast to dogma espoused by religious teachings in different doctrines. Underlying Freemasonry is belief in a Supreme Being. Following his talk Bro Holmes answered Brethren's questions before receiving well deserved applause.

After the talk, W Bro Ray Platten then delivered a Masonic Nuggett on the significance of the square appended to the Worshipful Master's collar.

As part of the risings, W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge. He also gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 and I rose to support him as a fellow member.

The Festive Board had its usual lively atmosphere despite the absence of the musical skills of W Bro Wildman, who had to depart after the Lodge meeting due to Masonic commitments the following day.

Following the meal WM Brocklesby made a presentation of a card and cash donation from the Lodge which was received on behalf of chef Luke Pyrah to celebrate the recent birth of his baby son.

Three toasts were delivered including the Tyler's toast from W Bro Mike Bastiman.

The evening combined reverence with the advancement of Masonic knowledge in the Lodge room and jollity at the Festive Board.

My fellow travellers on the way home expressed how much they had enjoyed the evening.

Malcolm Forbes


Monday 28th October 2024:

The Tracing Board Revisited

by Chris Brown

Our Worshipful Master, Tom Cawkwell was in excellent form, delivering the First Degree Tracing Board. Like so many things in life, we all see so much more the second time around.

There was discussion on the important matter of the subscriptions, as with so many Orders, the costs of Freemasonry is under the same inflationary pressures we all face in our daily lives. The rent for using the Lodge is to increase by 13% and this will require an increase in subscriptions. Our Treasurer, W Bro Colin Shields will proprose an increase in subscription at our meeting in November.

We enjoyed a Festive Board, though small in number, this allowed us to form an intimate square to complete a relaxed and enjoyable evening in true Masonic fashion.

Chris M Brown PPJGW, Senior Deacon

Monday 14th October 2024:

Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696

Report by Malcolm Forbes

The Lodge traditionally meets at the Tickton Grange Hotel where the elegant Rose Room serves as both the Temple and the dining room for the Festive Board.

Preparations are in hand for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the consecration of the Lodge which will take place on 23rd November 2024 when a Lodge meeting will be held in the daytime followed by a Ladies evening on the same day.

As a visitor I received a warm welcome. It was good to meet up again with Lodge Secretary W Bro Kevin Shilcock. The two other visitors, W Bro Andy Hinchcliff and W Bro Harry Elliott attended as members of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611.
I stood in as Tyler for the Lodge meeting, which was opened at 6.45 pm by Worshipful Master W Bro Malcolm Grange. I was able to take my seat inside the Lodge room alongside Inner Guard Bro Philip Lord during the meeting.There were fourteen Brethren in attendance.

After the Opening and formalities a successful ballot for a joining member was held.

W Bro Elliott as Lead Festival Lodge Ambassador for the Province then addressed the Brethren on the progress of Festival 29. W Bro Hinchcliff had a supply of Festival merchandise for sale to the Brethren.

The main business of the meeting was a rehearsal of a double raising ceremony for Bro Lord and Bro Chris Wall which will take place at the Lodge meeting on 23rd November.

W Bro Hinchcliff and W Bro Elliott conducted the rehearsal meticulously. Emphasis was given to the perambulation around the Lodge room. The highest standards were observed.

After the rehearsal and readmission of Bro Lord and Bro Wall when the Lodge was lowered to the second and first degrees, the risings were conducted. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642.

The meeting concluded at 8.45 pm. Before the Festive Board could begin Lodge furnishings had to be removed.

I sat alongside WM W Bro Grange on the top table along with Director of Ceremonies W Bro David Taylor and W Bro Ian Sharpe.

A fine three course meal was served. Two toasts were submitted. The raffle raised £75.

The evening combined both excellent instruction in ritual and relaxing informality at the Festive Board. I look forward to attending the next Lodge meeting on 23rd November and the Ladies evening on the same day.

Malcolm Forbes


Thursday 10th October 2024:

Quod petis hic est

report by Eddie Wildman

"That which you seek is here" is the English translation of the motto of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891, and should anyone have been seeking an ideal ceremony, they could not have done better than witnessing the initiation at the Daggar Lane Masonic Hall. Should they have been seeking the impressive richness of UGLE regalia, the symbolic east side of the Lodge glittered - and that was even before the arrival of the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and his red-aproned DC. Should they have sought a perfect blend of youth and experience, this was evident not only in the Officers, but in the delivery of floor-work; should they have sought the essential principles of the Fraternity, Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth were demonstrated not only in the ceremony itself, where the address at the North East Corner (Bro Stuart Gamble) and the Ancient Charge (W Bro Adrian Hayward) and the nugget supplied by Bro Miller outlined these fundimental precepts, but by the actions of the Brethren themselves, in particular the Junior Deacon, Bro Carl Moore, and the WM, W Bro Matthew Hunt, who presided throughout with dignity and modesty.

The Worshipful Master opened the Lodge, and greetings were given to the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master and to the United Grand Lodge Officers present (the DC, Bro Paul Bridgeman did a magnificent job of remembering all the names and ranks as the Brethren stood to salute) before an announcement from the Inner Guard, W Bro Nigel Bell was given that the Director of Ceremonies for the Visiting Representative was without the Lodge requesting admission.

W Bro Stephen Burns PPGStwd announced the attendance of W Bro Hitendra Thaker, and an escort of Provincial Officers was formed to admit him. W Bro Thaker took his place next to the Worshipful Master, adding an extra polish to the glittering phalanx of Grand and Provincial Officers around him  on the dais, (W Bros Rob McKenna PPJGD standing in as IPM and Adrian Hayward PPJGD glittering magnificently on the WM's left) and was ceremonially saluted.

Essential business was dealt with swiftly and the Stand-in Tyler, W Bro Mike East (the Tyler was standing in for the IPM who was also holding the Office of Mentor) knocked on the door to announce the Candidate for Initiation was in attendance. The Secretary, Bro Malcolm Dale, left the Lodge to ensure that Mr Lister had fulfilled the necessary pre-initiation documentation, and during his temporary absence, Fellow Craft Bro Allan Miller gave a short dissertation on the essential characteristics of a freemason.

The Secretary returned to confirm all was in order, and after Mr Lister had answered the questions of the Inner Guard (who likewise indicated to the WM that all was well) was passed into the care of the Junior Deacon, Bro Carl Moore who conducted Mr Lister through the installation procedure with military precision, taking him by due process to the pedestal where he was obligated by the WM.

The Lesser Lights were well explained by Entered Apprentice Bro  Luke Byron. W Bro Rob McKenna communicated the secrets, and the Senior Warden invested Brother Lister (I hadn't realised until afterwards that the dodgy apron hadn't been repaired - see 26th September below - and that it was was clasped together in Bro Moore's vice-like fingers.) Bro Stuart Gamble gave the address at the North East Corner and Bro Malcolm Dale pointed out the Warrant and gave Brother Lister his Book of Constitutions and the Bylaws. I had the privilege of explaining the Working Tools, after which W Bro Hayward delivered the Ancient Charge.

It was a super ceremony. While Brother Shaun Lister restored himself, W Bro Tony Randall spoke of Festival developments and W Bro Malcolm Forbes dilated on Festival masters discussed earlier in the day at Escrick. Bro Moore reported on the Lodge of Instruction.

On Brother Lister's return, W Bro Randell addressed him on matters of protocol and etiquette which he promised would be forwarded to him in writing. The risings followed and W Bro Hiten Thaker was congratulatory with his usual eloquence. The WM closed the Lodge, and after a brief pause for a photograph the Brethren hurried downstairs for the Festive Board.

W Bro Hitten Thaker responded to Toast five dilating on the introduction of an enlarged administrative structure within the Province and giving an interesting perspective of how the moving of Thesaurus Lodge from its old home in Little Park Street has been of enormous advantage to the Hindu community in Hull and to the subsequent prosperity of the city during the last decade.

The Entered Apprentice Song was massacred by the Brethren following Bro Moore's toast to Brother Lister, who responded succinctly and most appropriately. It had been a long night, but an enjoyable one - I'd certainly been happy and in illustrious company. My congratulations to Brother Lister, and indeed to everybody there.

Eddie Wildman, guest organist


Tuesday 8th October 2024:

Master Barber

by Malcom Forbes

The Humber Brethren gathered downstairs for the Lodge meeting which tyled at 6.30 pm. The only visitors were Bro Craig Eastburn, an unattached Mason, and Alistair Kenyon-Brodie (Phoenix 9963). As always the atmosphere was convivial and lively.
The Lodge was duly opened by WM W Bro Alan Todd. Stand-ins were W Bro David Terry as IPM, W Bro Phil Watts as Senior Warden, and W Bro Trevor Whitfield, who took W Bro Watts's role as Lecture Master. Subsequently, due to the unexpected indisposition of Bro Morrison, Lodge Mentor W Bro Sergei Byelov stood in as Senior Deacon.
Following the formalities, a ballot for Bro Alistair Kenyon-Brodie to become a joining member of Humber Lodge took place. Bro. Kenyon-Brodie, like his father W Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie, is a member of Phoenix Lodge 9963. The ballot was successful so Bro Alastair could take his seat alongside W Bro Peter as members of Humber Lodge.
The main business of the meeting was to raise Bro Michael Barber, the father of Inner Guard Bro Matthew Barber, to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Before the Lodge was raised to the second degree, Entered Apprentices Bros Jamie Knott and Jason Smith left the Lodge Room.
The Lodge was then raised from the second degree to the third degree. As Junior Deacon, I accompanied W Bro Byelov as Bro Michael Barber was placed in the hands of the Senior Deacon. It proved to be an emotional evening for Bro Michael Barber. WM Todd delivered the Obligation. It was good to see W Bro Tom Lee, who delivered the Retrospect, on his return to the Lodge. Impressive ritual was delivered by W Bro Lee, by W Bro Eddie Wildman who delivered the Historical Oration, by Director of Ceremonies W Bro Terry Fisher, who delivered the Communication, and by W Bro Watts, who delivered an Explanation of the Working Tools. Chaplain W Bro Craig Maurier impressed with the sincerity of his delivery of the Charge.
As has become an annual tradition in Humber Lodge there was a full closing in the third degree performed on this occasion by Senior Warden Bro Craig Fish and Junior Warden W Bro Watts. Senior Warden Bro Fish then conveyed the secrets to WM Todd.
On the lowering of the Lodge to the first degree Bros Knott and Smith were admitted by Tyler W Bro Ian Syddall.
W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge. As the sole visitor Bro Eastburn congratulated the Worshipful Master and his Officers on an interesting ceremony.
The Lodge performed creditably in overcoming the unavailabity of Officers integral to the ceremony. It was a long evening upstairs with the Festive Board not starting till 9.0 pm.
With the retirement of chef Roy Uffindall new chef Liam O'Kelly passed his first test with flying colours and received a round of applause after the meal. Two toasts were delivered. Newly raised Master Mason Bro Michael Barber thanked everyone who had taken part in the ceremony at the Festive Board. In his parish notes WM Todd reminded the Brethren of the Lodge's Ladies Night on 12th October.
It was a good evening. Much work had been put in to make the evening a memorable one for Bro Michael Barber.

Malcolm Forbes
Charity Steward


Monday 23rd September 2024:

Fundraising Evening

by Malcolm Forbes

After its summer break since its last Lodge meeting on 21st May, the Lodge held a fundraising evening in support of Festival 29.

As Brethren and their guests arrived they purchased raffle and bingo tickets from Lodge Treasurer W Bro Colin Shields and his wife Margaret.

Altogether twenty-two people attended the evening which raised £300 towards the Festival. It was good to see the Immediate Past Master and Lodge Almoner W Bro Chris Lefevre who was able to attend despite the debilitating pain in his right hip which restricts his mobility.

Amongst those who attended the Festive Board was Amelia Cundill representing Dove House Hospice. The Lodge was able to make a donation of £200 to the charity at the Festive Board.
Worshipful Master W Bro Tom Cawkwell duly opened the Lodge meeting at 6.30 pm. Lodge Secretary W Bro John Towler stood in as Senior Warden and Lodge Mentor and Lodge Membership Officer W Bro Barry Longstaff stood in as Inner Guard. Senior Warden Bro Ian Fuller was unable to attend following a recent stroke from which he is happily recovering.
The Lodge meeting was brief as the guests waited downstairs. Junior Deacon Bro Nigel Henry delivered a short Masonic talk entitled " A Secret In Plain Sight". Lodge reports were then presented. There were no visitors upstairs. Due to the lack of musical accompaniment the Closing Hymn was omitted.

The Festive Board was a white table event. Chef Luke Pyrah prepared meat pie, mushy peas and chips to his usual high standard. Following the meal two toasts were submitted.

The donation was then made to Dove House Hospice.

WM Tom Cawkwell then acted as bingo caller as two games of bingo were played.

As Lodge Charity Steward I then acted as quiz master as a general knowledge quiz took place. The winners were W Bro Cawkwell and Amelia. Also winning a prize for second place were W Bro Colin Shields and Margaret. A further three games of bingo and a raffle completed the fun evening.

Lodge social events where family and friends are invited are an integral part of Freemasonry. It was good to meet and talk to a prospective candidate for initiation who attended and enjoyed the evening.

As I gave Bro Chris Wright a lift home we mused on a thoroughly enjoyable evening which had achieved its objectives.

[Photograph of WM Tom Cawkwell, DHH Representative Amelia Cundill and Charty Steward Malcolm Forbes by Mrs Margart Shields.]

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward



Monday 16th September 2024:

Holderness 3563 Initiation with Visitors

Humber Lodge had turned out in force to visit Holderness Lodge; rather than hold the usual Lodge of Instruction at Dagger Lane it was decided that witnessing an actual ceremony would be equally instructive, and so the WM and various Humber Brethren attended Beverley Road Masonic Hall instead. There were a number of Minerva Brethren in attendance too: there are strong ties between the Minerva Brethren and those of the Holderness Lodge - the Marshall family has Brethren in each, and the current Holderness Worshipful Master, W Bro Danial Ward Marshall was well supported by Brethen from Lodge 250. There were visitors from elsewhere, too, including Andrew Marvell 5642 and the Old Hymerian Lodge 6885; it was a good turn-out.

Despite there being a couple of stand-ins, it was an excellent ceremony. The WM opened the Lodge bang on time, and the APGM W Bro Steve Cox was saluted. He was not wearing his chain of office, being there as a member of the Lodge rather than in an official capacity. The opening concluded, the Tyler, W Bro Paul Greenwood reported that the Candidate was outside the door of the Lodge, hoping to gain admission. The message was passed through the  Inner Guard, Bro Anthony Townhill, and Mr Malcolm McPhee McEachen was placed in the care of the Junior Deacon for the evening, Bro Colin Wilson.

I'll not dilate on the ceremony except to say that the obligation was delivered by the WM, and Bro James Anderson explained the Lesser Lights. W Bro Paul Greenwood ws called into the Lodge to communicate the sings, token and word of an Entered Apprentice Freemason, and Brother McEachen was conducted to the  Junior Warden, Bro Lee Atkinson to prove his proficiency in them before advancing likewise to the Senior Warden, Bro Jimmy Kitchen, who invested him with the Apron. The address at the North East Corner was given by W Bro Alan Coates and Bro Anthony Holbrook pointed out out the Warrant and presented Bro McEachen with a Book of Constitutions and the Byelaws. W Bro Eddie Wildman explained the symbolism of the Working Tools, and the Ancient Charge was delivered by the Chaplain, W Bro Malvin Sharpless.

Several Brethren jumped into view when I was taking the photograph: W Bro James Ashby-Kelly (Senior Deacon), W Bro Peter Moore (Mentor) Bro Colin Wilson (Junior Deacon), Bro Malcolm McEachen (newly made Candidate), W Bro Danny Marshall (Worshipful Master) and Bro Lee Atkinson (Junior Warden).

The Festive Board was entertaining. The Humber Lodge being blessed with some good singing voices, and led by Bro Matt Barber, treated the Holderness Lodge to the Visitors Song and Happy to Meet Again after the toast had been given to the Lodge's new Candidate. Bro McEachen responded well to his toast, and W Bro Alan Todd responded on behalf of the visitors.

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Saturday 27th July 2024:

Lodge by the Swale

Bazza Buzzing

The M62 and the A1 are not the most interesting of motorways, but it was a pleasure to be driven to Richmond (near the eastern boundary of the Yorkshire Dales) with Bros John Marris and Nigel Goldthorpe and W Bro Bazza Longstaff at the wheel of his electric VW. I was at the door ready when the Cornerstone Lodge WM knocked at 0700 hrs; he'd picked Nigel up earlier, and we collected John on the way. The weather was friendly and the company convivial and despite the inevitable coning-off of parts of the motorway we arrived at the picturesque North Yorkshire market town in good time. 

Richmond combines historic buildings and amazing scenery. Local stone features enormously, not least on the cobbled streets. Topographically it is all hills. Bazza parked a short distance as the crow flies from the Masonic Hall. (This is not the same distance as that traversed on foot - we travelled as far vertically as horizontally.) "It will be all downhill on the way back," trilled Nigel, leaping ahead like a mountain goat. Brother Marris's reply is best not recorded.

The Masonic Hall is imposing. Home to the oldest Freemasons' Lodge in YN&ER (Lennox 123) two Doric columns flanking the doorway support a splendid pediment bearing the arms of UGLE and those of the Marquess of Zetland. (Multiple Marquesses of Zetland have been Freemasons, including the 1st Marquess, Lawrence Dundas , first PGM of YN&ER. The Earls and Marquesses of Zetland held this position until 1984. Thomas Dundas, 2nd Earl of Zetland was Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1844 -1870.)

Inside was equally impressive and restrained, an ancient painting  from the imagined viewpoint of the Sanctum Sanctorum and seeming to continue the Lodge flooring to the hallowed porchway, leading to the outside world, the whole under a brass arch with a pillar on each side, held place of honour behind the Master's Chair. The organ , an electronic instrument of some antiquity itself, sat in the SW corner of the Lodge. Three Lodges meet at Richmond MH, Lennox 123, Dales 9554 and the Lodge of Diversity 9994, and their banners are on display. This meeting, however, was for the Brethren of the Cornerstone Lodge 10051. W Bro Tom Cawkwell, Senior Warden, arrived with W Bro Chris Brown (so I was able to stand when the latter gave greetings from the Minerva Lodge 250 afterwards) and we ventured out for a coffee as other Brethren arrived, some of them carrying mysterious looking boxes.Two young Masons from York arrived; having encountered car difficulties, they'd taken the train and caught a taxi. Such dedication is highly commendable - well done Josh and Liam!

The place was full when we returned and I tried to coax some pleasing sounds from the instrument as the Brethren settled. W Bro Longstaff entered in procession, and the meeting was under way.

The WM (ProvGMentor) welcomed all, especially the visitors, many of whom were from the north of the Province - the peripatetic nature of the Lodge encourages local masons to attend wherever it visits. He explained that the theme of the meeting was the 1° Tracing Board.

After the opening business and a brief time for quiet reflection, Bro Malcolm Cuthbert gave an outline of the origins of Tracing Boards. This was followed by what the summons referred to as "a 3-dimensional presentation of the 1° Tracing Board from W Bro Ray Douglas and his team from Marwood Lodge 1244." This related to the mysterious boxes carried in earlier, and the draped shapes on the chequered floor of the Lodge. It was a representation of the Tracing Board images in solid form - beautifully built by W Bro Douglas and a vivid visual demonstration not only of the pillars, the VSL and the Ladder of Joseph's dream, as the drapes were whisked away, but of some of the more esoteric aspects, e.g. the point within a circle.

I'd been particularly looking forward to the next item as I'd heard about it at Hazelgrove installation: Bro Daniel Stephen gave an impeccable narration of the First Degree Tracing Board (particularly meaningful in the light of what we'd just seen) and earned a standing ovation.

The Richmond Masonic Hall has no dining facilities, and at the close of the Lodge (many Brethren pausing to take photographs of W Bro Douglas's  wonderful artifacts) we were quick to pack up our cases and move on to the hostelry where we were looking forward to lunch. Several hill walking tourists paused and watched black-jacketed gentlemen carrying large boxes to a waiting van. "I think they're undertakers," said one lady in a bobble hat to her husband as a large box was hoisted carefully to its assigned place. "Yes, dear," said the other hiker, with a patient expression, "they're moving dead bodies to a secret location. Don't ask questions or you'll be next on the Masons' list." She shuddered. "Really? Come on, dear, we'd best be on our way."

We negotiated a hill round a couple of corners to find the Turf Hotel for welcome drinks, and by the time we were all served, found places in the dining room. There was no piano, so I led the a capella singing of the national anthem: some of the toasts were submitted before we ate.  I enjoyed the meal, though the carnivorous W Bro beside me was unimpressed by the quiche starter. "It reminds me why I'm not a vegetarian," he quipped. Then he ate it all. "I'm suitably sated," he said after the tasty chicken breast in mushroom sauce.

Firing glasses were used for the "Vivat" responses, and the songs to the Visitors, to Absent Brethren, and "Happy to meet again" were sung, and suddenly it was time to go home. I was quietly buzzing, as were the others. It had been a lovely day out.

The next Cornerstone get-together will be in W Bro Ashley Tyson's barn in Scarborough, which again will be a meeting with a difference. But I'm sworn to secrecy. Check your emails, Brethren!

Eddie Wildman, hon member Cornerstone 10051




Tuesday 25th June 2024:

Hull Old Grammarians' 900th Lodge Meeting 

Report by Malcolm Forbes


Following dispensation to hold the regular monthly Lodge meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month rather than the traditional third Tuesday of the month, the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge held its 900th meeting since its Consecration in 1929.

On arrival I sat down with W Bro Tom Cawkwell, the Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, before I joined Lodge Almoner Bro Dave Stuart. Bro Stuart and myself are both cricket League umpires and my first appointment as a League umpire was at Humbleton in 2012 with Bro Stuart. The warmth of the welcome as a visitor was matched by the warmth in the building on a sultry evening.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. Worshipful Master W Bro Duncan Taylor duly opened the Lodge. Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Michael De Vere Roberts and W Bro Eddie Wildman were saluted before the traditional salutations to newly made Provincial Officers.

It was good to see over thirty Brethren in attendance.

Lodge Secretary W Bro John Plater read out the Dispensation from Provincial Grand Lodge allowing the regular meeting to be changed from 18th to 25th June.

W Bro Taylor in recognition of the importance of the evening invited W Bro Plater to act as WM for the rest of the meeting. W Bro Taylor stood down to act as Acting Secretary and Lecture Master. Past Masters W Bro Graeme Reid and W Bro John Wilson stood in as Senior Warden and Junior Warden respectively.

It was W Bro Plater's sad duty to announce the passing of W Bro Les Paling to the Grand Lodge above. W Bro Paling was a stalwart of the Lodge for many years and his commitment and good humour will be much missed.

The main business of the meeting was to initiate Mr Luca Antonio Magnocavallo, who had been proposed by W Bro Wilson and seconded by Bro Chris Elsworth. As Junior Deacon, Bro Elsworth ably conducted Mr Magnocavallo throughout the ceremony.

The ritualists rose to the occasion. W Bro Plater delivered the Obligation with customary authority. Lodge Chaplain and Lodge Treasurer W Bro James Mackman delivered the Secrets to perfection. Similarly W Bro Wilson commandingly presented the Address at the North East Corner. W Bro Wildman presented the Working Tools with his usual flourish.

Altogether Bro Magnocavallo experienced a fine ceremony.

At the risings I gave greetings on behalf of De La Pole Lodge 1605. In addition as a member of Andrew Marvell Lodge I rose as WM Tom Cawkwell gave greetings. Similarly I rose as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 and when W Bro Martin Rowland gave greetings on behalf of Constitutional Lodge 294.

The Lodge was duly closed by W Bro Plater.

The Festive Board was appropriate to the splendour of the evening. In addition to the usual toasts, a special toast was given by W Bro Wildman which reflected on the historical origins of the Lodge and its development since 1929. The delivery of the toast was another high point of the evening.

The Entered Apprentices Song was sung heartily before a Masonic Circle was formed to welcome Bro Magnocavallo. Bro Magnocavallo's response to his toast was warmly received.

Senior Warden Bro Emmanuel Musah, who reoccupied the seat of Senior Warden at the Festive Board, proposed a toast to the visitors before inviting W Bro Steven Stableford, a Past Master of the Lodge who was attending as a visitor, to respond.

WM Taylor returned to the Chair to present his parish notes. The parting toast was delivered at 10.30 pm.

The drama of the evening was not over. On leaving the Masonic Hall a pedestrian was seen to fall outside the building. An ambulance was summoned by W Bro Peter Wright whilst W Bro Reid and Bro Elsworth tried to calm the pedestrian. The ambulance arrived within five minutes. A nasty incident was averted.

The whole evening was worthy of a fine Lodge.

[Pictures: the HOG Lodge logo depicts a stylised Bishop Alcock, Old Boy, with his mitre and crozier, surrounded by Masonic symbols, below the School Badge, which includes the three crowns of Hull. W Bro John Plater is seen with Brother Magnocavallo, the Lodge banner in the background. The other pictures shows some of the visitors.]

Malcolm Forbes




Wednesday 19th June 2024:

A Right Pretty Meeting, Forsooth!

The expression "forsooth" is archaic; used by the Visiting Master Tom Cawkwell when addressing his long-suffering Secretary, it means "in truth" or "indeed" or, in contemporary parlance "to be fair." The occasion was a Daggards' production of Writing the Minutes, where, on the night following a 1765 initiation ceremony, the Right Worshipful Master was trying to assist the Secretary in compiling the minutes. He was joined by his Senior Warden, and the two of them were more succesful in emptying the Secretary's wine decanter than contributing to the literary process.

It was well appreciated by the Brethren and visitors. W Bros Tom Cawkwell (RWM), Craig Maurier (SW)} and Eddie Wildman (Secretary) were appropriately clad in 18th Century costume; the assistant Technician, Neil Armstrong, providing sound effects and operating the screen with images of the 1765 ceremony, conceding the link between twenty-first and eighteenth centuries contented himself with a tricorn and wig.

We were pleased to have the Past Provincial Grand Master in attendance; another visitor, Brother Peter, had travelled from Solihull. Regretably, there were few Phoenix Brethren there. It marks a growing trend in these troubled times, and the Senior Warden asked in AOB before the closing of the Lodge that a committee meeting be arranged to discuss surrendering the Lodge's warrant.

Despite this not unexpected move, it had been a convivial evening in the upper room of the Sailmakers' Arms, in the Old High Street, Hull, and the author of the production thanked the team for their sterling performance - especially Tom, who made his debut appearance that evening. ("Stunning," said one of the visitors.) Congratulations to the Phoenix WM, W Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie for asking the Daggards to perform - be assured that the show will reappear elsewhere later in the year!

(Neil's report is on the KIngston website for this date.)

Eddie Wildman


Friday 14th June 2024:

Second Degree Tracing Board at de la Pole 1605

The Worshipful Master of the de la Pole Lodge 1605, W Bro Peter Frank Clark, is a very softly-spoken gentleman and as I am becoming increasingly deaf, I decided to put in my hearing aids. I was now able to hear him clearly! Unfortunately, all the other sounds were magnified as well; the gavels sounded like pistol shots and the Brethren singing the opening ode sounded like a massed choir. Bro Ian Fuller, standing in as Inner Guard was like a Sergeant on parade. I persevered, now able to hear the Secretary telling us that the minutes had been distributed.

The main business of the evening was to hear a presentation of the 2° Tracing Board by W Bro Martin Clark (no relation to the WM) which had not been delivered in this Lodge for some years. Martin arrived in the nick of time (unlike the previous night - see the article below) and took his place on the dais. The Lodge was opened in the Second Degree, the Tracing Board unveiled, and we were treated to a superb performance. Bro Carl Proctor, Master Mason of Kingston Lodge 1010 was paying close attention as Martin enlarged upon the esoteric aspects figuratively limned and on display; he'd made a special effort to be there and it was his first solo visit. (He gave greetings like a veteran at the end.)

W Bro Martin Clark was applauded for his superb presentation. His performance was all the more impressive as on the previous evening, he'd delivered the 1° Tracing Board to Thesaurus Lodge 2891.

Greetings were given, and the Junior Deacon, Bro Mike Kelly announced he was creating a WhatsApp group for the de la Pole Lodge. This met with warm approval.

I took a photograph of the Clarks before going downstairs. Martin is the taller one.

The braised beef at the festive board was beautiful; I'd removed the hearing aids and was no longer swamped by noise; Bro Fuller sounded normal again! I struggled to hear the WM, however. Perhaps next time I'll just use one hearing aid.

Only two toasts were submitted, and the conversation round the table was vibrant. W Bro John Taylor, having reached the age of eighty-five, was treated to a rendition of "Happy Birthday" by the Brethren. Martin Clark won a bottle of wine in the raffle.

Bro Proctor offered me a lift home, for which I was very grateful. "I'll be able to write up the blog before bed now," I said. And here it is.


Eddie Wildman, organist.


Thursday 13th June 2024:

Even Jove nods

Thesaurus 3891

W Bro Matthew Hunt opened the Lodge with the usual Masonic flight check and his officers responded with equal celerity and efficiency. There were a few substitutions; Bro Pericles, the Junior Warden, was laid low with pneumonia; we wish him well and look forward to his return. There was a message from the guest speaker, W Bro Martin Clark,saying he would be a little delayed, but would arrive shortly. Unfazed, the WM juggled the agenda to accommodate this.

I think it came as a surprise to the Tyler, W Bro Robert Marshall McKenna, to be summoned from his place outside the door of the Lodge to be congratulated by the WM and applauded by the Brethren for his having received the rank of PPJGD at last month's Provincial convocation. "It is an honour to you, but also to the Lodge," said the Master. Elegant in his dark blue and gold, Rob thanked the WM and the Brethren and retired to his post, alert for the late arrival of the Lodge's guest that evening.

The next business was a ballot for a new member, which proved successful, and reports were given. W Bro McKenna knocked to alert the Brethren that W Bro Martin Clark had arrived, and this worthy Brother was admitted, full of apologies.

He barely had time to catch his breath when he was asked to perform, with the explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board. This is a formidable feat of memory comprising an explanation of the features exhibited on the elaborate illustration dedicated to the instruction of Entered Apprentices, and Martin delivered it with aplomb.

This was followed by a nugget about the Toast to Absent Brethren, given by the Senior Deacon, Bro Gary Horth, after which such correspondence as had not been distributed by email was mentioned, hearty greetings extended from the Humber and Ridings Tablers' Lodges, and the Lodge closed by the SW, Bro Neil Tomlin.

I managed to persuade the evening's highlights to stand for a photograph before they retired downstairs. Pictured L to R are W Bro Martin Clark, IPM of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, and Thesaurus members Bro Gary Horth, SD, W Bro Matthew Hunt, WM, and W Bro Rob McKenna, PPJGD.

At the festive board, in response to the visitors toast, W Bro Martin (memory man) Clark made a confession. "I arrived late at the Lodge," he said, "and signed in. Outside the door of the Lodge I was confused - I heard second degree knocks, not the expected first degree. I asked the Tyler to show me his summons and couldn't see my name on it. Then it clicked - I shouldn't be at Beverley Road, I should be at Dagger Lane! I'd turned up at the wrong Lodge. I gave hasty apologies, and hurried here - somewhat later than expected." We smiled sympathetically. There was no harm done. As I'm frequently beset by a failing memory, I could well understand. "Yes, even Jove nods sometimes," I reflected.

It was raining when we left. "Would you like a lift, Eddie?" said W Bro Malcolm Forbes, looking at me kindly. "You are a Charity Steward to the core," I told him. "Yes please."

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Wednesday 12th June 2024:

Initiation at the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 

I was invited to play for my supper at the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 as this ninety-nine year old Lodge was initiating a Candidate this evening, one Mr Charlie Berdin Behag who expressed a wish to join some time ago, but was prevented by circumstances until now. I met him in the bar area before the meeting and he confessed to feeling a little nervous. "That's perfectly normal," I told him. "Everybody here has been initiated; you've nothing to worry about."

L4683 starts at seven, a little later than most in this part of the Province, and had visitors from several Lodges including Andrew Marvell 5642 and Hull Old Grammarians 5129. The Brethren settled in the Lodge Room and the Worshipful Master, W Bro James R D Billaney opened fluently and efficiently. His high standard was reflected by all his team. In due time Mr Behag was admitted, almost properly prepared (the missing slip-on footwear was discretely added a little later) and answered the necessary questions with confidence and style.

There had been some trouble finding items of regalia and other equipment when setting up the Lodge, I noticed. This is not the only Lodge to have experienced this, nor the only building. I thought back to when I'd visited Lodges in Singapore some years ago, where aprons, collars and equipment were mutually shared by all Officers there (the English Constitution on one rail, the Irish on another, and the Scottish on a third) - a sensible arrangement, where equipment was stored for everyone. Grand and District Officers would have their own regalia, and Master Masons could of course buy their own aprons, but the regular items were there for all Officers. No locking away of equipment to deny it to other Lodges - how un-Masonic is that?

Mr Behag was well obligated by the Worshipful Master. The Great and Lesser Lights were explained and the Secrets communicated and Brother Behag showed his proficiency demonstrating what he'd learnt to the Wardens. The Senior Warden invested him with the Entered Apprentice Apron, explaining its significance. Brother Eastburn gave the address at the North East Corner, after which the Warrant was explained (an important piece of ritual which says under which authority we act and places the Lodge historically amongst all others in the Constitution.) The Working Tools were interpreted by the Inner Guard, Bro Caywood and the IPM Bro Matthew Owen delivered the Ancient Charge.

Having been instructed in the Q&As leading to a higher degree, Bro Behag retired to restore himself to his smart suit, and during his absence the Lodge was updated on its centenary preparations, reports were given and correspondance dealt with. The Acting Tyler, W Bro Daragon, gave a report and Bro Behag was readmitted and escorted to sit on the dais. Greetings were given and the HOGs gave notice that their 900th meeting would take place later this month.

The food was beautiful: as I'm allergic to pork Luke the Chef prepared me a poached salmon fillet in an exquisite sauce.

While the Lodge of Saint Andrew has many fine qualities, singing is not one of them and the almost random collection of notes during the Entered Apprentice Song would have produced a scatter pattern if transcribed onto a stave. The song was interrupted by an explanation of the Masonic Chain by the Senior Warden, Bro Will Charlton - this was beautifully done, after which the WM sang the last verse very nicely. The chorus, twice repeated gave a whole new meaning to the term "bunch of keys" but it was performed with gusto and good humour.

The WM gave the toast to the Candidate and Bro Behag responded briefly and eloquently and without a hint of nervousness. W Bro Colin Shields (Andrew Marvell) responded on behalf of all the visitors to the toast proposed by the SW.

It was a happy evening. Congratulations all!

[Stained glass image of St Andrew from the Parish Church in Soham, with the Saltaire (diagonal) cross which is stylised on the flag and arms of the patron saint of Scotland and on the Lodge of St Andrew logo. Below is Entered Apprentice Charlie Behag and the Worshipful Master.]

Eddie Wildman, guest organist


11th June 2024:

Humber Lodge 57 Lodge meeting 

Report by Malcolm Forbes

As I made my way to Dagger Lane Masonic Hall I was joined by Bro Rob Parkinson, who had been unable to attend recent Lodge meetings due to work commitments.

Inside the building, Bro Ben Houghton had resumed his duties as dining steward to collect the dining money after returning from a Mediterranean cruise.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. The meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master Alan Todd, whose company I had the pleasure of being in the previous evening when I attended a meeting of Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696 at the Tickton Grange hotel.

As Junior Deacon I sat alongside stand-in Senior Warden W Bro Richard Smedley, who with W Bro Eddie Wildman, were greeted as Grand Lodge Officers. WM Alan Todd welcomed back Bro Parkinson after his period of absence. Following a report from Inner Guard Bro Matthew Barber, Bro Chris, the Provincial Director of Ceremonies for the evening and member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611, announced the presence of W Bro Derek McKenzie, a member of Lennox Lodge 123, as the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, at the door. A team of Provincial Lodge Officers from Humber Lodge was summoned to escort W Bro McKenzie into the Lodge.

The first substantive business of the evening was to ballot for a potential candidate to be initiated into the Lodge. The ballot was clear.

The main business of the meeting was to hear a talk by Lodge Almoner W Bro David Terry entitled "Masonic Creatures." The talk identified animal life, from the bee to the lion, used in Masonic story telling and imagery. W Bro Terry in his inimitable way drew from his lifetime experience as a veterinary surgeon to embellish his lecture, so he was able to ruminate (no pun intended) for example on a cow's four stomachs. The parallels between the Masonic significance of the animal life and W Bro Terry's storytelling of his encounters with the said creatures was both inspiring and jocular.

After the talk Lodge reports were delivered. In his Almoner's report W Bro Terry reported on another setback for W Bro Mike Potts, following an accident, in his return to health. Unfortunately W Bro Potts had previously been unable to be invested as Junior Warden in Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 and had resigned from the Lodge due to long-term health problems.

In my Charity Steward's report I highlighted the efforts of IPM W Bro Charles Alexander and Junior Warden Bro Ian Douglas in raising £414 at their Whisky Galore stall at the Connaught Court Summer Fayre on 8th June.

The traditional greetings were given. No visitors were present as the representative of the PGM and his DC are technically not visitors despite not being members of Humber Lodge.

At the Festive Board I was fortunate to sit on the top table opposite W Bro McKenzie, whom I had previously met at a meeting of Constitutional Lodge 294 in Beverley in 2023. W Bro Mckenzie had travelled from Northallerton and in his Office of Provincial Grand Charity Steward, replacing W Bro Ian Syddall at the annual Convocation on 11th May, is looking forward to promoting Festival 29. W Bro Syddall, who has now been promoted to Provincial Grand Senior Warden, was unable to attend the Lodge meeting.

In his response to the toast to the PGM, W Bro Mckenzie praised the Lodge for making the evening so enjoyable. The raffle raised £107.

In his parish notes WM Todd reminded the Brethren to book places for the Humber Lodge Ladies Night at the Mercure Willerby Grange Park hotel on 12th October. He also reminded Brethren to attend the LOI on 17th June.

The parting toast was sung by Bro Matthew Barber to conclude an entertaining and informative evening.

W Bro Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


Tuesday 21st May 2024:

Andrew Marvell Lodge welcomes a new member

The WM W Bro Thomas Stephen Cawkwell was escorted into the Lodge by the DC W Bro Richard Green as the Brethren sang the opening ode; he welcomed the visitors and Brethren and opened the Lodge efficiently. A report at the door revealed the DC for the Representative; this was his maiden outing as Provincial DC and his polished head shone under the Lodge Room lights at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. "I'm not follically challenged," he insisted to W Bro LeFevre (who is), "I prefer to be cool, that's all," He announced that representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master that evening was Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Paul Harper, and an escort was formed to bring him in.

W Bro Paul was saluted, the minutes were signed. The WM then announced the main business of the evening, the initiation of Mr Bourne. The Inner Guard admitted him in due and ancient form, and he affirmed that he was uninfluenced by mercenary or improper motives, whereupon the JD, Bro Henry conducted him round the Lodge (to the tune of Dykes' Lux Benigna). Having satisfied the Junior and Senior Wardens (Bros Steve Walker and Ian Fuller) as to his suitablity, he took his obligation as an Entered Apprentice. The WM's measured delivery was impressive, and he explained the three Great Lights in Freemasonry with dignity. The Lesser Lights were explained by the Lodge Treasurer, the newly-promoted W Bro Colin Shields, and the password to the next degree explained in a relaxed, conversational style. Bro Bourne was paying great attentioh, taking it all in. Once again he passed before the Wardens, and Brother Fuller invested him with the Entered Apprentice Apron.

The floor work was good. Of particular note was the Ancient Charge, delivered by the Chaplain, W Bro Hayward, who having recently recovered from surgery entered the room solely for the purpose of enlightening the Candidate and the rest of the Brethren with an overview of how Masonry should influence his conduct through life. He took his departure with equal celerity, and Bro Bourne retired shortly after this to restore himself to his smart suit.

Reports were given after which I had the pleasure of presenting a UGLE certificate; Bro Nigel Henry was then given another certificate marking his 100% success rate in answering the Solomon Questions. As the Solomon Editor, W Bro Harper said he recognised the difficulties surmounted in achieving this second certificate.

After the Lodge closed, I took a photograph of some of the Brethren. The Rep's DC declined. "You're just going to make a comment about the light shining on by head, I know," he said.

Luke's Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding was tasty, and we enjoyed the toasts: W Bro Harper gave greetings from the RWPGM and spoke of the importance of engagement, adaptation and involvement, reiterating the congratulations given upstairs to W Bro Chris LeFevre who continues as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer for the year and W Bro Colin William Shields, promoted from Active Rank to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon.

In response to his toast, Bro Bourne admitted that he hadn't known what to expect, but he hadn't been disappointed, and was looking forward to understanding more about what he'd experienced. The WM presented him with the Book of Constitutions, the by-laws and the 1° ritual.

It was a happy night. Congratulations to Luke and the rest of the Brethren who helped make it such a wonderful evening.

[Photo L to R: Bro Ian Fuller, Senior Warden; W Bro Paul Harper PGJD, Representative; Bro Luke Bourne, Entered Apprentice; W Bro Tom Cawkwell, WM; and Bro Steve Walker, Junior Warden. Photograph of Bro Nigel Henry being presented with his Solomon Certificate by the Solomon Editor, W Bro Paul Harper by W Bro Colin Shields.]

Eddie Wildman, Organist





Monday 20th May 2024:

Holderness Installation

Holderness Lodge 3563 was consecrated in Withernsea in 1912. A nearby site (now used for caravans) afforded the opportunity for the pre- WW1 Brethren from Hull to spend a long weekend by the sea; this, I am told by one of the Lodge's oldest members, was why Monday night was chosen for the meeting dates. I am also informed that while the last train to Hull in the early days was at eleven o' clock, it would not leave Withernsea station on Lodge nights until every last Freemason was aboard. Withernsea was the end of the line, and a turntable was used to point the engine the other way.

Times have changed, and financial issues stimulated the Lodge's move to Beverley Road in Hull in 2012, where it is now comfortably settled. However I still remember with affection travelling out to Queen Street in Withernsea in the 1980s and 90s,  and experiencing the low-ceilinged Lodge Room and battered harmonium. Some of the old faces that greeted me then are still with us, though somewhat older. But the Withernsea air is reputedly the healthiest in the country - as evidenced by the Installing DC, W Bro Rollo Smallwood, who at ninety-one conducted the ceremonial with the authority one would expect of a military veteran. Thus the continuity of the Lodge is secured; traditions, such as the deployment of the traditional terrestrial and celestial globes flanking the pedestal are still happily maintained.

Tonight's meeting was an Installation and well attended with eleven visitors from nine sister Lodges. Brother Danial Ward Marshall, well known as a member of the Minerva Lodge 250, was Master Elect. The Minerva Brethren were well represented - including W Bro Dean Marshall, Danial's father, who later responded on behalf of the visitors. W Bro Tom Cawkwell of L250 (and also WM of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 564, and extended greetings therefrom) was in the illustrious company of his father-in-law, W Bro Chris Brown. W Bro Alan Todd gave greetings as WM of Humber Lodge, and I was pleased to support him. 

Danny had a difficult act to follow: W Bro Darren Wiseman had enjoyed a splendid year in office and raised the already high standard of ritual in the Lodge; (this was remarked upon by the Representative at the Festive Board afterwards; noting that unlike some Lodges where ritual was read - and read badly - Darren had learnt the ceremony from start to finish and delivered it very well, setting a fine example for his Officers.)

At the start, the WM asked W Bros Ben Kelly, Malvin Sharpless and Peter Moore to retire, and on their re-entry be recognised as ProvGDepDC, ProvGTyler and PPGStdB with a salute from the Brethren (and a fanfare from the organ) following their promotions at York the previous Saturday. The newly appointed Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Steve Cox, was unable to be present, but he will doubtless be recognised on a future occasion. "The Lodge," said W Bro Wiseman, "is honoured." The DC for the Representative, W Bro George Dobson of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 then announced that the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro David Burnett, was awaiting entry - an escort was formed for him, and he took his seat by the WM.

Lodge business continued with the signing of the minutes and reports from the Charity Steward, Almoner, Mentor and Royal Arch Representative. The Lodge was raised to the 2° and the nonaganarian Lodge DC presented the Master Elect, Danny Marshall. W Bro Wiseman explained the requirements expected of a WM to Bro Marshall and the Secretary read the necessary qualifications from the Book of Constitutions. Bro Marshall took his solemn obligation as Master Elect, and the Fellow Crafts retired. The Lodge was raised to the 3° and all offices declared vacant, Senior Brethren taking the Chairs of the Principal Officers.

There was a little confusion regarding retiring, but soon resolved; I will not expound on the events taking place in the Board of Installed Masters except to say that Danial Ward Marshall was well installed in the figurative Chair of King Solomon according to ancient custom. As Master he ordered the Lodge lowered through the degrees and the Master Masons and Fellow Crafts were admitted. The WM smoothly appointed and installed his team of Officers. I was allowed the privilege of giving the address to the WM from the West, W Bro Sharpless delivered the address to the Wardens from the North and W Bro Tyson addressed the assembled Brethren from the East. The anthem was sung by W Bro Peter Spencer - and received spontaneous applause.

Two propositions to increase L3563's membership were made, and after the risings, W Bro Marshall efficiently closed the Lodge.

Traditional Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding well satisfied the inner man, and W Bro Ben Kelly, the DC, led the toasts rapidly. The new WM was, I think, a little overawed by the occasion; his toast to the Most Wonderful Grand Master will doubtless be remembered for years to come. Peter Spencer sang the Masters Song following the toast to W Bro Marshall, the Brethren enthusiastically joining in the chorus.

W Bro Burnett extended greetings from the RWPGM, gave advice regarding the Holderness website and dilated on the importance of mentoring before concluding with encouragement for Festival 2029.

The regular toasts were submitted/proposed, and the meeting closed in friendship and harmony. It had been, I reflected, an enjoyable evening in good company - it is a delight to belong to a Lodge which is moving from strength to strength.

[Photographs: Engine on the turntable at Withernsea terminus; L to R: W Bro Ben Kelly, DC, W Bro George Dobson, Rep's DC, W Bro Dave Burnett, Rep, W Bro Danial Marshall, WM, W Bro Darren Wiseman, IPM, Bro Lee Atkinson, JW, W Bro Rollo Smallwood, ADC, Bro Jimmy Kitchen, SW, W Bro James Kelly, Tyler. In the next photograph W Bros Burnett, Marshall and Wiseman are smiling after the splendid ceremony. The centenary banner which hangs in the smaller Lodge Room in Beverley Road shows a figurative representation of the consecrating elements and the farming community in which the Lodge was originally established.]

Eddie Wildman, Organist

Tuesday 14th May 2024:

Humber Lodge Founders Night

report by Eddie Wildman

Humber Lodge 57 was well supported with visitors from south of the Humber; this being Founders Night there was the expected contingent from Pelham Pillar 792 in Lincolnshire, but also from Albion Lodge, number 9 in London.  The WM, W Bro Alan Todd, welcomed the visitors and opened the Lodge at 6:30. I realised at the last minute that our Inner Guard had not yet arrived (his father had told me he was on his way) and slid from the organ stool to the door in time to act out the part of the Inner Guard until Matthew arrived a few minutes later.

There were other stand-ins; both Wardens (a bereavement prevented the SW from being there) and there was some shuffling round of Offices so L57 was a little light on numbers, but the Lodge was opened in due form, a portion of the Ancient Charges read by the Secretary, W Bro Stanley Smith, and the minutes of the last regular meeting confirmed and signed.

The business upstairs was to pass Bro Michael Andrew Barber to the degree of a Fellowcraft. Fortunately the IG, Bro Matthew Barber, the Candidate's son had by now arrived, and was able to whisper "Good luck, Dad," as Bro Michael, now entrusted with the necessary information to be admitted to a FC Lodge, retired to prepare himself for the ceremony, During this time the Lodge was opened in the 2° and  the Almoner W Bro David Terry gave his report.

Bro Matthew reported the readiness of Bro Michael, who having been expertly checked by the Acting Tyler, W Bro Ian Syddall and armed with the essential Password and grip superbly communicated by the Acting Senior Warden, W Bro Richard Smedley, was conducted round the Lodge by the Senior Deacon, Bro Craig Morrison with military precision. He was examined by the Wardens, then after an invocation to the Almighty, obligated by the WM.

W Bro Terrence Fisher communicated the Signs and Password, the Apron was invested by the SW, and the address at the South East Corner of the Lodge given by Bro Matthew Barber. The Lecture Master, W Bro Philip Watts explained the Working Tools and the stand-in Chaplain, W Bro David Terry delivered the Ancient Charge. The ritualists were on good form; Bro Barber may consider himself well passed!

The Q&As were exchanged between the WM and the Wardens and Bro Barber retired to change into his regular Masonic attire while the Lodge was lowered to the 1°. The Charity Steward, W Bro Malcolm Forbes, stood up loftily from his place as JD by the side of the SW and reported on the festival ties and gloves now available for sale, the upcoming Connaught Court Summer Fayre, and made a plea on behalf of the North Ferriby Riding for the Disabled Charity.

A report at the door announced the return of Bro Barber, who took his place in the Lodge as other reports were given. At this point, the Acting Tyler, W Bro Ian Syddal, Provincial Senior Grand Warden, was recognised for the honour awarded him on the previous Saturday: "The highest honour the Province can confer on its Brethren," as the RWPGM had remarked at the Provincial Convocation. W Bro Ian Syddall responded with commendable modesty.

Greetings were given, and as WM of the Phoenix Lodge 9963, W Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie stood, supported by W Bros Smedley and myself, and the Humber Lodge was closed in due form. As W Bro Forbes is also a member of L57 and no longer in the Chair of L5642 he did not extend greetings from the Andrew Marvell Lodge.

Downstairs the IPM, W Bro Charles Alexander gave the toast to the Founders, speaking of the warrant dating from 1756 and the trials and tribulations of the Humber Lodge until the arrival of Bros Crow, Feetham and Eglin who reversed the downward trend and spearheaded the rapid building of a new Lodge building in Osborne Street. Charles quoted from the speech made by the DPGM in 1827 when laying the foundation stone. This building was destroyed by enemy action in 1941 but the Warrant was retrieved. 

The ceremony of the passing of the bag of money between the Masters of the Humber and Pelham Pillar Lodge  took place; on this occasion, W Bro Richard Turville, the WM of L792 took it back immediately. This related to an incident in the past when a sum collected for the formation of the Lincolnshire Lodge was thwarted by the theft of the funds collected by its sponsoring Lodge. The tale has been recited on many Founders Nights.

The toast to the visitors was proposed by the SW, who sang Brethren from the East and West accompanied by the other UGLE officer. W Bro George Langley of the Albion Lodge No 9 in London responded, saying he had never heard this before and was much moved. Like Humber Lodge, Albion is on the Atholl roll - one of the Antient Lodges.

Bro Matthew Barber made his debut as a singer in a lovely performance of Happy to Meet Again after which the WM submitted the parting toast. As ever, we left with the tune still in our heads. Well done, Matthew, Michael, and indeed everyone who took part in this happy Humber anniversary meeting.

[Photos: Matthew and Michael Barber : "You can have my Second degree pinnie now, Dad," and W Bro Ian Syddall, Provincial Senior Grand Warden with the SW's emblem of the level - a symbol of equality - featuring three times on the snapshot.]

 Eddie Wildman, Organist


Monday 13th May 2024:

Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696

Report by Malcolm Forbes

After several years absence I visited the Tickton Grange Hotel to attend the Installation meeting of the Lodge. The Rose Room provided the setting for the Lodge meeting and the Festive Board.

The configuration of the chairs for the meeting meant that initially I made the faux pas of sitting in a chair to be occupied by the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Paul Harper. I swiftly moved to sit alongside W Bro Gavin Collinson, the Secretary of Constitutional Lodge 294.

The Installation of W Bro Malcolm Grange PPGSuptWorks (pictured) was a proclamation ceremony for he was continuing in the Chair as Worshipful Master. Indeed this was to be a third year in the Chair, having previously been WM before his current two years in the Office.

The Lodge tyled at 6.15pm. After the Opening, W Bro Steve Burns, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 and Thesaurus Lodge 3891, was welcomed in as Provincial Director of Ceremonies to announce the attendance of W Bro Harper PJGD. A Provincial team of Officers escorted W Bro Harper into the Lodge room to sit alongside the WM and Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro Brian Baker. W Bro Chris Woodhead, a member of Ridings Tablers Lodge 9586, who will be attending the next Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 meeting on 21st May as Provincial Director of Ceremonies to the representative of the PGM, was also in attendance.

The Installation ceremony was overseen immaculately by Director of Ceremonies and Lodge Secretary, W Bro Kevin Shilcock. WM Grange presided smoothly over the Installation of his Officers. The Lodge Officers pulled together to support him.

It was an emotional evening for WM Grange as he later admitted after the Master's Song was sung to him at the Festive Board by Junior Warden W Bro Roger Lewis.

Following the Installation and Lodge reports a Masonic nugget was delivered.

A proposition was put forward for a candidate for initiation at the next Lodge meeting.

At the risings I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge and Thesaurus Lodge. Also a member of Constitutional Lodge 294 and Humber Lodge 57, I rose as W Bro Collinson and W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of their respective Lodges. All the visitors congratulated WM Grange.

After the Closing of the Lodge the Lodge's fixtures and fittings were put away before the Festive Board could begin.

As the bar did not accept cash, I rummaged around to find my debit card to pay for my drink.

I was honoured to sit on the top table alongside the Worshipful Master. Two other round tables were fully occupied by Lodge members and visitors.

As befitting the hotel the cuisine was of a high standard. A full toast list was submitted /proposed. The toasts incorporated the changes in Rulers made at the annual Convocation on 11th May so that W Bro Martin Eggermont and W Bro Steve Cox, the newly invested Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, were duly toasted.

In the response to his toast W Bro Harper emphasised the importance of the membership challenge, particularly in terms of retention and engagement, which all Lodges must meet. He expressed his enjoyment of the evening and his gratitude to the WM.

In his response to the toast to the Worshipful Master and his Officers, W Bro Baker in his discourse reflected on the close bond between Freemasons and how the Lodge and the WM were working to promote the fraternal relationship between members.

In his reply to W Bro Baker's response the WM recognised the importance of family and friends to the Lodge and encouraged Brethren to attend a White Table celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Consecration of the Lodge. The celebration will take place at the Tickton Grange Hotel on Saturday 23rd November.

I was surprised but pleased to give a response to the visitors toast, which was proposed by W Bro Lewis. There was much to be praised in the way the whole evening had been conducted. The elegant atmosphere of the Rose Room provided the finishing touch to a memorable evening.

In his parish notes the WM thanked everyone present for their support. As Lodge Charity Steward he was also pleased to announce that the raffle raised £100.
It had been a delightful night.

Malcolm Forbes


Saturday 11th May 2024 p.m.:

The Night-Soil Men: Illuminating the Shadows of History

by Neil Armstrong

In the dimly lit streets of Victorian Hull, a group of men known as the night-soil men embarked on their nightly journey, a task essential yet shrouded in the cloak of night.

These unsung heroes, tasked with the collection and disposal of a town's waste, were pivotal to the sanitation and health of the town. Their story, often overlooked,found a voice last night in the hands of the Kingston Daggards trio, bringing to light the tales of these nocturnal labourers.

Lord Bolton Lodge 3263, with W Bro Chris LeFevre in the WM's Chair, didn’t know what to expect when they requested a performance at their meeting, They say there is no better cure to lift the spirits than laughter. It’s like having an emotional colonic. Cleans out all of the stuff and purifies the soul.

And so it seemed, judging by the sniggering, and chuckling at the sight of Mr Obadiah Gibson (Eddie) shuffling along in his greatcoat, scarf, wig, and mop hat. Laughter soon mixed with flabbergasted gawps of shock as he began to tell his tale.

The performance was not just a retelling of historical events but an immersive experience that transported the Brethren back in time, to the flickering gaslit Town of Hull, each new PowerPoint slide adding depth to the storytelling; all under the skilful control of our techie Carl Proctor. Eddie Wildman and Neil Armstrong embodied their characters with such conviction that one could almost smell the musty air and feel the weight of the nightsoil buckets they carried.

The narrative was a blend of personal stories and broader social commentary, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of the night-soil men. It shed light on the importance of their work, which tried to keep diseases like cholera at bay; together with the social stigma and tragedy they faced despite their indispensable role.

As the curtain fell, it was clear that The Night-Soil Men was more than just a short playlet; it serves as a powerful reminder of the resilience and fortitude of the working class, whose stories are often left in the shadows. It is through such researched and artistic endeavours that we can shine a light on the forgotten chapters of our past and appreciate the foundations upon which our modern world is built. Something that Bro Senior Warden Bird remarked upon at the Festive Board, after we had enjoyed the superb three meat buffet prepared by Chef Luke Pyrah.

Carl gave his first ever response to the Visitor’s toast and was fortunate to win a bottle of Champagne at the raffle. An altogether enjoyable evening in the company of the Lord Bolton Brethren.

Neil Armstrong

Saturday 11th May 2024 a.m.:

Convocation at the Race Course

One could not have hoped for a nicer day to travel to York. While I saw many friends there as we hurried to put on our regalia, I wondered how many people were there from Andrew Marvell Lodge. There was W Bro Andrew Peach, always a great supporter; we briefly shook hands on the way to the Voltigeur Suite, where we quickly claimed our places.

The convocation is a yearly gathering where those who have earned honours during the year are recognised. This year was also the launch of Festival 2029 for this Province, and as a new initiative (the RWPGM's matra invokes change) wives/partners joined us after the opening when the Lodge was called off.

I was delighted to be able to applaud W Bro Chris LeFevre still in active rank as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer; he will no doubt continue to visit all over Yorkshire North and East Ridings. W Bro Colin Shields was promoted from Active Rank to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon. "I'm going to miss the team visits," he told me, regretfully.

After appointing his officers a presentation was given by MCF representatives, Les Hutchinson and Howard Wilson, after which the RWPGM addressed the Brethren and Ladies. Two verses of the national anthem were sung before the non-Masonic visitors retired, Provincial Grand Lodge was called back on and closed, and the PGM and his distinguished guests processed out.

Eddie Wildman




Thursday 9th May 2024:

Thesaurus Lodge 3891

Report by Malcolm Forbes

I was one of the early birds to arrive at Dagger Lane and joined Lodge Treasurer W Bro Mike East and W Bro David Harrison in light-hearted conversation. We were soon joined by a good turnout of Thesaurus Brethren and three visitors from Beacon Lodge 3642. The banter and fun were to continue throughout the evening.
The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. After the Opening Hymn was sung to the musical accompaniment of W Bro Eddie Wildman, WM W Bro Matthew Hunt duly opened the Lodge. Stand-ins were W Bro Harrison as IPM, W Bro Garry Millett as Chaplain and W Bro Nigel Bell as Inner Guard.
The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Alan Miller, the younger brother of Junior Warden Pericles (PJ) Miller, to the degree of a Fellow Craft. Brother A Miller was placed in the hands of Senior Deacon Bro Gary Horth and Junior Deacon Bro Carl Moore. He confidently answered the questions put to him as an Entered Apprentice.
After Bro Miller left the Lodge room to be properly clothed for the ceremony, Lodge reports were presented. In my Charity Steward's report I reflected on the absence of Lodge Ambassador W Bro Tony Randle, who was unable to attend the meeting to give a presentation on Festival 29, due to ill-health. W Bro Randle hopes to attend the Lodge at the earliest opportunity to give the presentation and answer questions about the Festival.
Tyler and Lodge Mentor W Bro Rob Mckenna indicated that the presentation of Masonic nuggets would become a regular feature of Lodge meetings. Bro Paul Bridgeman would later deliver a nugget to the Brethren. He also encourged Brethren to attend the monthly Sam Judah Learning Circle Zoom meetings.
On Brother Miller returning to the Lodge room, W Bro Hunt delivered the Obligation of a Fellow Craft Freemason. Amongst the ritualists, Chaplain W Bro Adrian Hayward, who was otherwise unable to act as Chaplain during the meeting for medical reasons, was able to deliver the Charge.
The whole ceremony was most accomplished and reflected well on the Lodge.
Following the ceremony, W Bro Wildman presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Carl Moore in recognition of his status as a Master Mason. The presentation was without equal.
During the risings, W Bro Wildman, as a Grand Lodge Officer, reflected that he had witnessed a beautiful ceremony. W Bro Wildman also gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge 57 upon which I also rose.
WM W Bro Trevor Collinson, the WM of Beacon Lodge, gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge and the two other visitors from the Lodge. In support was W Bro Bell, a member of both Thesaurus Lodge and Beacon Lodge.
The Closing Hymn was sung as the meeting was duly closed.
Downstairs at the Festive Board there was an Oriental flavour to the meal, with spring rolls for the first course and a choice of two Chinese main course options. The meal was most satisfying.
A long toast list was submitted/proposed. The toast to the visitors was proposed by Senior Warden Bro Neil Tomlin. In his response W Bro Collinson contrasted Humber ritual, which Thesaurus Lodge performs, with Emulation ritual which Beacon Lodge performs. He expressed that he had witnessed an excellent ceremony upstairs.
Following the raffle, in his parish notes W Bro Hunt emphasised the importance of social events in maintaining the momentum of the Lodge. He then delivered the parting toast.
On a long walk back to the car on a balmy evening with a raffle prize of a bottle of wine in hand, I was able to look back on a thoroughly enjoyable fraternal evening.

 [W Bro Mckenna's report may be seen on this date on the Humber blog.]

W Bro Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


Wednesday 8th May 2024:

Lodge of St Andrew 4683

Report by Malcolm Forbes
It was time to attend the Lodge of St Andrew, a Lodge I had not visited since 12th April 2023. Before the meeting I was welcomed by IPM W Bro Matthew Owen and other former WMs W Bros Eddie Brook, Paul Bull and Ian Sugarman as well as other Brethren from the Lodge. 
I took my seat in the Lodge room alongside another visitor, Bro Colin Brown, a member of Alexandra Lodge 1511. The other visitor was Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman, who took his seat at the organ. 
The Lodge tyled at 7.0 pm and was duly opened by WM W Bro James Billaney. Stand-ins were W Bro Brook as Chaplain and Bro Paul Marshall as Assistant DC. 
W Bro Bull initially occupied the Senior Warden's chair before Bro William Charlton was invested as Senior Warden. 
A ballot was then held for potential candidate Mr James Walker. The ballot proved successful. 
Following an alarm raised by Tyler Bro Ian Montgomery and Inner Guard Bro Lee Cawood, Mr Walker was led into the Lodge room by Junior Deacon Bro Philip Beadle. 
The whole ceremony, most ably led by WM Billaney, was outstanding. All the ritualists from WM Billaney, who delivered the Obligation, DC W Bro Robert Jackson, who communicated the secrets, Assistant Secretary Bro Craig Eastburn, who addressed Bro Walker at the North East Corner, Bro Cawood, who explained the First Degree Working Tools, Bro Okikiola Imam, who explained the Lesser Lights, and Bro King March De Leon, who was responsible for pointing out the Warrant of the Lodge and presenting the Book of Constitutions and a copy of the by-laws of the Lodge, and W Bro Owen who presented the Antient Charge to Bro Walker, were superb. 
Following the conclusion of the initiation ceremony Lodge reports were presented. Lodge Almoner W Bro Brook reported that W Bro Roy Newton's wife had recently had a triple heart bypass operation. A get well card was later signed by the Brethren at the Festive Board. 
Junior Warden Bro Robert Thirsk reported on the Beverley Road Masonic Hall Directors meeting on 29th April to discuss the future of the Hall, which he had attended. 
W Bro Bull proposed and WM Billaney seconded a potential candidate for initiation at a future meeting. 
During the risings, W Bro Wildman, when giving greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge, remarked that the ceremony had been one of the best he had seen in his thirty-nine years in Freemasonry. As a member of Humber Lodge 57, I rose as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge. I also gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. 
The meeting was duly closed at 8.45 pm. 
The Festive Board was well attended. A long toast list was submitted/proposed. I responded to the visitors toast. Following the singing of the Entered Apprentices song, which was the only off key part of the evening in some cases, a Masonic chain or circle was then formed. Bro Charlton explained the significance of the chain to Bro Walker. Bro Walker then replaced Lodge Secretary W Bro Sugarman in the chain.
Bro Walker responded well to his toast. 
A copy of the Holy Bible and a card signed by the Brethren was the presented to Bro Walker. 
In his parish notes WM Billaney thanked everyone who had made the evening so special. 
It is clear that the Lodge is well placed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of its Consecration next year. A strong team is in situ and will continue in office during the 100th anniversary celebrations. The Lodge has an enviable balance of young and older members, who are taking the Lodge forward and meeting any membership challenges. W Bro Jackson as Area Membership Officer will lead the Lodge and Province well in this regard. 
I was grateful for an excellent evening. As W Bro Wildman had remarked the standard of the ritual was a throwback to former times when ritual was delivered to perfection. The food and the company at the Festive Board topped off a memorable evening. 
[Eddie Wildman's blog may be found on this date on the Humber website.]
Malcolm Forbes



Friday 3rd May 2024:

Brough Lodge 5464

by Tom Cawkwell


On Friday evening I had the pleasure of visiting Brough Lodge 5464 accompanied by W Bros Colin Shields and Malcolm Forbes to witness the raising of Bro Lee Meadows.

I was particularly keen to visit Brough Lodge because despite having grown up just a stone's throw away from the Lodge building in Sutton, I’ve never before visited it. I always enjoy visiting new Lodge buildings and find myself intrigued by the subtle differences between each temple. We are taught in the 1° that pendant to the four corners of the Lodge are four tassels representing the four cardinal virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence, and justice; and in most Lodges these are visually depicted in the four corners of the carpet. In this Lodge however, I was intrigued to see physical tassels hanging from the four corners of the temple ceiling; reminding me that these virtues are to be practised in act as well as in word.

The evening was also election night ahead of their installation meeting in June and it was a privilege to be able to congratulate Brother Tony Christmas, who was duly elected as WME for the ensuing year.

The formalities of electing a Tyler, auditors and lodge committee members, all being completed, the WM moved on to the main event of the evening: Bro Meadows completed his questions and answers impeccably and without prompt, before being led out of the Lodge for preparation. What followed was the first class 3° ceremony with fantastically delivered and heartfelt ritual.

Downstairs at the festive board we were warmly welcomed and well fed . . . perhaps over-fed, as all three of us partook in second helpings of dessert before realising that there was a cheese course to follow!

I was invited to respond on behalf of the visitors and took the opportunity to talk about the recently consecrated Cornerstone Lodge and its upcoming events.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening and I very much look forward to returning soon, although perhaps with a looser fitting belt next time.

W Bro Tom Cawkwell, Worshipful Master



Thursday 2nd May 2024:

Music and Dancing Girls at Beverley Road Masonic Hall

The Holderness and Hornsea Gazette published an article about the Albemarle Probus Club Presidents' Dinner on April 25th at the Beverley Road Masonic Hall, where entertainment was provided by the Green Ginger Garland Dancers, who can be found on facebook should anyone wish to join. Several well-known local Masons were in attendance, including (pictured) President John Ledger along with  James Anderson, Malcolm Macdonald and Darrin Stevens (Holderness Lodge 3563), Chris Lefevre (Andrew Marvell, Invictus 9960 + others) and Malcolm Forbes (Humber Lodge 57 + others) who showed the dancers, musicians and guests around the Lodge Room, speaking about Freemasonry. Ian Montgomery (Lodge of St Andrew 4683) who is never seen without his camera, took some photographs. Thankfully, Malcolm Forbes didn't dance and the building remains intact.

Eddie Wildman



Thursday 2nd May 2024:

Report on Constitutional Lodge 294

float: rightIt was an early arrival at Constitutional Lodge for their Lodge meeting on 2nd May.

Lodge Almoner W Bro Chris Harland had asked Lodge Officers to attend at 6.0 pm so that group photographs could be taken in the Lodge room. The sale of the photographs to the Brethren will raise money for Festival 29.

The Lodge meeting tyled at 6.30 pm. The meeting was well attended with twenty-three Brethren present. Regular visitor W Bro John Bridges, a member of Wilberforce Lodge 2134, and W Bro Duncan Taylor, the Worshipful Master of Hull Old Grammarians 5129, were welcome attendees.

The meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Mike Noble. Following the reading of a by-law of the Lodge and a portion of the Antient Charges by Lodge Secretary W Bro Gavin Collinson, a successful ballot was held for a proposed candidate for initiation.

The Lodge reports were then presented. In my Charity Steward's report to supplement a previously distributed written report I proposed that the

Lodge should make a donation of £150 to the Summer Fayre to be held on 8th June organised by the Friends of Connaught Court. The proposition was duly seconded and subsequently approved. Furthermore, in response to a request for financial assistance from Keldmarsh Primary School, a proposition to donate £100 to the school was similarly seconded and approved.

WM Noble thanked W Bro Harland for his customary thorough Almoner's report.

Following the reports, W Bro Collinson delivered a presentation on the First Degree Tracing Board. The presentation was not only valuable to the Entered Apprentices present but also to the Brethren as a whole.

On finishing the presentation W Bro Collinson then gave a presentation on the historical significance of public houses as meeting places for Lodges. The evolution of Lodge meetings and their atmosphere was much influenced by their presence in public houses. Some Lodges even took their names from the public houses in which they met.

Both presentations were warmly received by the Brethren.

A Past Master's Jewel was then presented by WM Noble to W Bro Andrew Nicholson in recognition of all the work he has done for the Lodge.

At the risings, W Bro Martin Rowland gave Provincial greetings.

The meeting was duly closed.

The Festive Board was a joyous occasion. Two toasts were submitted. The raffle was well supported. Gratitude is expressed to W Bro Bridgers who provided one of the many prizes. The WM delivered the parting toast at 9.45 pm.

Everyone had enjoyed an informative and convivial evening. 

W Bro Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


Monday 22nd April 2024:

Andrew Marvell 5642 Lodge meeting

Report by Malcolm Forbes

I attended the regular Lodge meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. I took a circuitous route due to the continued closure of Drypool Bridge in the company of Bro Chris Wright and Bro Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683, to arrive at the Masonic Hall at 5.45 pm.

On arrival IPM W Bro Chris Lefevre was acting as dining steward to collect the money for the Festive Board as well as the money for the Lodge raffle to be held later in the evening. Altogether there were eighteen Brethren in attendance at the Lodge meeting with fifteen Brethren dining at the Festive Board.

Amongst the visitors was W Bro Dave Duffill, a member of De La Pole Lodge 1605. I was to take my seat in the Lodge room alongside W Bro Duffill.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. The Opening Hymn was sung with musical accompaniment provided by Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman.

WM W Bro Tom Cawkwell duly opened the Lodge. W Bro Lefevre stood in as Chaplain, W Bro Colin Shields stood in as Inner Guard and Bro Ian Montgomery stood in as Tyler. I, along with Bro Wright, Lodge Mentor and Lodge Membership Officer W Bro Barry Longstaff and W Bro Andrew Peach, who was sat alongside W Bro Cawkwell, had watching briefs. Lodge Secretary W Bro John Towler acted as Lecture Master.

Following the raising of Junior Deacon Bro Nigel Henry at the previous Lodge meeting on 25th March, the main business of the meeting was to raise Bro Ian Walker to the sublime degree of a Master Mason.

Bro Walker was placed in the hands of Senior Deacon W Bro Chris Brown and Junior Deacon Bro Henry. Bro Walker confidently answered the questions put to him by WM Cawkwell in the second degree.

The raising ceremony was conducted to the highest standard. Credit is due to the Worshipful Master, Director of Ceremonies W Bro Richard Green and the ritualists for their delivery and performance. W Bro Cawkwell delivered the Obligation. The Communication of the Secrets was presented by W Bro Brown. The Retrospect was performed with due reverence and dignity by W Bro Barry Kensett. As Brethren gathered around, the Historical Oration was acted out dramatically by W Bro Wildman in his inimitable way, followed by an explanation of the 3° Tracing Board. The explanation of the Working Tools was delivered faultlessly by Senior Warden Bro Ian Fuller. W Bro Lefevre delivered the Charge. The questions to which Bro Walker should learn the answers if he wishes to progress into Chapter were answered by SW Bro Fuller and JW Bro Steve Walker.

At the conclusion of the ceremony Bro Walker left the Lodge room to be restored to his usual comforts.

A Masonic nugget was then read out by Bro Henry.

Lodge reports were then presented. Lodge Treasurer W Bro Shields proposed that monies from Lodge raffles should be allocated to Festival 29. This was accepted by the Brethren. Lodge Almoner W Bro Lefevre reported that W Bro Adrian Hayward had been unable to attend but that his health was improving. I, as Charity Steward, reported on the Connaught Court summer fayre on 8th June. The Lodge resolved to make a donation of £50 to this. I also reported briefly on Festival 29 and the Relief Chest scheme for making individual charitable donations. W Bro Longstaff presented a Lodge Mentor's and Lodge Membership Officer's report.

WM Cawkwell addressed Bro Walker on his return to the Lodge meeting on progression to Chapter Masonry.

In the risings W Bro Wildman gave congratulatory greetings on behalf of Grand Lodge. I rose as a member of Humber Lodge 57 as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge. He and I also rose as membes of De La Pole Lodge as W Bro Duffill gave greetings on behalf of L 1605.

The meeting was duly closed and the Closing Hymn sung before Bro Montgomery took some photographs with WM Cawkwell, Bro Ian Walker and the Wardens on the dais and Eddie borrowed W Bro Brown's phone for the photograph above. 

The Brethren met downstairs for the Festive Board at 9.00 pm. It was a merry Festive Board with the tables arranged to form a square. Two toasts were submitted. A bound ritual book produced by Bro Henry was presented to Bro Ian Walker. The raffle and the Lodge's Fifty Club draw were conducted by W Bro Shields.

In his parish notes, WM Cawkwell thanked everyone who had taken part in the ceremony. He also emphasised the importance of attending the Lodge's next LOI in May when there will be a rehearsal for an initiation ceremony which is due to take place at the next Lodge meeting later in May.

The parting toast was delivered by WM Cawkwell.

It had been a thoroughly enjoyable night with a high class ceremony at its core.

[Photo L to R: Bro Ian Fuller, SW; Bro Ian Walker, MM; W Bro Tom Cawkwell, WM; Bro Steve Walker, JW. For Eddie Wildman's account of the evening, see this date on the Minerva Lodge blogpage.]

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


Friday 12th April 2024:

De La Pole Lodge 1605

Report by Malcolm Forbes

On the way to the Lodge meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall I picked up and gave a lift to W Bro John Taylor and Bro Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 and regular visitor to De La Pole Lodge.

There was a buzz before the meeting as the Brethren interacted together. It was good to see the representative of the Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and member of Humber Lodge 57, back in harness as well as his DC W Bro Marcus Whereat, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611, who were both enjoying the fraternity of the Brethren before attending to their duties.

The Lodge meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Peter Clark. Bro Ian Fuller stood in as Senior Warden, Lodge Mentor W Bro Jimmie Kerr stood in as Inner Guard and Bro Malcolm Brocklesby stood in as Lecture Master. I acted as ADC alongside DC W Bro Mike Bastiman.

W Bro Whereat was admitted before an escort of Provincial Officers accompanied W Bro Syddall into the Lodge room. W Bro Syddall took his seat next to the WM in the company of IPM W Bro Phil Cowing, Chaplain W Bro Ben Kelly and Provincial Officers W Bro Peter Robson and W Bro Taylor who were sat either side of the WM.

The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Paul Dickinson. Bro Dickinson was accompanied during the second degree ceremony by Junior Deacon Bro Mike Kelly and Senior Deacon Bro John Holmes.

Bro Dickinson confidently answered the questions put to him on examination as an Entered Apprentice by the WM before the Lodge was raised to the second degree.

Some outstanding ritual was witnessed: Lodge Secretary W Bro Peter Spencer stood in for the WM in delivering the Obligation faultlessly. Junior Warden Bro Graham Thornalley delivered the Secrets with equal facility. The Address at the South East Corner was presented spotlessly by W Bro Ray Platten. Bro Holmes and Bro Aaron Sutherland, who was delivering his first piece of ritual in open Lodge, shared the ritual in explaining the Working Tools of a Fellow Craft Freemason. Both are to be congratulated on their teamwork. The Charge was delivered exquisitely by W Bro Ben Kelly.

Following the ceremony, the Lodge was lowered back into the First Degree.

Grand Lodge Officer and member of Humber Lodge W Bro Eddie Wildman then presented a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Steven Laird in recognition of his status as a Master Mason. The majesty of the evening was further enhanced by the presentation. 

Lodge reports followed.

At the risings W Bro Wildman on behalf of Grand Lodge expressed fulsome praise for the ceremony and its participants. W Bro Wildman also gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge with W Bro Syddall and myself in support. Greetings were also given on behalf of Kingston Lodge 1010 and the Lodge of St Andrew.

Following the closing of the meeting the Brethren gathered on the dais for W Bro Wildman to take photographs.


The Festive Board was resplendent with good food and good company. There were twenty-seven Brethren dining with five visitors from three sister Lodges.

There was a long toast list. In his response W Bro Syddall, on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, commended the Lodge for a fine evening. The visitors song was sung by W Bro Spencer before W Bro Simon Ramshaw, a member of Kingston Lodge, responded on behalf of the visitors. W Bro Ramshaw extolled the value of the fraternal nature of Freemasonry and how this had been embraced by Bro Dickinson.

The raffle raised £131. A separate game giving Brethren the opportunity to win a bottle of whisky and a cash prize also took place.

In his parish notes WM W Bro Clark thanked everyone for a wonderful evening, and W Bro Spencer sang the Parting Toast.

At 10.20 pm it was time to leave. A splendid evening had been had by all.

[For Eddie's report see this date on the Humber blogpage.]

Malcolm Forbes ADC


Thursday 11th April 2024:

That which you seek is here

Report by Malcolm Forbes

I attended the regular Thesaurus Craft meeting at Dagger Lane Masonic Hall. Due to the temporary closure of Drypool Bridge traffic was heavy and parking difficult but I arrived in time. Before the meeting I was able to talk to Bro Gareth Millett, the son of W Bro Garry Millett, who after a break from Freemasonry when like his father he left Andrew Marvell Lodge, has returned by joining Thesaurus Lodge 3891. I was also able to converse with Lodge Chaplain W Bro Adrian Hayward, who is also the Chaplain of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. Despite his ongoing health issues W Bro Hayward was his cheerful self.

The Lodge embraces technology in collecting payments for the Festive Board. With card reader in hand Bro Neil Tomlin, the Senior Warden, was able to collect payments via debit card. Cash payment is still available.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30pm and was opened in due form by Worshipful Master W Bro Matthew Hunt. Stand-ins included W Bro Millett as IPM, W Bro Mark Rudston as Junior Warden and Bro Luke Byron as Inner Guard. W Bro Richard East acted as Director of Ceremonies and Almoner.

In his Almoner's report W Bro East identified both Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson and W Bro Ben Foundling who were unable to attend due to ill-health.

In my Charity Steward's report I highlighted the annual summer fayre organised by the Friends of Connaught Court which will be held on 8th June. The Lodge Committee will determine an appropriate donation to be made by the Lodge. I conveyed the news that W Bro Tony Randle will be the Provincial Lodge Ambassador for Thesaurus Lodge for Festival 29. Lodge Secretary Bro Malcolm Dale will arrange a suitable date for W Bro Randle to attend the Lodge.

The main business of the meeting was to receive a presentation from W Bro Rob Mckenna entitled 'Solomon- Quenching Your Thirst'. W Bro Mckenna explained the scope and uses of the online learning tool and how all Freemasons can benefit from its encyclopedic coverage of topics related to Freemasonry. The presentation included a handout which incorporated QR codes to enable the Brethren to access the Solomon website. The presentation was most stimulating and informative.

Following the presentation WM Hunt asked me as Charity Steward to give a short presentation on Festival 29, which I duly did.
Following the risings, the Lodge meeting was duly closed.

At the Festive Board I sat opposite W Bro Nigel Bell, who had acted as Junior Deacon, and in the company of W Bro Steve Burns, W Bro David Harrison, W Bro Mike East and W Bro Rudston. Lively conversation ensued.

Two toasts were submitted. No visitors were present.

The raffle raised £100.

In his parish notes WM Hunt looked forward to the next Lodge meeting on 9th May when a second degree ceremony is due to take place.

The gridlock in the city centre had disappeared by the time I made my way back to my car for the journey home. The journey to the Lodge meeting had been most worthwhile.

W Bro Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward

Friday 5th April 2024

Brough Lodge 5464

Report by Malcolm Forbes

I visited Brough Lodge as a member of Thesaurus Lodge 3891 in support of Worshipful Master W Bro Matthew Hunt and ten other members of Thesaurus Lodge.

The evening was a special occasion for not only was the Lodge to hold an initiation ceremony but also it was the last Provincial visit of the Provincial Senior Grand Warden W Bro Steve Cox before his promotion to Assistant Provincial Grand Master at the annual Provincial Craft Convocation meeting on 11th May.

Altogether there were twenty-one visitors who along with members of Brough Lodge took their seats in a crowded Lodge Room.

The meeting was duly tyled at 6.30 pm.

Worshipful Master W Bro Brian Fletcher welcomed the visitors before opening the meeting. After the opening, W Bro Ben Kelly, a member of De La Pole Lodge 1605 and Holderness Lodge 3563 who was acting as DC for W Bro Cox, was admitted into the meeting. To a fanfare W Bro Cox and his escort were likewise admitted. W Bro Cox expressed his surprise and delight on his welcome when he took his seat alongside WM W Bro Fletcher.

A portion of the Ancient Charge and a by-law of the Lodge was read out by Lodge Secretary W Bro Mel Harmer, the minutes of the previous meeting held on 1st March were duly confirmed and a comprehensive Almoner's report was delivered by Lodge Almoner W Bro Tony Calvert.

The main business of the meeting was to initiate Mr Paul Young. It had been intended that the Lodge would hold a double initiation ceremony but unfortunately the other candidate was unable to attend due to ill-health.

The initiation ceremony was conducted with the utmost skill and efficiency. An exemplar was the Junior Warden Bro Ashley Laverick who left his seat to deliver an impeccable Address at the North-East Corner. The Lodge Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Andrew Chan presided over a model ceremony.

Following the initiation ceremony, Lodge Charity Steward W Bro Steve Berry delivered the Charity Steward's report in which he reminded the Brethren of the significance of Festival 29, which is due to begin on 11th May.

Greetings from Grand Lodge were given by Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman. In turn, W Bro Cox gave greetings on behalf of the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings. W Bro Alan Todd, the Worshipful Master of Humber Lodge 57, gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge with both W Bro Wildman and myself, as members of the Lodge, rising in support. I offered separate greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. WM W Bro Hunt rose to give greetings on behalf of Thesaurus Lodge.

Following the closing of the meeting, Brethren attended a sumptuous four course Festive Board. One table was occupied by ten members of Thesaurus Lodge with two members of the Lodge being sat in proximity on the top table. The camaraderie of members of Thesaurus Lodge was self-evident throughout the evening.

In his response to his toast as representative of the Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Cox with his usual humour and panache thanked everyone who had made the evening so enjoyable.

Bro Young in his response to the toast to the candidate also made it clear how special the evening was to him.

After the Entered Apprentice's Song had been sung, the Brethren formed a circle, the Masonic significance of which was explained to Bro Young by W Bro John Wilson. The response to the visitors toast was made by W Bro Hunt, who made it clear that all the visitors had appreciated a very special night.

The raffle proved exceptionally lucky for members of Thesaurus Lodge with five members, including myself, winning raffle prizes.

In his parish notes WM W Bro Fletcher thanked W Bro Wildman for adding to the majesty of the evening with his musical accompaniment.

It was indeed a fine evening.

[Photo: Ben Kelly, Tony Christnas, Brian Fletcher, Paul Young, Steve Cox, Ashley Laverick, Malvin Sharpless.]

For the Humber Lodge blog of this event see this date on

Malcolm Forbes, visitor.


Monday 25th March 2024:

Brother Henry becomes a Master Mason

report by Eddie Wildman

It is almost two years ago when Bro Nigel Henry became a member of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, and it was a year after that he was passed to the Second Degree. Today he completed the third side of the Masonic Square by becoming a Master Mason in one of the most impressive ceremonies I have seen for a long time.

When a man takes his 1° he is introduced to the principles of the Craft; in the 2° he is encouraged to examine his life and actions in more depth, building on the foundations previously taught through experience and imitation. In the 3° he turns his mind to more serious issues, participating in a masonic tale which takes him further in self examination, preparing him for the future.

Junior Deacon Bro Henry had learnt the necessary answers to the questions essential for his being admitted to a Master Mason's Lodge, and while he was being prepared for the ceremony, the Lodge was prepared to receive him. On this occasion the Office of Junior Deacon was taken by W Bro Colin Shields. Bro Henry was admitted by the Tyler (Bro Ian Montgomery) and taken round the Lodge Room by W Bros Shields and Chris Brown, giving the password to the Wardens, Bros Fuller and Walker, and was obligated by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Tom Cawkwell.

Meanwhile, the Lodge Mentor, W Bro Barry Longstaff had retired with Fellowcraft Bro Ian Walker: they were looking at the 1° Tracing Board and teasing out the meanings of the articles thereon.

The ritual in the Lodge Room was excellent. Bro Henry was obligated by the WM after which the restrospect, one of the most important Masonic explanations in the canon, was superbly delivered by W Bro Barry Kensett. Interposed within this piece is the Sprig of Acacia, given on this occasion by W Bro John Towler while solemn music was heard in the background. W Bro Chris Brown relinquished his wand to the DC, W Bro Richard Green as he explained the signs of the degree and their symbolic meanings.

Bro Ian Fuller invested Bro Henry with the Master Mason's Apron, with its distinctive three rosettes, after which I had the privilege of giving Bro Henry an account of the Traditional History, and explained the symbolism of the 3° Tracing Board before Bro Ian Fuller gave a faultless rendition of the Working Tools. W Bro Cawkwell delivered the Charge.

Back in the Second Degree, W Bro Longstaff returned with Bro Walker and the Lodge was lowered to the First Degree. Bro Walker had prepared a nugget about the precise meaning of the words "just, perfect and regular" when used masonically which was commendably delivered. The Master took reports and closed the Lodge.

We were sparsely populated, and some Brethren with other duties didn't stay to eat afterwards, but the reduced numbers led to an increased intimacy amongst the Brethren there. There were some surprising periods of silence as everyone was enjoying Luke Pyrah's cooking too much to waste time talking.

It had been a lovely evening, quietly meaningful and fraternal. Congratulations to Bro Henry, and indeed to the Lodge in general for sterling work.

[Photograph of Bro Nigel Henry and WM W Bro Tom Cawkwell by W Bro Barry Longstaff.]

Eddie Wildman


Saturday 23rd March 2024:

Vivat Cornerstone

The Latin word "vivat" means "long live" - "vivat rex" = "Long live the king." But the expression is also one of hope and rejoicing; when used  with a toast, for example, both an acclamation and applause.

It's an ideal expression to use following the consecration of the Cornerstone Lodge which filled the Beverley Road Masonic Hall to capacity. While the consecration ceremony itself was timed to begin at 11:00 (and it was bang on time) Brethren were required to be in their seats for 10:45 (just about) and there had been rehearsals before that - indeed some of the folk there had been there at 08:00 not only to rehearse but to check out and finalise the setting up of the tables in the dining hall from the day before as well as the artifacts in the Lodge. (The corn, the wine, the oil, the salt . . .)


Day before? The planning had been going on for weeks, months and even a year before that. Seeing the texts and WhatsApp messages exchanged from the beginning, and the incremental growth of Bro Steve Walker's idea to promote the learning elements of the Craft amongst like-minded young Freemasons was an indication of the astonishing progress made in a remarkably short time. Conception to consecration - vivat vivat!

A provincial Masonic consecration ceremony of a Lodge is always carried out by the Provincial Grand Master with the assistance of the Active Team of Provincial Grand Lodge Officers. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Dr David Chambers was therefore in attendance with his Sword and Standard Bearers, and others including W Bro Ian Syddall as Provincial Grand Tyler. These officers all participated in the magnificent symbolic ceremonial. The V W Deputy Provincial Grand Master was there, plus Rulers from other Provinces.

A consecration is an act whereby something is seperated from secular or profane use and dedicated to the sacred, here in this time and place the Cornerstone Lodge was essentially built to the honour and glory of TGAOTU.

I shall not dilate on the dignity and symbolism of the ceremony, except to say that the first part, under the auspices of Provincial Grand Lodge, was essentially to build the new Lodge and install its WM, W Bro Barry Longstaff. The second part was for the Officers of the new Lodge to be appointed and installed. Both parts were executed with great solemnity, all present being aware not only of the rarity of the event, but of its accompanying message of inner worth and integrity. Powerful addresses were given to the Master, to the Wardens, W Bros Tom Cawkwell and Alex McCallum, and to the assembled Brethren.

It was impossible to manage a snapshot showing everybody on the dias - even just the consecrating team, members and honorary members struggled to be seen but there was a pause for photographs before the Brethren descended to the dining hall below (and to the bar.)

The festive board (a munificent spread, as we have come to expect from Luke Pyrah, the Chef) had been organised with equal expertise - places marked for those who had opted for cheese or sweet dessert, or with particular dietary requirements. Drinks had been ordered at the bar in advance and in were in place for the thirsty diners. The Installing Officers and distinguished Brethren were seated amongst the rest of us and the food was served by members of the Provincial Stewards Team (who had been on duty from before the beginning, directing drivers to places in the car park (which was very full.)) The Brethren were more relaxed, and the conversation flowed as freely as the wine, but there was still a great sense of the importance of the occasion, and when in his response to the toast to the Master W Bro Longstaff remarked he felt humbled by the occasion many heads nodded in agreement, including mine. It was an honour to be there.

I was delighted as an honorary member of the Andrew Marvell Lodge to see so many L5642 Brethren there, not only the WM W Bro Tom Cawkwell as SW, Lodge Mentor Barry Longstaff as Primus Master and JW Steve Walker, but W Bro Colin Shields, Chris Brown, W Bro Chris leFevre as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer and others as visitors. There were lots of visitors from all over the Province and beyond.

The toasting at the Cornerstone festive board is accompanied by "vivats", and reinforced with firing glasses. The procedure was demonstrated and led by the Lodge DC, W Bro James Ashby-Kelly, and the acclamation of one hundred-plus Brethren in the final toast was louder than a brass band fanfare. Vivat!

Eddie Wildman, Hon. member


Saturday 16th March 2024:

Visit to the  Technical Lodge 5666 

report by Malcolm Forbes

I visited Technical Lodge for the first time since the Installation meeting on 11th November 2023.

Following a discussion with Bro Steve Walker, the Junior Warden of Andrew Marvell 5642, after the  Lodge of Instruction on 11th March, I resolved to join him at the regular Technical Saturday night Lodge meeting.  Steve is the Junior Deacon there. I made the right decision.

I arrived at Beverley Road Masonic Hall at 5.45 pm and was soon engaged in friendly conversation with the Brethren. The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. The Worshipful Maste,r W Bro Ian Parkinson welcomed me as a visitor.

In his salutations Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman explained the distinction between a Grand Lodge Officer and Grand Lodge members.

The main business of the meeting was to pass Bro Ken Wright to the Second Degree. Bro Wright was conducted most capably through the ceremony by Bro Walker, the Junior Deacon, and Bro Michael Andrew, the Senior Deacon.

All the ritualists deserved commendation. Amongst the ritualists, W Bro Wildman presented the Second Degree Working Tools impeccably.

WM Parkinson presided over the ceremony with distinction aided by his affable nature.

The Lodge reports followed the ceremony. The Brethren approved a donation of £250 to Dove House. W Bro Philip Daniels, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dove House, expressed his gratitude for the donation. Later a notice of motion was put forward to make a donation of £300 from the Charity accounts to Beverley Male Voice Choir, who had entertained the Lodge at the Christmas Lodge meeting in December 2023.

Stand-in Lodge Secretary and Lodge Membership Officer W Bro Steve Berry reported two potential candidates were awaiting interview by members of the Lodge Committee with a view to initiation into the Lodge. He also read out a letter from W Bro Alan Shand, Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Beverley Road Masonic Hall Ltd, outlining the financial issues affecting the building and the potential impact for Lodges which meet there.

In the risings, W Bro Wildman responded on behalf of Grand Lodge and subsequently Humber Lodge 57. As a member of Humber Lodge I rose in unison when Lodge greetings were given. I also gave greetings with Bro Walker on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge.

The Lodge meeting closed at 8.30 pm.

At the Festive Board I sat at the top table alongside Lodge Almoner Bro Bill Turner-Bone. As I am the Lodge Almoner of De La Pole Lodge 1605 the two of us had much in common to talk about.

The meal at the Festive Board was a culinary delight. Praise indeed to Chef Luke Pyrah and his staff!

An extended toast list was submitted and proposed. At the request of the Worshipful Master and the Senior Warden Bro Ash Versali I accepted the invitation to respond to the visitors toast. The visitors song was sung before my response, in which I commented on the joyous nature of the evening. It is clear that Technical is a progressive Lodge with its members being fully committed to ritual as well as enjoying their Freemasonry.

Before delivering the parting toast, WM Parkinson in his parish notes reflected on a memorable evening which had brought the best out of the Lodge and its members. The parting toast was delivered at 10.0 pm.

Eddie Wildman's comments for this date can be found on the Humber website blogpage.

Malcolm Forbes

Thursday 13th March 2024:

Thesaurus 3891 Installation

report by Malcolm Forbes

On route to Dagger Lane Masonic Hall I gave a lift to W Bro Chris Lefevre, the IPM and Lodge Almoner of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, who as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer was attending the meeting as part of the Provincial team. Under W Bro Lefevre's guldance I found a parking space on South Church Side outside Hull Minster within a few hundred yards of the Masonic Hall.

On arrival we were greeted by the Brethren present and welcoming tea and coffee was available.

The meeting tyled at 5.30 pm. I took my seat in the Lodge Room between W Bro Peter Stokes, the Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St Michael 7833, and W Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie, the Worshipful Master of Phoenix Lodge 9663.

Outgoing Worshipful Master W Bro Adam Watson duly opened the Lodge meeting.

After the opening, a strong Provincial team was escorted in headed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master the Very Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith. He took the gavel from WM W Bro Watson and introduced the team which included the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Chris Thomas. Another ruler in attendance was Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson, a member of Thesaurus Lodge 3891.

W Bro Steve Burns, who was invested as WM of Thesaurus Lodge in 2022, formed part of the Provincial team. Also included in the Provincial team was W Bro Colin Shields, the Treasurer and Lecture Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge.
The meeting was further enhanced by the presence of Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro David Burnett.

Unfortunately, Chaplain W Bro Adrian Hayward, who is also Chaplain of Andrew Marvell Lodge, was unable to attend the meeting. W Bro John Watson, the father of outgoing WM W Bro Adam Watson, stood in as Chaplain.

Before the Installation of Bro Matthew Hunt into the Chair of King Solomon, Lodge reports were presented. As Lodge Charity Steward I gave a short verbal report on Festival 29 to accompany the written report previously sent to Brethren by Lodge Secretary Bro Malcolm Dale.

The Installation of Bro Hunt and his Officers was conducted most ably by WM Watson with the assistance of the Installing Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Richard East. The Inner Workings and the placing of W Bro Hunt into the Worshipful Master's Chair merited praise.

The Installation of Officers reflected both youth and experience. Bro Neil Tomlin was invested as Senior Warden. Bro Pericles (P J) Miller was invested as Junior Warden. W Bro Mike East replaced Bro Tomlin as Treasurer.

I was invested again as Charity Steward.

he Address to the Master was delivered by the Deputy PGM. The Address to the Wardens was presented by W Bro Wildman and the Address to the Brethren was spoken by W Bro Johnson. All three Adresses were delivered to the highest standard. W Bro Paul Ralph, a member of Alexandra Lodge 1511, sang the Master's Song, and provided vocal accompaniment to the music played by W Bro Wildman when Lodge Brethren perambulated around the Lodge room as the Lodge was lowered from the third, through the second, to the first degree.

WM Hunt thanked the Installing Officers and IPM W Bro Watson for the hard work and professionalism in the organisation of the Installation.

I stood up as a member of Humber Lodge 57 in conjunction with W Bro Wildman as he gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge. All the greetings from the visitors, who included a Provincial member from the Irish Constitution, commended the Installation.

Following the close of the meeting and the singing of the Closing Hymn, photographs were taken of the Provincial team alongside the Lodge Officers.

The Festive Board was well attended with forty-five diners, including twenty-one visitors from fifteen sister Lodges. I was in distinguished company as I sat between W Bro Wildman and Bro Stuart Gamble, both members of Thesaurus Lodge. Directly opposite me was W Bro Shields, who was sat between W Bro Burns and W Bro Mark Rudston, whom Bro PJ Miller had replaced as Junior Warden.

To facilitate the Festive Board, the early toasts to the King and the Grand Master and the third toast to the Grand Officers were submitted before the meal was served. The four course meal satisfied the taste buds and appetites of the Brethren. On resumption of the toasts a full toast list of ten toasts was completed.

In his response the Deputy PGM recognised the strengths of Thesaurus Lodge. The Lodge has thirty-one subscribing members, with an average age below that of other Lodges in the Province. The Lodge is looking to the future as it encourages its younger members to take up Office and engage in Lodge activities.

The toast to the WM and his Officers was proposed eloquently by Lodge Mentor W Bro Rob McKenna. In his response WM Hunt thanked everyone who had helped him since his initiation in 2015 and promised to work hard to promote the Lodge during his year in the Chair.

W Bro John Watson proposed an emotional toast to the IPM, his son W Bro Adam Watson, and his team of Officers.

The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro David Morton, the WM of the Lodge of St Germain 566 in Selby. From the handshakes he received on arrival to the ritual and Festive Board, W Bro Morton was highly complementary of the evening.

The raffle raised £245, which will go to the Lodge's Charity Account.

The Worshipful Master delivered the parting toast.

I accompanied W Bro Lefevre back to my car and drove him home in the knowledge that the evening had been well spent.

Malcolm Forbes
Charity Steward


Wednesday 13th March 2024:

 Latest Initiation into the Oldest Lodge in Hull

 by Malcolm Forbes, Invited Guest


It was good to catch up with the Brethren of Minerva Lodge, many of whom I know through membership of Minerva Chapter 250, Minerva Mark Lodge 250 and Minerva RAM 12TI. I had only confirmed my attendance some forty-eight hours before the meeting through Lodge Secretary W Bro Tom Cawkwell, the Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. Unfortunately, Assistant Secretary W Bro Chris Brown, who also holds the Office of Senior Deacon in Andrew Marvell Lodge, was unable to attend the meeting.

Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman was also unable to attend due to his attendance at Grand Lodge for a Quarterly Communication meeting in London. As a member of Humber Lodge he had accompanied another member of L57 to the meeting at Grand Lodge.

In addition to the Lodge's own Brethren, there were visitors attending Dagger Lane from the Province of West Wales, the Province of Cornwall and the Province of Lincolnshire.

Minerva Lodge is proud of its history, tradition and ritual and the warm welcome it gives with much justification. The Lodge now meets nine times per year on the second Wednesday of the month, with Minerva Chapter meeting on the second Wednesday of the month three times per year when Minerva Lodge does not meet.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30 pm. Stand-in Worshipful Master W Bro Kevin Marshall duly opened the Lodge.

The main business of the meeting was to initiate Christopher Milner, who had been proposed by W Bro Danny Betts and seconded by W Bro Richard Theaker on 13th December 2023 and balloted for on 10th January 2024.

Stand-in Junior Deacon Bro Simon Tompkins ably conducted Mr Milner through the initiation. Director of Ceremonies W Bro Theaker ensured the ceremony was conducted to the high standards associated with Minerva Lodge.

The working tools were presented to Bro Milner by Bro Ian Hill, a member of Zetland Lodge 1071 in the Province of Cornwall. Bro Hill had known Bro Milner for some forty years since their time together serving in the Royal Navy. Bro Hill's ritual along with that of the other ritualists was exemplary.

Following the initiation, Lodge reports were delivered: Lodge Charity Steward and IPM W Bro Dave Green highlighted Festival 29 and how Brethren can donate to the Festival in his report. In his Treasurer's report, Organist and Treasurer W Bro Graham Miles reviewed the Lodge's finances and indicated that due to rising costs which Lodges have to meet it would be necessary to propose a notice of motion at the Lodge's meeting in May to increase the annual membership subscriptions. In his Royal Arch Representative's report W Bro Tadeusz Krawczyk reported that the Chapter had increased its membership significantly in contrast to other Chapters and that an exaltation ceremony is due to take place at the next meeting on 10th April 2024.

In giving greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge, in common with other visitors, I was pleased to congratulate WM Marshall and his Officers on the excellence of the initiation ceremony and the meeting.

Upon closing the meeting the closing hymn was sung.

The Festive Board was attended by twenty-four Brethren. I took my place next to Junior Warden Bro Kurt Crawford and Lodge Almoner W Bro Malcolm Sharman and opposite to Bro Tompkins.

The three course meal was well appreciated. WM Marshall delivered a long toast list. Bro Hill proposed the toast on behalf of the Candidate. Bro Milner delivered his response with conviction indicating the significance to himself and his family of what Freemasonry and joining Minerva Lodge meant to him. The Apprentice's song was sung with gusto.

The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro Nick Hammond, a visitor from the Province of Lincolnshire and who was accompanied by other members of his Province. It was clear that the visitors had thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Following the parting toast the Brethren dispersed. I made my way to the car in the company of Chaplain W Bro Mike Ogram, thankful for the personal invitation to attend the meeting I had received from W Bro Cawkwell.

[Photographs: Bros Ian Hall L1071 and Christopher Milner L250; The EPs, DC W Bro Richard Theaker, W Bro Kevin Marshall, Bro Milner and Masonic friends from outside the Province by Tom Cawkwell.]


W Bro Malolm Forbes, Visitor



Monday 26th February 2024:

Andrew Marvell Lodge and the 2° Tracing Board

report by Malcolm Forbes 

Having missed January's Installation meeting due to cricket tours to India and Sri Lanka, it was good to return to the fold by attending the meeting. Change is afoot at Andrew Marvell Lodge with three members who joined the Lodge in January, namely Bro Steve Walker, W Bro Chris Brown, and W Bro Barry Longstaff, taking up the Offices of Junior Warden, Senior Deacon and in W Bro Longstaff's case Lodge Mentor and Lodge Membership Officer respectively. 
In addition to Lodge Brethren, there were four visitors from Minerva Lodge 250, Holderness Lodge 3563, the Lodge of St Andrew 4683, and further afield, the Lodge of Air Unity 7445 in the Province of Middlesex, bringing the total number attending the meeting to twenty-one. Sixteen Brethren would later dine.
The Lodge tyled at 6.30pm and was duly opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Tom Cawkwell.
After the Lodge Secretary W Bro John Towler read a portion of the Ancient Charges and a By-law of the Lodge, WM Cawkwell invested those Officers not present at the Installation, namely W Bro Malcolm Forbes as Charity Steward and Bro Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew and regular visitor to Andrew Marvell Lodge, as Tyler. 
The minutes of the Installation meeting held on 22nd January were then confirmed and approved. In relation to correspondence, W Bro Towler read out a thank you letter from one of the Lodge widows who had received an annual Christmas cash gift from the Lodge. 
WM Cawkwell then presented a Past Master's Jewel to W Bro Forbes. 
On a busy night WM Cawkwell then presented a Book of Constitution, Masonic Bible and Solomon certificate to Fellowcraft Bro Nigel Henry and a Book of Constitution and Masonic Bible to Fellowcraft Ian Walker.
The main business of the meeting, a presentation from WM Cawkwell to explain the 2nd Degree Tracing Board then followed. The delivery of the presentation was outstanding and elicited much praise from those in attendance. The interaction between WM Cawkwell and his audience was particularly noteworthy. 
Bro Henry then delivered a Masonic Nugget, which illustrated his commitment to Freemasonry. 
The first Lodge report to be delivered was by Treasurer W Bro Colin Shields, who presented a comprehensive set of yearly Lodge accounts for consideration and approval. The accounts were duly adopted. 
Lodge Almoner W Bro Chris Lefevre, who also stood in for W Bro Adrian Hayward as Chaplain, then presented the Almoner’s report. W Bro Lefevre commented that it was good to see W Bro Barry Kensett in attendance. W Bro Kensett had received a lift to the meeting from W Bro Andrew Peach.
In the Charity Steward's report W Bro Forbes reported on the Lodge Relief Chest in the context of Festival 29. Brethren were encouraged to sign up to make regular donations through the Relief Chest scheme and to the Festival. Festival Jewels and ties which can now be purchased and worn with immediate effect at Lodge meetings. 
In his Mentor's report W Bro Longstaff gave due credit to Bro Henry for the work he had done in the module to obtain the Solomon certificate he had received earlier in the evening. 
A proposition for a candidate to become a member of Andrew Marvell Lodge was then proposed by Bro Steve Walker and seconded by WM Cawkwell. The potential candidate has come through the Provincial membership scheme and the Area Membership Officer. 
In the risings, Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman when giving greetings on behalf of UGLE duly praised the Worshipful Master for an excellent presentation and evening, As a member of Humber Lodge 57 I stood with W Bro Wildman as he gave greetings as a visitor on behalf of Humber Lodge. 
After the meeting was closed in due and ancient form the closing hymn was sung.
The layout of the tables at the Festive Board in the form of a square encouraged open conversation amongst the Brethren. The three course meal was again of the highest standard. Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Richard Green, ensured the smooth running of the Lodge meeting upstairs and at the Festive Board. Senior Warden Bro Ian Fuller, welcomed the three visitors who were able to attend the Festive Board, and invited Bro Sunil Lad, a member of the Lodge of Air Unity 7445, to  reply on behalf of the visitors. In his first such response Bro Lad spoke with clarity and assurance. 
Following the raffle the Worshipful Master (pictured) in his parish notes reminded the Brethren to attend the next Lodge of Instruction on 11th March when there will be a rehearsal for two forthcoming third degree ceremonies at the March and April Lodge meetings. The WM thanked Margaret Shields, the wife of W Bro Shields, for the setting of the tables. He then delivered the parting toast. 
It was good to see everyone leaving with smiles on their faces after a thoroughly enjoyable evening. 
I drove home in the company of Lodge member, Bro Chris Wright, and Bro Montgomery reflecting on positive times for the Lodge. 
Malcolm Forbes 
Charity Steward 


Saturday 24th February 2024:

Phoenix Installation

report by Eddie Wildman

It was the best weather we'd had for ages, the sky cerulean and cloudless and the sunshine encouraging the more timid winter venturers to step out and enjoy the early promise of Spring. An auspicious beginning, I thought, for the Installation of Peter Kenyon-Brodie into the Chair of Phoenix Lodge 9963.

For the fourth time in the week I had the privilege of travelling with a Worshipful Master in the Driver's seat; this time W Bro Alex McCallum PPStdB, WM of the Phoenix Lodge 9963 who lives nearby picked me up and we headed to Dagger Lane, where the installation was to take place. When we arrived, a number of Brethren were already there, with W Bro Danny Betts PPAGDC setting out the dining tables, Secretary Antonio Ramirez PPAGStB placing the register on the Lodge Room landing and the DC Elect, W Bro Richard Smedley AGDC making last minute checks that all was in order upstairs and down. Grateful thanks go to Humber Lodge for granting permission to use the collars and cuffs and Lodge items for the occasion. Four members of Humber Lodge also belong to Phoenix. The Andrew Marvell Lodge was there represented by myself and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Tom Calkwell.

In April, June, September and November the Phoenix Lodge meets in the Sail Loft of the Sailmakers Arms in Hull's Old Town. A working man's Lodge, it offers the opportunity four times a year for the Brethren to convene at a later hour than usual and enjoy their Masonry above a hostelry without the strict formality of Lodge meetings elsewhere, though the ceremonies are of course taken seriously. To accommodate those arriving straight from work, the dress code is more relaxed, and the absence of a formal festive board afterwards makes it possible for those Brethren with wives and families at home to get away earlier. The Lodge is set up in the ancient way, with the principal officers around a table,

The Phoenix Installations, however, follow a different protocol. Held in a regular Masonic Hall (in this case, Dagger Lane) the Lodge is opened in the regular fashion, but the ceremony of Installation cuts no corners. In this instance, the Installing Master was W Bro Alex McCallum, under the formidable directorship of W Bro Richard Smedley. I played the organ at the opening, double-tasking as Inner Guard (whoops, that was an oversight) until taking on the role of Installing Chaplain for the Inner Workings.

Alex, splendid in the tricorne worn by the WM, opened the Lodge smartly in due form after the visitors were vouched for. A report at the door announced that W Bro Jimmy Kerr PPSGW requested admission; this worthy Brother informed the Lodge of the presence of the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Tony Dyer, Provincial Membership Officer. An escort was formed for W Bro Dyer to enter the Lodge Room and take his seat by the WM. It was pleasant to see the room full. The minutes were signed, reports were given and the Entered Apprentice retired. The Lodge was raised to the 2°, W Bro Stanley Smith PPJGD took the Chair of the Junior Warden and Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie was presented and obligated as Master Elect, the duties expected of him announced in Open Lodge. The Lodge was opened in the 3°, all offices declared vacant; the retiring Officers returned their collars and saluted W Bro McCallum for the last time. Those below the rank of Installed Master departed for the time being.

The Inner Workings must remain a mystery along with the Working Tools of an Installed Master, but W Bro McCallum installed Peter into the figurative Chair of King Solomon with great panache, presenting the tricorne to him with a flourish. (The photograph was taken afterwards. It's not permitted to take photographs while the Lodge is in session.)

The Brethren readmitted, the Working Tools of the three degrees were presented by Bros Mark Starkey, Kieran Newton and Alistair Kenyon-Brodie. Worshipful Brother Peter Kenyon-Brodie appointed and invested his Officers. I was privileged to take the Office of Senior Warden; Peter's son, Alistair, was appointed Junior Warden.

The address to the WM was given by W Bro Tony Dyer, that to the Wardens by W Bro Stanley Smith PPJGD, and that to the Brethren by W Bro John Stanley Broughton PPJGW.

At this juncture the SW leapt out of his seat to that on the organ to accompany W Bro Smedley for the singing of the Masonic Anthem. The Brethren joined in the choruses magnificently.

W Bro Peter closed the Lodge in due form.

There was a brief pause for photographs; let me here thank Bros Kelly and Stokes for their contributions!

Despite the sunshine outside it was somewhat nippy in the Lodge Room and the Brethren were looking forward to stretching a little before settling down to the Festive Board. I was in the Senior Warden's Chair, of course, but handily close to the keyboard.

Bro Martin Lauer, the Chaplain, had selected excellent graces for before and afterwards, and we tucked into our Prawn Cocktail, Roast Lamb and Treacle Sponge with relish. W Bro Richard Smedley moved the toasts along swiftly. Instead of the usual National Anthem, the Phoenix Lodge uses the old Here's a Health unto his Majesty, a popular loyalist song in the the time of Charles II - it dates from about 1670. The words were printed for the Brethren to join in - and they soon got the hang of the "Fa la la la" interjections - rising from the ashes, the Phoenix Lodge happily combines old and new. There's no keyboard in the Sailmakers, so our songs there are performed a cappella.

The regular toasts followed. Despite his confessed nervousness, Peter submitted the toasts with style, and at toast five skilfully introduced W Bro Tony Dyer; the two characters have interests in common, including flying, cliff climbing and Charitable work.

W Bro Dyer responded, without notes and at length. As Provincial Membership Officer he said that the Working Man's aspect of the Phoenix Lodge was a positive aspect and should be promoted, but that since Covid, Freemasonry has suffered unacceptable losses. He dilated on the Pro Grand Master's measures to counter this and was pleased to remark that the trend was being reversed. He backed up his argument with persuasive figures. However, he added, it was important that only suitable men are brought into the Craft. 

He enlarged on the duties of the Membership Officer's team, and the process by which requests made by letter or on line are dealt with; the "vetting procedure" and the duty of individual Lodges to ensure that suggested Candidates are the right people for them.

He went on to stress the importance of retention and the care that should be exercised not only to welcome new Brethren but to keep them interested and involved. "They should be 'fit and proper persons,'" he remarked, referring to the familiar ritual. The Office of Mentor came under close scrutiny. His response lasted nearly forty minutes.

As Scotland and England were playing in the Calcutta Cup that afternoon some Brethren politely took their leave at this point. Richard and I decided we would omit some of the songs we had intended to include. The next toast was to the new Worshipful Master - and I enjoyed proposing this: I've known Peter for over thirty years and I was genuinely delighted to see my good friend receiving the highest honour a Lodge can bestow on any of its members. The Worshipful Master's Song followed, and Peter, a little emotionally at first, (such is the power of the song, especially when as well delivered as by Richard Smedley,) responded with an apocryphal story of me falling through his loft floor and landing on a water bed. It didn't quite happen the way he told it. He thanked all his officers and looked forward to an exciting year of Masonic involvement, building on the strengths of the Brethren. "It's not all about ritual," he said, "though we will all do our best. But every Brother has his individual strengths and we want to build on these." He said he intended to make visits elsewhere, continuing to raise the Lodge's profile, and encouraged the Phoenix Brethren to join him in these.

Antonio Ramirez made a beautiful speech extolling the work Alex McCallum had done to uphold the standards of the Phoenix Lodge, and Alex's humble and sincere response was equally eloquent.

Junior Warden Alistair Kenyon-Brodie gave a word-perfect toast to Absent Brethren, I saw his dad smiling proudly.

I proposed the toast to the visitors. W Bro Peter Stokes, Master of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 responded with commendable brevity. The Tyler's Toast was submitted by that stalwart of the Lodge, W Bro Danny Betts, after which it was time to leave. Not having the alcoholic capacity of some of the younger Brethren, I declined the invitation to watch the rugby in a local hostelry, and left with W Bro Crozier - IPZ of the Old Hymerian Lodge 6885. The sun was still shining.

What a splendid day.

Well done, Phoenix Lodge, one and all.

Eddie Wildman, SW


Friday 23rd February 2024:

Chapter and Verse

report by Mike Price

The Wyke Millennium 9696 daylight Chapter meeting at Beverley Road Masonic Hall saw E Comps Craig Maurier, Stephen Ives and Alex Hoggard as Z, H and J. Following the confirmation of the minutes of the last regular meeting, the morning was devoted to a presentation of the Chapter banners and ensigns, extended to cover the background given in the Old Testament, under the direction of E Comp Bazza Longstaff and delivered by members of C9696.

It was a thoroughly interesting morning, providing information not usually available – it merited greater support.  After closing the Chapter, we enjoyed a hearty lunch of soup, shepherd’s pie and treacle sponge rather than the usual buffet, with the expected convivial conversation.  There are many worse ways of spending a Friday morning!

E Comp Michael Price



Monday 3th February 2024:

Perfection - Humber Installed Masters 2494

report by Eddie Wildman

The members of this ancient Lodge, as its name suggests, have all been through the Worshipful Master's Chair elsewhere, and the installation of W Bro William Glanville PAGDC marked the beginning of its 131st year of ceremonies. It was a magnificent turnout: the RWPGM and his provincial army, complete with Banner Bearer and Sword Bearer added gilt to the gingerbread - there was a lot of gold braid on display.

The outgoing WM, W Bro Philip Daniels PPSGW had confided that he was concerned about retaining the necessary ritual for the evening. It didn't show, however. From the first stroke of the gavel he was in magnificent control, with no hint of nervousness; the ritual was perfect, measured and clearly audible. Philip relinquished the Chair to the RWPGM W Bro Dr David Chambers as the Provincial Team took its collective seat, and after resuming the gavel, thanked the boss and everyone else for being there and hoped for an enjoyable evening.

A portion of the Ancient Charges was read; the minutes signed. R W Bro Jeffrey Gillyon gave a moving eulogy for the late John Bridger, TD PGStB. W Bro Bridger was WM of L2494 in 1984.

There being nobody present below the degree of a Fellowcraft, the Lodge was impeccably raised to the 2° and the Installing DC, W Bro Richard Smedley PAGDC (who had taken on the role with only three days' notice) presented the Master Elect, W Bro William Glanville PAGDC, who took his first obligation.

(Until the 18th Century there were only two degrees in Craft Masonry: EA and FC. The WM was elected from the Fellowcraft rank, which signified he had passed his Apprenticeship and was now a qualified Craftsman. This tradition persists today, though in the Humber Installed Masters' Lodge, the only people below the rank of an Installed Master were visitors.)

W Bro Daniels opened the Lodge in the 3°. It was interesting to see the variety of ways in which the Brethren stood to order; different Lodges have different traditions. These variations are part of the rich tapestry of the Craft - looking round the assembled company from the Organist's stool I felt a frisson of pride at being part of this rich tapestry.

All those below the rank of an Installed Master were asked to leave at this stage (there was only one, Bro Steve Walker, who will be mentioned again later) after which W Bro Daniels declared that the convocation now constituted a Board of Installed Masters. As W Bro Glanville had experienced the ceremony on more than one occasion previously, it was not necessary to perform the ritual in full, but he was beautifully obligated and installed with flawless ritual.

The Working Tools of an Installed Master were presented by V W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith and the Warrant was presented by the IPM. (Often regarded as a lesser piece of ritual in the 1°, the Warrant is important, authorising the holding of meetings and embodying the Lodge's history, showing to whom the Lodge is indebted for its existence. The Humber Installed Masters Lodge also holds a Centenary Warrant. The entrusting of the Lodge's certification to each Worshipful Master is a short but significant part of the ceremony.)

Worshipful Brother Glanville was now in the Chair, and received congratulations from the W Brethren both in formal salute and personally; everyone wanting to shake his hand - and Philip's. The new WM closed the Board of Installed Masters and the Master Mason was readmitted.

W Bro Richard Smedley proclaimed the Master in all three degrees; the working tools were presented along with the Book of Constitutions and the bylaws. W Bro Glanville invested his officers.

The RWPGM gave the address to the WM, W Bro Roger Lewis addressed the Wardens and W Bro Adrian Hayward (returned after a health scare) addressed the Brethren, after which W Bro Smedley sang the Anthem.

That concluded the ceremony of Installation, and the WM thanked everyone, saying he felt humbled and impressed, and that it had been a perfect evening so far. Reports followed (it is good to see W Bro Syddall back as Almoner - he has been dealing with his own health issues as well as those of others) propositions made and greetings given.


The festive board continued with good humour and vivacity. The RWPGM responded to his toast, speaking of the  implementation of change following his eighteen months in the Chair; the augmentation of Assistant Past Masters, the invitation of family and friends to the PGL convocation, the utilisation of the energy and enthusuasm of younger Brethren in Provincial administration, the importance of the forthcoming Festival and the use of the Provincial website.

V W Bro Jonathan Smith's toast to the WM was superb - he and the WM had been cadets together under Drill Sergeant Bob Clarkson - there were some amusing tales to tell. Richard Smedley sang the Masters Song before Bill responded. The WM warned the Brethren not to have a shave just before coming out (the bathroom looks like an abattoir, he said) and thanking the IPM, IDC and Brethren for contributing to a perfect evening.

W Bro John Chapman toasted the IPM with moving sincerity, mentioning the many achievements of the year, and joined W Bro Smedley and myself in singing "Bless this Lodge" before Philip responded, thanking people for their work during his year in Office.

In response to the toast to the visitors, Tom Cawkwell (recently installed as WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 - see 22 Jan below) mentioned the upcoming consecration of the Cornerstone Lodge, brainchild of Bro Steve Walker, "inspiring the next generation of Freemasons." This was reiterated by the WM in his few notices before the raffle: as Provincial Secretary has been integral in its formation. The raffle raised over £218.

Everyone joined in the Song "Happy to Meet Again" before we took our leave of each other. 

A wonderful night.

[Photos T to B: Phil Daniels, Bill Glanville, RWPGM and Provincial Army, T Fisher, SW with W Glanville WM and  A Calvert JW.]

For Neil Armstrong's report, see the Kingston Lodge Blog Page.

For Peter Stokes' report, see the Lodge of St Michael website.


Eddie Wildman, organist


Monday 22nd January 2024:


by Eddie Wildman

The Installation is a high point of the Lodge's year as a new Worshipful Master is ceremonially placed in his Chair to rule the Lodge for the ensuing twelve months.The retiring Master becomes the Immediate Past Master and the newcomer picks up the gavel and names his officers. This evening was such an occasion.

W Bro Chris Lefevre, an experienced Freemason at nearly eighty-six years old, welcomed the visitors, remarking it was pleasing to see such a goodly number attending, and opened the Lodge with the easy familiarity of a Master at the end of his year. The UGLE officers in attendance (both from Humber Lodge 57) were saluted, after which the Provincial Grand Steward, W Bro Steven Burns,  Director of Ceremonies for the Representative of the RWPGM and sartorially elegant in his red regalia announced that W Bro William E Glanville, PAGDC, Provincial Grand Secretary and Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra requested admission. A retinue of Provincial Officers was formed to accompany the Representative into the Lodge Room.

This worthy man and Mason smilingly acknowledged the honour accorded him after which the minutes were signed, essential business briefly transacted and the Lodge was raised from the 1° to the 2°.

Brother Tom Cawkwell, Senior Warden in the Lodge was then presented to the assembled company as the Master Elect with due ceremony after which the two Fellow Craft members retired, a late arrival was admitted and welcomed and the Lodge raised to the 3°. All Offices were declared vacant and the Wardens' Chairs and other principal posts were taken by senior officers of the Lodge. W Bro Colin Shields stood in as the Inner Guard, the polished gladius looking like a toy in his enormous hands. W Bro Andrew Peach as Installing Director of Ceremonies was an example to us all with his calm authority and impeccable ritual. He directed the retiring Officers to return their collars to W Bro Lefevre and organised the departure of all below the degree of an Installed Master - with the exception of Brother Cawkwell - to retire.

Then followed the "Inner Working" during which ceremony the Master Elect was obligated and placed in the figurative Chair of King Solomon.

The Brethren returned, the Working Tools being presented in each degree, after which the new Master, Worshipful Brother Thomas Stephen Cawkwell appointed and invested his Officers.

The address to the Master was given by his father-in-law, W Bro Christopher Brown PPSGW, a recent member of the Lodge; I had the privilege of addressing the Wardens, Bros Fuller and Walker, and W Bro Adrian Hayward PPJGW gave the address to the Brethren. W Bro Richard Smedley PAGDC gave a fine rendition of the Masonic Anthem - everyone joining in the choruses, after which W Bro Andrew Peach announced with enormous dignity that the ceremony of installing W Bro Tom Cawkwell was now concluded. The new WM thanked everyone for their support, a little emotionally perhaps, as the full weight of the responsibility of Mastership began to make itself felt.

W Bro Glanville presented W Bro Lefevre with a Past Master's Jewel, congratulating him on his work done throughout the last year. Greetings were given from the visiting Lodges; a phalanx from Minerva acknowledged Tom's reputation as Secretary in L250. It was good to see W Bro Garry Crossland, newly appointed WM of Kingston Lodge 1010 stand to greet the WM; Garry later responded to the toast to the visitors at the Festive Board. Phoenix Lodge 9963, the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 and other Lodges were represented. W Bro Cawkwell closed the Lodge efficiently and the Brethren retired.

There were a few photographs taken and the Welcome Page will be updated when the opportunity arrives as the SW, being on call that evening, had to leave. (He returned a little later, but couldn't stay, being needed for yet another call-out. W Bro Brown stood in for him as Warden at the Festive Board.)

The meal, traditional Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, was of the high standard we have come to expect of Luke Pyrah the Beverley Road Chef, and the toasts followed. W Bro Glanville again commended the IPM and the Lodge, and dilated for twenty minutes on the Provincial Grand Master's buzz word, "change", mentioning the databases which will shortly be available to the Brethren, the initiatives planned for the convocation on 11th May and the launch of Festival 2029 along with future promotions.

The toast to the WM was given by Chris Brown, mentioning that at forty years old his son-in-law was a Masonic youngster, half the age of his predecessor, but that he had already proved himself and he was looking forward to the year. Richard Smedley sang the Master's Song beautifully. Tom responded eloquently. I gave the toast to the IPM, a privilege and pleasure.

It was a late finish - nearly eleven o' clock, but it had been a most enjoyable evening. Congratulations to all concerned!

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Thursday 11th January 2024:

Constitutional Lodge 294 Installation 
by Malcolm Forbes
I arrived at Beverley Masonic Hall at 4.15 pm in plenty of time for the Installation meeting which was due to start at 5.00 pm. Other early arrivals included W Bro Barry Longstaff, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 and also Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, who attended in his capacity as DC to W Bro Les Kirby, the representative to the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. W Bro Kirby had travelled from North Yorkshire and replaced W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and member of Humber Lodge 57, who was unable to attend due to illness. 
The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master Mike Noble. Due to the recent untimely death of the Worshipful Master elect W Bro Terry Wilson, WM Noble had agreed to continue as Worshipful Master until the next Installation in January 2025. A moving eulogy on behalf of W Bro Wilson was delivered before the Installation took place. 
Three unattached Masons, Bros Mike Brocklesby, Ian Dixon and Steve Falkinder, who were all previously members of Andrew Marvell Lodge, were successfully balloted for as joining members of Constitutional Lodge. All three Masons were proposed by Junior Warden Bro Karl Douglas, another former member of Andrew Marvell Lodge, and seconded by myself. 
The Installation of W Bro Mike Noble as WM was a proclamation ceremony. W Bro David Turner who acted as Installing DC carried out his duties impeccably. I was pleased to be invested as Lodge Charity Steward. 
The Address to the Wardens was delivered by W Bro John Kettlewell. The Address to the Brethren was presented by the Lodge Orator, W Bro Keith Charlesworth. The Master's Song was sung by Chaplain W Bro David Brazier. 
As WM Noble remarked the Installation was tinged with sadness due to the passing to the Grand Lodge above of WM elect W Bro Wilson, but nonetheless the Lodge and the Officers would hold his spirit dear to them throughout the year as they continue the good work of the Lodge. 
The meeting closed at 6.45 pm.
At the Festive Board I sat in the good company of Bros Brocklesby and Falkinder rekindling old acquaintances, and W Bro Kettlewell. The three course meal was met with universal approval. Ten toasts were delivered. 
W Bro Kirby in his reply as representative of the PGM pointed out that it was a special pleasure for him to attend as he has a family connection with WM Noble. He talked in passing about Festival 29 and the need to support local good causes, which was music to my ears. He also highlighted the membership challenge which Lodges are facing. Constitutional Lodge is well placed with a steady intake of initiates, including one at the February meeting, and with joining members. 
Lodge Secretary W Bro Gavin Collinson delivered the toast to the WM and his Officers as well as to the 2023 team of Officers. In his response WM Noble stated that it would be another busy year for the Lodge. 
The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro Des McKenzie, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge. His comments about the evening were very positive.  I was able to converse with W Bro Mckenzie about cricket, a common interest we both share, and he subsequently emailed me about the possibility of umpiring in a Provincial Charity Cricket match later in the year. 
The raffle raised £134. I, along with WM Noble, thanked my predecessor as Lodge Charity Steward W Bro Martin Rowland for all the hard work he had put in over the years. 
The parting toast was delivered at 10.15 pm. 
I left in the company of W Bro Langstaff as he departed to Barton Upon Humber and I departed to Thorngumbald. The evening reflected highly on the Lodge. 
Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward



Tuesday 9th January 2024:

Humber Lodge 57

by Eddie

The visitor, Alistair, increased the number attending by 5%. He gave eloquent greetings from Phoenix Lodge 9963, while his dad, Peter, Richard Smedley and I also stood as members. (Richard informed the Lodge that Peter would be taking the Chair of Phoenix Lodge on Saturday February 24th at Dagger Lane, and asked for the support of the Humber Brethren on this occasion. Watch this space.)

It was WM Alan Todd's first working night at Humber Lodge, and the business was a first degree enactment, with pauses while explanations were given of various aspects of the ceremony: the links to the ancient guilds, illustrated by the unique paintings of the Ancients' and Moderns' shields on the Northwest wall, the irregular steps, the significance of the trowel, the differences between local Lodges and the importance of the Warrant were dilated upon. Many Brethren remarked afterwards how interesting it had been: "We ought to do that more often," said W Bro David Terry.

The stand-in Junior Warden, Malcolm Forbes spoke briefly for ten minutes about the upcoming Festival Pre-launch meeting at Beverley Road on the 29th inst exhorting members to attend. As he and I are members of L57 we could not, of course, extend greetings from the Andrew Marvell Lodge, but it was nonetheless in our thoughts.

The Lodge was closed in due and ancient form and the Brethren retired to the festive board.

Eddie Wildman