Monday 18th December 2023:

Holderness Lodge 3563

Christmas Celebrations

by Eddie

Among the first people I met at Beverley Road were Dean Marshall and Wayne Sutherby from Minerva Lodge 250. "I have one son in Minerva Lodge, and another here," he said, So I'm keeping up with the family while visiting." I acknowledged that this was a good idea. "Will you take a photograph of the Wedding Belles?" I asked, "for the Minerva website?" "Of course," he replied. W Bro Malcolm Forbes was indulging in a pint of Black Sheep at the bar. "I'll give Andrew Marvell a mention on the website," I said. "And Humber, of course."

I reflected how technology has advanced since I was a youngster. In those days a photograph would be in black and white, taken with great care because once the button was pressed the film had to be wound on. Then there was the palaver of removing the film from the machine, ensuring it was tightly rolled and not exposed to light. It had to be taken to the local chemist for developing, which was a long delay and an extra expense. 

Dean took a lovely snapshot and emailed it to me within seconds. (See below.)

However, I'm getting out of order: I'd arrived early and did some practise on the organ before W Bros Greenwood and Tyson came into the Lodge Room to set things out. "Where's the Junior Warden's collar? It should have a plumbrule on it and I can't see it anywhere." Meanwhile, folk were gathering below - wives, widows and friends were keeping Deeane busy at the bar. I joined them and ordered a glass of H2O: today I'd resolved would be alcohol free.

The WM, Worshipful Brother Darren Wiseman opened the Lodge skilfully and dealt with the essential business rapidly. Reports were given, and apologies from those unable to be present were tendered by the Secretary, Bro John Ledger. Then, to my surprise, I was proposed as a joining member of the Lodge and immediately accepted. I was so proud! The Worshipful Master closed the Lodge with equal facility after greetings were given from Humber 57, Minerva 250 and St Andrew 4683.

The guests and ladies joined the Brethren upstairs and the female choir, The Wedding Belles performed. Much effort had gone into organising the festive board: the room was beautifully prepared (by the outstanding work of Andrew Holbrooke and John Ledger) in organising the seating and making the place look so welcoming. The food was up to Chef Luke Pyrah's usual high standard.

Two toasts - to the King and to the Grand Master - completed the formal part of the evening, but the WM made reference to Absent Brethren, bearing in mind those that had recently passed to the Grand Lodge Above. Mrs. Rita Taylor responded on behalf of the Widows, remarking how things change over time, but she was heartened by the number of new, younger faces in the Lodge. "The future," she said, "lies in the youngsters being involved and this Lodge is obviously doing that." She presented the WM with an impressive brass door knocker in the shape of a square and compasses, recalling that her husband had purchased it for the Lodge while on holiday.

I led everyone in a rendition of "O Come all ye faithful" and a couple of other Christmas numbers, including the popular Twelve Days of Christmas after which the raffle was drawn. The proceedings from this exceeded £380 and were to go towards FIND charity which is involved with improving conditions for mental health sufferers.

One member of the Lodge who alas was not able to be present once told me "a successful Lodge is one where the Brethren leave happy and smiling." This was certainly the case this evening. Well done, Holderness!

Eddie Wildman, honorary member



Saturday 16th December 2023:

Technical Christmas Lodge

report by Eddie

It was pleasant to be picked up by my good friend Philip - the more so as Mrs D was in the front seat, looking delightful as always. "Don't tell her that, she'll want more housekeeping," quipped Philip as we headed to the Lodge at Beverley Road.

The ladies were to join us after the brief meeting - along with friends in the good old tradition of the Technical Lodge 5666. The reception room was filling up with folk and the bar was busy as the Brethren climbed the stairs for a brief meeting; W Bro Ian Parkinson, assisted by his DC, W Bro Rob Atkinson, gave salutations and took reports with commendable facility. The WM spoke of a relative having suffered a brain injury following a fall and mentioned the local community P.A.U.L. which is instrumental in assisting such victims as a worthy recipient of charity this Christmastime, to which the Brethren agreed. 

Reports included information from the LMO that the Lodge now had a Candidate for February and other likely chaps in the pipeline. Greetings were given on behalf of Humber 57, Minerva 250, De la Pole 1605, Andrew Marvell 5642 and others.

The Lodge closed promptly at 7:00; a record for the WM, who never uses a sentence when a paragraph will do, and the Brethren were joined by the Ladies and other guests in the Lodge Room. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Paul Harper PJGD, lead editor of the Solomon Programme then made history by presenting Brother Steve Walker with a certificate, awarded by UGLE for successfully completing the Questions set on its Masonic Website; the first person to do so. Paul spoke of Steve's commitment to the Craft and his initiative in forming a new Lodge to promote engagement in Masonry  with the Cornerstone Lodge, aimed at like-minded Masons keen to promote knowledge and to enjoy visiting new and interesting venues. The Provincial Grand Mentor Mike Cheeseman was also present.

The Beverley Male Voice Choir then entertained us all mightily.

I have heard other choirs in the Lodge over the years, but this one, although reduced in numbers, was head and shoulders above the rest. The musical director on this occasion was Mr Nigel Clarke. The accompanist, Amy Butler, was the best I have heard for a long time. The choir was excellent giving us a variety of numbers ranging from Handel to Irving Berlin, with consistent attention to details of vowel sounds, diction and dynamics, all with a sense of enjoyment and musically. The audience (nearly three score of us) were invited to join in with some items (including Jingle Bells).

The WM and his lady, doubtless assisted by some of the Technical Brethren had decorated the dining room magnificently. Luke the Chef had as ever provided suitable fare for all, accommodating those with particular dietary requirements without apparent effort. Tonight there was waitress service and we all enjoyed the festive repast.

There was a Christmas Music Bingo Quiz - I was fortunate to be with Bro Turner-Bone who was impressively knowledgable about the pop music and called "Bingo" just before one or two others. I was well impressed.

We sang a few Christmas songs followed by the ever-popular Twelve Days of Christmas in which W Bro Mark Cusack surprised us all with his rendition of Six Geese A-laying, bellowing notes never before achieved by the human voice, and after W Bro Parkinson had made a few announcements, the evening closed with Chappers and other melodious Brethren caroling "Happy to Meet Again". W Bro Chapman had also been singing Top Tenor in the Beverley Male Voice Choir - but this time we could see him.

A thoroughly pleasant evening.

[Photograph of Steve Walker by Bazza Longstaff.]

Eddie Wildman, organist.


Wednesday 13th December 2023:

Minerva in the 2°

by Thomas Calkwell 

This evening I had the pleasure of attending the Minerva 250 Christmas Lodge event; a second degree ceremony followed by a white table evening for both prospective candidates and family and friends of the Brethren.

We were honoured by the presence of W Bro John Davidson MBE PGJW as the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, ably supported by W Bro James Steele as his DC.

Upstairs we had a full but fast second degree ceremony under the mastership of W Bro Martin Wright, with particular thanks to Bro Rich Driver, a Fellow Craft who stood in at late notice as Inner Guard and performed admirably, and to Bro Ashley Tong who had clearly worked hard on both the memorisation of his Q&As and his delivery of the same. W Bro Rick Theaker communicated the Secrets, W Bro Mark Hartley delivered the Address at the SEC and I explained the Working Tools.

Downstairs, the Festive Board was happily convivial, with Brethren, ladies and family and friends alike all coming together in a spirited performance of technicolour Christmas carols led by W Bro Graham Miles!

With a new Candidate proposed in the meeting upstairs and another keen to be considered after the FB it was a successful evening all around. For a number of us, festivities continued at a local bar afterwards as we awaited carriages but with an early start tomorrow, I was forced to bid farewell early.

Merry Christmas Brethren!

[Photograph L to R: W Bro James Steele, DC; W Bro Martin Wright, WM; Bro Ashley Tong, FCF; W Bro John Davidson, Representative.]

Tom Calkwell, Senior Warden


Monday 11th December 2023:

Andrew Marvell Christmas Lodge

by Eddie Wildman

W Bro Malcolm Forbes had a busy evening. He'd agreed to pick me up to take me to Beverley Road Masonic Hall, and there were two other passengers, Chris Wright and Ian Montgomery, who has stood in as Tyler for the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 throughout the year. We arrived in good time, and there were several ladies there already - this was to be a white table evening.

I knew this was to be a short business meeting preceding next month's Installation; I hadn't known that Malcolm was in the Master's Chair this evening, Chris Lefevre being engaged on other unavoidable business. Malcolm opened the Lodge with the relaxed efficiency of a Past Master - there were only a dozen Brethren in the Lodge Room - a sign of the times, alas; I have frequently noted the dearth of members post-covid in this and other Lodges.

However it was a pleasure to see W Bro Barry Kensett in attendance after a long absence and his melifluous baritone lent authority to the singing of the opening hymn.

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, unlike other local Lodges, uses the tune "Innocents" for the opening ode. It is a deceptively simple melody and it is named from the Feast of the Holy Innocents, as the original words began "Little flowers of Martyrdom". (This feast is observed towards the end of December and is in remembrance of King Herod's massacre of young children in Bethlehem in his attempt to kill the infant Jesus. The slain children were regarded by the early church as the first martyrs as they died for Christ.) The tune was harmonised by the prolific hymnist William Henry Monk and was included in the first edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern in 1861.

Salutes were given to the the Brethren of UGLE and the Province of YN&ER. Sadly, the Secretary reported a couple of resignations; Brethren who have not attended for some considerable time owing to health issues. Happily, three joining members were ballotted for and accepted, and two of them, W Bro Chris Brown and Bro Steve Walker were at the Festive Board later. The third, W Bro Barry Longstaff will doubtless be at the Installation meeting next month. W Bro Forbes remarked that the new arrivals "will take us forward as a Lodge".

There were various propositions regarding the 2029 Festival and charity work after which the Master Elect, Bro Tom Calkwell was declared along with the Treasurer Elect, W Bro Colin Shields.

Committee members for 2024 were elected after which reports were given, the Secretary suggesting that the apologies be taken as read (carried).

Greetings were given and the Closing Ode was sung. Notes on "Melita" can be found on this website on the Humber website Music Page.

The festive board was delightful. W Bro Colin Shields and his wife Margaret had  arranged the tables into a large square (there were twenty dining) and decorated them with lights and Christmas themed bouquets. The place mats were customised. There was a free raffle (numbers hidden under the side plates) for a bottle of bubbly, crackers to pull, and, of course, Luke Pyrah's superb cooking (waitress service.) Background Christmas music enhanced the atmosphere. We sang a few Christmas carols and enjoyed the Christmas Quiz devised by W Bro Forbes (Chris Brown and I almost won but were pipped at the post by Colin and Margaret in the tie-breaker.) Another raffle won prizes for some of us, and there were gifts for the ladies and partners, from the Peter and Barbara Atkinson Bequest. It was a delightful evening.

Malcolm Forbes thanked everybody for coming, extending the good wishes and apologies of Chris Lefevre and ensuring that all the Brethren had signed the get well card for W Bro Adrian Hayward who was rushed into hospital last week with appendicitis. He is now back home and we hope to see him at the next meeting.

W Bro Peach stood and remarked that everybody had been thanked except for our stand-in Worshipful Master, and we all applauded Malcolm for his sterling work during the evening. It was a lovely end to the Andrew Marvell year, and we look forward to a new beginning in January with Tom Calkwell in the Chair.

Let me take this opportunity to thank Malcolm for being my taxi to the Lodge and back home again. A super night.

Eddie Wildman, Organist


Thursday 7th December 2023:

Constitutional Lodge 294 Business Night

by Malcolm Forbes

I arrived in pouring rain at Trinity Lane Masonic Hall, Beverley at 6.00 pm. I was pleased to meet Bros Mike Brocklesby and Ian Dixon, former members of Andrew Marvell Lodge, who were attending Constitutional Lodge for the first time as unattached Masons before the meeting.

The Lodge tyled at 6.30pm. The meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Mike Noble. There was sadness as W Bro Noble formally announced the sudden passing of the Worshipful Master-Elect Bro Terry Wilson to the Grand Lodge above. Bro Wilson will be much missed as a valuable member of the Lodge who put a premium on ritual. A full eulogy will be delivered at the Lodge's January meeting. In the circumstances W Bro Noble was elected to serve another year as Worshipful Master.

As it was the Lodge's business night it was a relatively short meeting prior to the Lodge's Installation meeting in January. Lodge Secretary W Bro Gavin Collinson and Lodge Treasurer Bro Phil Gibson were formally readopted in their respective Offices. I was happy along with W Bro Keith Charlesworth to be reappointed as an Accounts Examiner.

Propositions for Bros Mike Brocklesbly, Ian Dixon and Steve Falkinder, another former member of Andrew Marvell Lodge who was unable to attend the Lodge meeting through illness, to join Constitutional Lodge were proposed by Junior Warden Bro Karl Douglas and seconded by myself. They will be balloted for at the January Lodge meeting.

Although the Lodge meeting was well attended no visitors were present. There was a full closure of the Lodge meeting as the Lodge was raised to the second degree and then the third degree. The Senior Warden Bro Sam Adkins and Junior Warden Bro Karl Douglas delivered the substituted secrets to the Worshipful Master. Their performances were most impressive and reminded everyone present of the high standards in ritual which Constitutional Lodge sets.

The Festive Board was a jovial occasion. Although the Lodge's Christmas Sunday lunch had to be cancelled the Lodge has a busy programme of social events for 2024 starting with the Lodge's American night in February. Two toasts were submitted.

In his parish notes W Bro Noble gave Festive greetings to the Brethren. The Lodge has a bright future through the hard work of its Officers which has led to a steady rise in Lodge membership. The popular Lodge continues to thrive.

It had stopped raining when I left. 

W Bro Malcolm Forbes


Wednesday 6th December 2023:

Visit to the Kingston Lodge 1010 Installation meeting

by Malcolm Forbes

Having returned from a ten day cricket tour of the UAE where the daily daytime temperature hovered around 29 degrees Centigrade on Sunday, it was a cold evening where the temperature was closer to 29 degrees Fahrenheit when I arrived at Beverley Road for the Installation meeting at 5.30 pm. Kingston Lodge 1010 more than compensated for the cold outside by its warm and friendly welcome. The 159-year-old Lodge combines its amicable approach with historical tradition. 
The Lodge meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W Bro Marcus Whereat. W Bro Gary Shores, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 as Provincial DC introduced the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Syddall, Provincial Grand Charity Steward and member of Humber Lodge 57. W Bro Jimmie Kerr, a member of De La Pole Lodge 1605, was also a member of the Provincial team attending the Installation. 
Director of Ceremonies W Bro Booth handed over the reins to W Bro Michael Price who acted as Installing DC for the Installation of Bro Gary Crossland as Worshipful Master and his team of Officers. As befitting of someone with over forty years in Freemasonry, W Bro Price conducted the ceremony with much authority. Similarly WM W Bro Whereat exhibited his mastery of ritual in installing Bro Crossland into the Chair. 
The Address to the Master was delivered by W Bro Booth. The Address to the Wardens was performed by W Bro Eddie Wildman and the final Address, that to the Brethren, was given by W Bro Malcolm Watkinson. The Master's song was sung by W Bro Price. All rose to the occasion. 
The team of Officers installed during the ceremony reflected the experience of the senior members of the Lodge. Bro Wayne Walker was installed as Senior Warden and W Bro Booth was installed as Junior Warden.  Fellow Craft Bro Carl Procter, who had presented the first degree working tools of an Entered Apprentice to WM W Bro Crossland, was installed as Senior Deacon. W Bro Price was installed as Junior Deacon. 
WM Crossland, who had only been initiated in 2016, at the conclusion of the ceremony thanked everyone who had taken part. The ceremony reflected the hard work Lodge members put in. 
As one of the five visitors present, in agreement with W Bro Kerr, I gave greetings on behalf of De La Pole Lodge. I also rose as a member of Humber Lodge with W Bro Syddall as W Bro Wildman gave greetings on behalf of L57. W Bro Peter Stokes, the WM of the Lodge of St Michael 7833, also gave greetings. 
The Festive Board matched the grandeur of the Installation ceremony. I sat between W Bros Wildman and Price and opposite W Bro Kerr and the conversation between ourselves and Junior Warden W Bro Booth was entertaining throughout. A traditional Christmas dinner was served. 
Ten toasts were delivered. In his response as representative of the Right Worshipful PGM, W Bro Syddall reflected on the knowledge and experience within the Lodge and how the Lodge was moving forward. As Provincial Grand Charity Steward he was able to pave the way for Festival 29, which will support the Masonic Charitable Foundation.
In his response to the toast to the IPM, W Bro Whereat reflected that it had been a difficult year in the Chair at times, with the sad losses of W Bros Peter Adamson and Paul Goldthorpe to the Grand Lodge above being particularly heart rending. 
The response to the visitors toast was provided by W Bro Alan Shand, a member of Lord Bolton Lodge 3263. The response was in tune with the festive nature of the evening.
The parting toast was sung by W Bro Price and the evening was rounded off by the Tyler's toast delivered by W Bro Louis Morgan. 
The evening was most rewarding with fine ritual, fine food and fine company. 
[Photos L to R: WM Gary Crossland with IPM Marcus Whereat; W Bros Gary Shores, Prov G Stwd, Ian Syddell, ProvGChStwd and Gary Crossland, WM.]
Malcolm Forbes PM



Monday 27th November 2023:

Andrew Marvell and King Athelstan

by Tom Calkwell

This evening I was in attendance at Andrew Marvell lodge in my capacity as SW where Bro Steve Walker (Technical 5666) and I assisted W Bro Barry ‘Bazza’ Longstaff to deliver an interesting presentation on the History of King Athelstan and the legend of the York meeting of 926 AD which is the foundation of the Athelstan order. Attended by two distinguished Brethren of the Masonic Order of Athelstan (W Bro Tony Burke & W Bro Ling Fang Yu), the talk was well received and evoked healthy debate about legend vs established historical account.

Downstairs, WM Chris Lefevre presided over an excellent Roast Beef festive board. A wonderful and insightful evening.

Tom Calkwell

[Photo L to R: Steve Walker, Barry Longstaff and Tom Calkwell.]


Friday 14th November 2023 (pm):

De la Pole Chapter Installation

by Eddie Wildman, Gatecrasher

Well, not exactly a gatecrasher - but it was a late decision. Normally the second Friday is reserved for the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586, but this event had been moved to accommodate the Craft Masters' Dinner in York; I had a free evening, and a rare opportunity to visit de la Pole Chapter 1605. I rang Jimmy Kerr, who is Scribe E (that's "Secretary" for the uninitiated - both words having a common Latin root meaning one keeps secrets, or one who writes) and asked him if I would be able to attend. "Och aye," he said, "I've had a couple o' cancellations; there willna be a problem providing ye wi' a meal." "Two Kilts," I replied (he's proud of his nickname) "I'll see you there." "Aye," he cut in, "And dinna forget we're kicking off at five o'clock. Dinna be late!" "Och aye, Celtic the noo," I answered, after making sure I'd put the receiver doon, sorry, down.

As soon as I saw him upstairs at Beverley Road Jimmy Kerr stopped me in my tracks. "Eddie," he said, "will ye do me a wee favour? Will ye be Janitor?"

(While the office generally entails remaining outside of the Lodge Room/Chapter, I knew there'd be little objection to me slipping inside where it was warmer once the meeting was under way. The Janitor basically mans the exit and entry during the ceremony. I agreed. Unusually, numbers were down, especially for an installation, the time of year when new officers are appointed, and I was happy to be able to help.)

Jimmy was doing two jobs, Scribe E and Installing Director of Ceremonies. I imagined him reeling from one post to the other while I admitted the Companions: "Password?" "Come on, Eddie, you know me - you know I'm a member." "No password, no entry." I brandished my sword mightily.

It surprised me how many had forgotten the word to gain entry, tee hee. But I was adamant.

The meeting started, and I saw little of it other than through the tiny wicket inset in the door, and at the appropriate time I proclaimed the Representative's DC, Excellent Companion Steve Waudby of the Provincial Grand Stewards' Chapter 9696 (it was my only speaking part so I made the most of it) who, when admitted, announced that the Representative of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Howard Newton requested admission. An escort was formed and processed smartly in before the DC and Rep entered, all to appropriately solemn organ music by E Comp Dave Nicoll.

I snuck in (like following a royal procession with a bucket and shovel) leaving the door slightly ajar in case there were any latecomers who needed running through.

The ceremony itself ran smoothly under the sceptre of the MEZ E Comp Yvon Martin; the professionalism of the senior members quickly rectifying any little slips in procedure. I had to admire Jimmy who had only been told that morning that he'd be coordinating the show. Companion Graham Thornalley was presented and asked if he would comply with the essential duties and responsibilities of Joshua. He formally agreed. E Comp John Appleby (who I think had had his hair cut specially for the occasion and must have reminded him of his years as an army cadet) removed his blue robe of office and promised to discharge his duties as Haggai until a successor was installed in his place; likewise Peter Moore proclaimed his willingness to take on the responsibilities of Zerubbabel elect, leaving his purple robe in his seat.

Exit time: those below the rank of Third Principal retired, except for Companion Thornalley, who was entrusted with the pasword before being allowed to leave. J2K asked those below the rank of Second Principal to leave (there was none) and E Comp Appleby was invested with the robe and sceptre of H; he being recycled was already in possession of the password and terms of obligation. Those below the rank of 1st Principal were asked to retire and E Comp Peter Moore was entrusted with the password to the Chair of Zerubbabel and after scriptural extracts were read, installed. 

The Chapter was declared a regularly constituted conclave of Third Principals and  Companion Thornalley reentered and stood for his scriptural lessons before being installed into the Third Chair, that of Joshua, son of Josadech, the High Priest.

The remaining Companions were admitted and J2K with his usual panache proclaimed the three Principals for the ensuing year before explaining the scarlet robe of Zerubbabel to that worthy Companion.Companion Russell Garbutt dilated on the purple robe of H with the accompanying jewel and sceptre; E Comp Appleby gave the meaning of the blue robe to Joshua.

Yvon Martin, now IPZ, entrusted his successor with the warrant and presented him with the Book of Constitutions and the Bylaws.

E Companion Moore appointed and invested his officers.

There was a presentation of the Tom Moxley IPZ jewel to E Comp Martin; this had been discovered in New Zealand in 2020 and returned to its mother Lodge; now it passes annually to those retiring from the Chair of Zerubbabel.

E Comp Martin thanked the Installing officers saying he was pleased and proud of them all before closing the Chapter in due form.

At the mention of a photograph, the Companions virtually clambered over each other to get in the picture. Don't ask me for all their names!

The festive board was magnificent; braised beef. Luke Pyrah, the chef assured me that the apple crumble had no calories whatsoever, but I think he was crossing his fingers as he told me. I was seated close to John Burton (St Michael) and Chris Lefevre (Andrew Marvell) both trenchers, and they began talking about doggie bags and dogs. Neil Armstrong (Kingston) next to me joined in and I discovered a whole new canine world of bites, whines and growls was out there - something I'd never experienced. "I had an assortment of dogs until I married," said one, "but she's barking mad." They discussed the problems of dog hair: "Moulting?" said Chris "- I just give her a once-over with the hoover." I felt quite left out as they discussed the peculiarities of shaggy rotweillers from the rescue shelter, littering and how owners should be trained. Fortunately the DC called us to order for the toasts.

E Comp Howard Newton spoke persuasively about reciprocal meetings and the Scarborough Rainbow Centre, to which the raffle proceeds were donated. E Comp Paul Greenwood toasted the Three Principals and their officers, enlarging on Peter Moore's being "a great asset" with his organisational skills; in response the MEZ hoped he could "seriously improve the harmony of this excellent Chapter." Yvon Martin, in response to Malcolm Brocklesby's toast to the IPZ gave a sincere thank you for his welcome into the Chapter. Neil Armstrong's response to the toast to the visitors was typically him; short and fluent.

It had been an excellent evening after an excellent day, and John Burton kindly gave me a lift home - thanks, everybody!

Eddie Wildman, gatecrasher

18th November 2023:

Visit to Technical Lodge 5666 Installation meeting

by Malcolm Forbes

On arrival at the Masonic Hall on Beverley Road tea/coffee and a fine array of cakes and biscuits awaited the Brethren attending the Installation. There was a warm welcome from everyone.

Worshipful Master-Elect W Bro Ian Parkinson greeted me personally. W Bro Parkinson was the Worshipful Master of Phoenix Lodge 9963 when Andrew Marvell Lodge hosted a Second Degree ceremony on behalf of Phoenix Lodge in October 2021. As Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge at the time I had worked closely with W Bro Parkinson to deliver the ceremony and was pleased to offer my support to him at the Installation.

The meeting was well supported with over 40 Lodge members and nine visitors in attendance.

The Lodge meeting tyled at 4.00 pm. I took my seat between W Bro Peter Clark, the WM of De La Pole Lodge 1605, and Bro Malcolm Brocklesby, the Assistant Secretary of De La Pole Lodge and First Principal of Technical Chapter 5666.

The Lodge was duly opened by WM Daniel Laughton. The Provincial DC W Bro Brian Carlisle, who had travelled from Leyburn, introduced the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master W Bro Paul Harper, who was welcomed by the Brethren.

The Installation ceremony was conducted with great authority by DC W Bro Robert Gorman. WM Laughton excelled in the Inner Workings when he installed W Bro Parkinson into the Chair of King Solomon. The Installation of Officers was initiated by W Bro Gorman before handing over to the new DC W Bro Robert Atkinson. The new team of Officers reflected well on the Lodge with a blend of experience e. g. Bro David Turner, who will celebrate 50 years as a member of Technical Lodge in 2024, who was invested as the new Chaplain, and youth with Bros Arash Vesali who was invested as Senior Warden and Adam Tunicliffe who was invested as Junior Warden. Bro Steve Walker, who is due to be proposed as a joining member of Andrew Marvell Lodge at its next Lodge meeting on 27th November, was invested as Junior Deacon.

The Address to the Master was delivered impeccably by W Bro Paul Hillary. Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman delivered the Address to the Wardens with his customary panache. W Bro Gorman provided the Address to the Brethren to complete the exemplary Addresses.

Bro Turner sang the song to the Worshipful Master.

Following the Installation Lodge reports were received. There was a proposition from W Bro Hillary, who proposed his brother, Craig, as a fit and proper person to become a member of Technical Lodge.

W Bro Wildman gave greetings, which I stood in support of as a member of Humber Lodge 57, on behalf of Humber Lodge, and I also gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge, congratulating W Bro Parkinson and his Officers on a superlative ceremony. As a member of De La Pole Lodge I stood in support with Bro Brocklesby as WM W Bro Clark gave greetings on behalf of De La Pole Lodge.

The meeting closed at 7.45 pm.

The dining room at the Festive Board was set out with three long tables and a middle table. I sat at the middle table along with W Bro Clark, Bro Brocklesby, WM W Bro Peter Stokes, the WM of the Lodge of St Michael 7833 and other members of Technical Lodge including W Bro Frank Lovely and W Bro Hitten Thakker.

The Festive Board maintained the high standards set by chef Luke Pyrah. Ten toasts were delivered.

The Representative of the Right Worshipful PGM W Bro Paul Harper in his response reflected on how well Technical Lodge was managing the challenges faced by Freemasonry in terms of membership numbers and participation of its members.

W Bro Lovely in his response to the toast to the WM and his Officers provided a most amusing reply as he reflected on the time he had known W Bro Parkinson since acting as his seconder on his initiation into Technical Lodge. In his response to the toast to the Immediate Past Master and his Officers Bro Tunicliffe recognised the hard work that W Bro Laughton had put in during his year in the Chair. The response to the visitors toast was delivered with much emotion by Bro Brocklesby.

In his parish notes W Bro Parkinson thanked everyone for a memorable evening. The future of the Lodge is a beacon for other Lodges to emulate.

The parting toast was delivered at 10.15 pm.

[Photograph of the new WM and IPM by Eddie Wildman.]

For Eddie Wildman's account, see the Humber blogpage. For Peter Stokes' account, see the St Michael blogpage. For Dave Green's account, see the Minerva blogpage.

Malcolm Forbes IPM



11th November 2023:

Visit to Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 Installation meeting 

by Malcolm Forbes

I visited Lord Bolton Lodge after a lengthy absence. It was good to see that the Lodge has gone from strength to strength since my last visit with a new intake of Entered Apprentices, Fellow Crafts and Master Masons. Amongst the 'old guard' of Lord Bolton members in attendance were Worshipful Brother Chris Lefevre, the Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, and Brother Ian Fuller, the Senior Deacon of Andrew Marvell Lodge. Under the watchful eye of Worshipful Brother Garry Millett, a member of Lord Bolton Lodge and Thesaurus Lodge 3891, I signed in as a member of Thesaurus Lodge.

There was a healthy number of visitors from Lodges as far and wide as London and Richmond in North Yorkshire attending the Installation. Visitors from Kingston Lodge 1010 and Old Hymerian Lodge 6885 also attended.

The meeting was duly opened by WM Martin Tompkins. Provincial DC W Bro Jimmie Kerr, a member of De La Pole Lodge 1605, was welcomed in. The escort of Lodge Provincial Officers accompanied the representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and member of Humber Lodge, into the Lodge room.

Brother Robert Gwatkin was duly installed as Worshipful Master. W Bro Alan Shand, as Director of Ceremonies, ensured the smooth running of the Installation ceremony. As part of the new team of Officers W Bro Alex Hoggard was installed as the Director of Ceremonies, Bro Ian Fuller was installed as Assistant Director of Ceremonies and W Bro Chris Lefevre was reinstalled as Lodge Almoner.

Altogether the Installation was conducted with much professionalism. W Bro Eddie Wildman, when responding as a Grand Lodge Officer in his greetings singled out the excellence of the three Brethren who had delivered the ritual relating to the Working Tools in each of the three degrees to the Worshipful Master.

I stood in conjunction with W Bro Ian Syddall as W Bro Eddie Wildman gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge.

The Installation Festive Board was a veritable feast in vibrant company. Credit is again due to chef Luke Pyrah and his staff of assistants and waitresses.

A full toast list was presented. In his address as representative of the PGM W Bro Ian Syddall praised the Lodge for the upward path it has taken. He also outlined the significance of Festival 29, the MCF fundraising project. The outgoing WM Martin Tompkins was praised for his commitment throughout his year in the Chair. The response to the toast to the visitors was given by W Bro John Abbott, who had travelled from London to attend the Installation and who had delivered the Address to the Master during the Installation ceremony.

Following the parting toast at 10.30 pm there was an opportunity to talk to wives of Lodge members, who, as is a custom of the Lodge, dined separately during the evening.

The Lodge is a model for other Lodges to follow in terms of membership growth, the commitment of its members and a busy calendar of Lodge business and social events.

W Bro Malcolm Forbes


 Monday 23rd October 2023:

The Worshipful Master reports:


This evening’s meeting was very special for Bro Ian Walker as he was passed to the 2nd Degree. Regrettably, Bro Ian arrived at the Lodge feeling very much under the weather and at first it was thought that he may not be well enough to go through the ceremony, but, Covid being ruled out, he bravely battled through and actually managed to enjoy the ceremony but felt too poorly to stay for the Festive Board where we all missed him.

The Lodge was honoured by three visitors from Dreadnought Lodge which meets in Queens Street, London who came with W Bro Danny Betts to see how we do things at this end of the country. I was left in no doubt that they had an extremely good time, were very impressed by our prices, and good stories were exchanged both before the meeting and afterwards. They all left happy with a raffle prize as a bonus.

As WM, I was very impressed by the work put in by the whole team and their efforts made it a very pleasant evening for Brother Ian. Our guest organist, W Bro Eddie Wildman again provided the mood music which enhanced the ceremony immensely. Thank you all!

At our next meeting in November (27th) we will be receiving a talk from Bazza Longstaff, the title of which has yet to be arranged.

[Photo: Bro Ian Walker FC by ERW]


Chris Lefevre ProvG Swd B, Worshipful Master.



Monday 23rd October 2023: 

Eddie Wildman Reports

The WM, W Bro Christopher Bond LeFevre, Provincial Grand Sword Bearer took his seat in the Lodge before the meeting began as walking was becoming increasingly difficult and he had just negotiated the stairs to the Lodge Room at Beverley Road Masonic Hall for the regular meeting of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5654. He welcomed the "five smiling faces" of the visitors (plus Bro Ian Montgomery from the Lodge of St Andrew 4583 who regularly stands in for the Inner Guard) and opened the Lodge. Another stand-in was W Bro Malcolm Forbes, a member of L5644 as well as L57 - acting as Junior Warden for W Bro Mike Potts who has been unable to attend so far. The visitors included W Bro Danny Betts, from the Minerva Lodge 250 (as is the SW, Tom Calkwell) and three members of the Dreadnought Lodge 4366 in the metropolis of London.

Correspondance was dealt with expeditiously under the capable management of W Bro John Towler, PPDepGDC, Lodge Secretary and the main business of the evening, the Passing of Bro Ian Walker to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason (see his initiation on 27th March below.)

Bro Walker answered the questions leading to the degree fluently and with understanding and was conducted by the Junior Deacon, Bro Chris Wright to the WM to prove his possession of the First degree  password. The latter hobbled back to his Chair and Bro Walker was conducted to the SW, Bro Calkwell, who gave him the password (and its historical explanation) leading to the 2°. The Candidate retired and the Lodge was opened in the Fellowcraft degree, the suspended G in the centre of the room illuminated according to ancient custom.

Bro Walker returned, properly prepared and was admitted in due form, and now placed in the hands of the Senior Deacon, Bro Ian Fuller. Ably proving himself in possession of the passgrip and word, Bro Walker was conducted through the ceremony of being passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft.


WB Colin Shields communicated the Secrets, Bro Calkwell invested him with the distinguishing badge of a FCF, Bro Fuller delivered the address at the South-east corner.

Bro Calkwell explained the working tools of the degree and the significance of the perfect ashlar before delegating the SD to advance Bro Walker to the East  to recieve a pianissimo delivery of the second degree charge from the Chaplain, W Bro Adrian Hayward PPJGW.

The questions leading to the third degree were demonstrated before Bro Walker retired to restore himself to his regular attire, during which time the WM lowered the Lodge to the 1°.

The WM thanked his team and gave a brief Almoner's report, supplimented by comments from the floor regarding the health of the Brethren. W Bro Forbes as Charity Steward and Membership Officer dilated on last month's Charity Night (see 25th September https://www.andrewmarvell5642.co.uk/?Blog_Page), offered Provincial Raffle Tickets for sale and invited the visitors to the Andrew Marvell Christmas Social.

Bro Walker was readmitted in time to hear W Bro Colin Shield ProvJGD give the Treasurer's report. informing the Lodge that after the Charity Night's donations the Lodge coffers needed replenishing.

Greetings were extended and the Lodge was closed, and I managed a quick snapshot of Bro Walker, Fellowcraft Mason with the WM and the Wardens before the Brethren descended to a tasty festive board, at which W Bro Betts, Bro Montgomery and I assisted with the distribution of the food and the collection of the plates.

Eddie Wildman


Tuesday 10th October 2023:

The Third Degree at Humber Lodge

Once again, W Bro Eddie Wildman took the Chair at the Humber Lodge meeting; the WM, W Bro Charles Alexander is suffering with painful ambulatory problems and is currently unable to attend any Lodge meetings. We all wish him well. There were unexpected absences amongst the Officers, too, but the Brethren compensated very well - one cannot but admire the ingenuity of the stand-in Inner Guard fulfilling mutiple roles during Brother Matthew's being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason - well done W Bro Smedley.

It being the tenth day of the tenth month, the stand-in WM, pedagogical as always, noted that ten was a particularly holy number for the Ancient Greeks as it was the sum of 1, 2, 3 & 4; the Pythagoreans depicted it as an equilateral triangle called the tetraktys, with one point at the top, then two symmetrically beloiw, followed by three, then four. One represented existence; two, creation; three life, and four the elements from which everything is composed. Thus the number ten was significent for the human race, and it was argued by some this is the reason for our having ten fingers.

There was a succesful ballot for a new member who it is hoped will be joining L57 in the New Year.

The ceremony of raising was manged well: after the obligation (ERW) the Retrospect was given by W Bro Tom Lee, the Investiture by the Senior Warden, W Bro Steve Longthorp, the Historical Oration by W Bro Terry Fisher, the Communication by W Bro Richard Smedley, the Working Tools by W Bro Philip Watts, the Charge by the Chaplain, W Bro Craig Maurier and the Questions by W Bro Sergei Byelov. Bro Matthew was conducted round the Lodge by SD W Bro Malcolm Forbes and JD Bro Craig Morrison.

The Lodge was subsequently closed in full in all three degrees, greetings given and alms collected on retirement to the festive board. W Bro Carl Cross, who will be laying the wreath for Remembrance Day on behalf of the Lodge next month, thanked the Brethren for their generous contributions towards this. W Bro Forbes collected alms and for the raffle in his capacity as Charity Steward and was grateful for the generosity of the Brethren.

A table nugget was supplied for the Brethren to take home if they wished, explaining the colour blue with regard to Masonic Aprons. This is reproduced in the Table Nugget page on the Humber Lodge website.

Eloquent words were given as a response to the visitors toast by W Bro Hodgson, WM of the Seven Stars Lodge 5892 in the metropolis of London, and the Brethren took their leave after the parting toast: Happy meet again.

ERW Acting WM


Monday 25th September 2023:

Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 - Charity Evening

by Malcolm Forbes

After the Lodge's four month summer break Lodge members returned for their September Lodge meeting and annual charity evening. Family and friends were invited to the Charity Evening presentations and Festive Board.

As Lodge Charity Steward I was pleased that the Lodge was able to support three charitable causes: the Hull and East Yorkshire Centre for the Deaf: the Motor Neurone Disease Association; and the Fight Ministry - Hull Training Academy.

Before the Lodge meeting I was able to meet up with representatives of the three organisations.

The Lodge meeting was duly opened by Worshipful Master Chris Lefevre. Taking their seats in the Lodge room were visitors Worshipful Brother Stan Smith, the Secretary of Humber Lodge 57 and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hull and East Riding Centre for the Deaf, and Brother Damian Brooks, a member of Brough Lodge 5464, who was representing the Fight Ministry - Hull Training Academy at the presentations afterwards.

Due acclamation was given to Worshipful Brother Colin Shields for his recent promotion to Provincial Grand Senior Deacon and to Chris Lefevre as Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. Colin stood in as Inner Guard at the meeting.

Worshipful Brother Lefevre in his capacity as Almoner welcomed back Brother Chris Wright, the Junior Deacon, after his extended absence from Lodge meetings.

In the Charity Steward's report I secured the backing of Lodge members for the making of donations of £250 to each of the charitable/ community service organisations represented on the evening.

Worshipful Brother Smith gave visitors greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge supported by Grand Lodge Officer Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman and myself. Greetings were also extended from the Phoenix Lodge 9963.

After the Lodge meeting was duly closed Lodge the Brethren met up with their guests for the presentations which took place in the dining room.

Sarah Regan, the manager of the Hull and East Yorkshire Centre for the Deaf, delivered the first presentation with the aid of visual slides. Her twenty minute presentation highlighted the work of the Centre on Spring Bank in Hull and the issues facing deaf people. It included a demonstration of British Sign Language in which the audience participated.

Mr Mel Leatherley, the founder of the Fight Ministry, then delivered an amusing anecdotal account of the work of his organisation. It supports young disadvantaged people and people with additional needs in inner city Hull by providing martial arts training and sporting facilities and opportunities in its premises in Margaret Street off Beverley Road.

The final presentation was delivered by Andrew Hancock and Kevin Hara, volunteers who work locally for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Andrew explained that he helps sufferers of the disease whilst Kevin helps those who care for those people who suffer from the disease. Unfortunately, the disease has no cure presently.


After the presentations and thanks from Worshipful Master Lefevre everyone took their seats for the Festive Board. A sumptuous cold buffet followed by dessert was provided. Two toasts were submitted.

The Worshipful Master then presented three individual cheques for £250 to the representatives. (See the Charity Page.)

In his parish notes Worshipful Brother Lefevre thanked everyone for making it such an enjoyable night.

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward


Friday 22nd September 2023 pm:

Visit to Beacon Lodge 4362 

by Malcolm Forbes

I was extremely grateful to Worshipful Brother Steve Burns, a member of Thesaurus Lodge 3891 and Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611, who gave me a lift to Pocklington for the Beacon Lodge meeting. Worshipful Brother Burns was due to attend in his capacity as DC to the representative of the PGM Worshipful Brother Ken Shaw, but due to domestic circumstances Worshipful Brother Shaw was unable to be there.

Worshipful Brother Burns therefore took his seat in the Lodge room alongside myself and Worshipful Brother Richard East and Worshipful Brother Mark Rudston, fellow members of Thesaurus Lodge. Worshipful Brother Nigel Bell, another Thesaurus member, and also a member of Beacon Lodge acted as DC during the Lodge meeting.

The Lodge was duly opened by Worshipful Master Christopher Anand.

The main business of the evening was to initiate Mr Darren Scroggins. It was a memorable ceremony capably conducted by the Worshipful Master and his Officers.

The meeting was well attended. I gave visitor's greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 and rose alongside fellow Thesaurus Lodge members when Worshipful Brother East gave greetings on its behalf.

The Festive Board was most convivial. The three course meal was substantial. A full toast list was delivered. Worshipful Brother David Bateman proposed the toast to Brother Scroggins. The Entered Apprentices song was sung with gusto. The visitors' toast's response was delivered by the Worshipful Master of Alcuin Lodge 6300, thanking the Beacon Brethren for their warm welcome and hospitality. I was pleased to win a prize in the raffle which raised £136.

It was only my second Masonic visit to Pocklington but I hope to return again in the near future.

Worshipful Brother Burns safely drove me back home arriving back at 11.30 pm. The evening had been a most profitable experience.

Malcolm Forbes


Friday 22nd September 2023 am:

Attendance at Myton Lodge 9808

by Malcolm Forbes


I arrived at Beverley Road Masonic Hall at 10.45 am in time to partake in pre-meeting coffee and biscuits. Thirty-three people were in attendance which included wives and partners of Lodge members.

The Lodge meeting held in the large Lodge room was opened at 11.30 am by Worshipful Master Derek Edwards. Masonic author Worshipful Brother Philip Harrison stood in as Junior Warden. 

Worshipful Brother David Ward was elected as the WM to succeed WM Derek Edwards and I was re-elected as Lodge Treasurer.

Ballots were held for Worshipful Brother Les Sugarman and Brother Les Gold to become joining members of the Lodge. Both ballots proved successful.

The new Lodge Almoner, Worshipful Brother Mike Roberts delivered his first Almoner's report. A Charity Steward's report was delivered by Worshipful Brother Marcus Whereat, who is currently WM of the KIngston Lodge 1010.

The Treasurer proposed an increase in annual Lodge subs which was accepted by the Brethren.

Worshipful Brother David Taylor, a member of Sykes Lodge 1040, was proposed as a joining member.

Greetings were given by visitors Worshipful Brother Ron Stone on behalf of De La Pole Lodge 1605 and Worshipful Brother Chris LeFevre, the Worshipful Master of Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642. As a member of De La Pole Lodge and Andrew Marvell Lodges I rose on both occasions. Humber Lodge was represented by Worshipful Brother Craig Maurier and myself. Visitors' greetings were also given by Brother Ian Montgomery, a member of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683.

The meeting was duly closed.

Lodge members and their guests sat down for the Festive Board in the dining room below at 12.30 pm. A traditional cold buffet was served followed by dessert. The lavishness and quality of the buffet were exceptional.

Two toasts were submitted.

There followed a talk by two ladies, under the soubriquet the Tickton Tarts, entitled 'Life in the Workhouse'. Their historical perspective dismissed certain commonly held myths about the subject. The talk was comprehensive and well researched and received warm applause.

The Festive Board ended at 2.45 pm.

Malcolm Forbes

Monday 11th September 2023:

In Memorium

Today I had the sad duty of attending Lelley Fields Crematorium to say my farewell to a good friend, gentleman and Mason, Brother Peter Grantham.

Peter was one of those men in this world who could light up any gathering just by being there. Personally, whatever mood I may have been in, when Peter arrived and spoke, all was well.

A sad day, a poignant farewell and a gentleman and Brother who will be missed.

Chris Lefevre, Worshipful Master


Friday 8th September 2023:

Report by Chris Lefevre

I visited De La Pole Lodge 1605 by invitation. They were doing a Third Degree and wondered if I would like to join them. Why particularly me, I hear you ask? Well, their Candidate, Aaron Sutherland, just happens to be my grandson.

I was made very welcome on my arrival by the WM, W Bro. Phillip Cowing and the DLP brethren. I was informed that due to a family commitment, Aaron couldn’t stay for the Festive Board as he had to be in Sheffield that evening as well and would be dashing off following the ceremony.

I was privileged to witness a well executed and poignant ceremony where everyone pulled out all the stops to make the evening extra special for Aaron. It was an absolutely delightful ceremony which Aaron can be proud of for all his
masonic life. It did put a little lump in my throat too.

The following day (Saturday), being Open Day, Aaron returned with his partner and relived the events of the previous evening with the WM and De La Pole Brethren.

 Chris Lefevre, Worshipful Master


Saturday 19th August 2023:

Report by Eddie Wildman

I travelled with members of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 and Technical Lodge 5666 from Hull to York via Gilberdyke for a meeting of the Invictus Lodge 9960 - a pleasant drive in good company. This military Lodge (one of the Circuit of Service Lodges) was consecrated in 2018 and despite the exigencies of Covid has gone from strength to strength. Today at St Saviourgate I played the organ for a full house - there were over three score present, including a team of active Provincial Officers and over twenty other visitors.

VW Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith DPGM is a popular ruler, and unsuprisingly a number of Brethren from his mother Lodge were there to support. (I recall Jono being initiated in the Ridings Tablers Lodge 9586) but there were visitors from all corners of the Province and beyond - indeed there was a successful ballot for a joining member from a Lodge in Sheffield who was present that evening. Andrew Marvell Lodge was represented in the Active Provincial Team by treasurer W Bros Colin Shields ProvJGD and WM Chris Lefevre ProvGSwdB, both tall and dignified in their regalia; the DPGM's introduction of his Officers produced a smile on Colin's face - a rare event, we were informed.

There is something rather special about a military Lodge, not only because of the smartness of the floorwork, the soldierly perambulations, military ties and impressive arrays of miniature medals at the festive board, but also (as the DPGM remarked in his address afterwards) a keen awareness of mutual cooperation through discipline and an ability to get along together despite the traditional interforce rivalry (which became amusingly evident when the port was distributed.) 

The business of the afternoon (a 16:30 start was necessary for the long evening) was a double third degree ceremony: Bros Robinson and Cullen were made Master Masons. 

Fortunately the organ isn't much required during this ceremony in the Invictus ritual and a seat had been reserved for me in the body of the Lodge Room - while the nineteenth century instrument is good to play, its position behind the Junior Warden's chair and a carved lattice affords very little view of what is going on; rather like playing in a rabbit hutch with the shutter closed. I enjoyed a comfortable seat and a good view of the proceedings.

It was good to see a number of younger Brethren delivering floorwork and ritual with commendable facility. This brought a smile to the face of the Lodge DC, W Bro Jack Sharpe PGStB, whose exacting performance standards are an example to us all.

A similar attention to detail prevailed at the Festive Board: the personalised place settings, the colour coordination with the candles and the napkins; the roast beef and Yorshire pudding. It was a splendid evening.

Lastly: my thanks to the WM, W Bro Andrew Philip Hinchciff for the invitation to attend the "Undefeateds" and indeed to all who contributed to making it such a memorable and happy occasion.

[Photograph of VWBro Jonathan Smith, Bros Robinson and Cullen and WM Andrew Hinchcliff in the Lodge Room and the WM and sundry guzzlers at the FB by ERW.]


Saturday 24th June 2023:

Minerva Installation

Report by Eddie Wildman

The Minerva Lodge 250 traditionally meets at the summer solstice, so it was understandably very warm in the Lodge Room at Dagger Lane and the Worshipful Master, W Bro Dave Green, gave permission for the Brethren to remove their gloves if they wished before he opened the Lodge in due form. The DC for the Representative, W Bro Marcus Whereat, Provincial Grand Steward was admitted on a report and he informed the Brethren that the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Paul Hillary PPJGW was outside the door of the Lodge, whereupon the Lodge DC, W Bro Richard Theaker organised an escort for W Bro Hillary. Thereafter the minutes, having been distributed electronically and there being no amendments required, were declared carried and signed by the Worshipful Master. Brief reports were delivered.

There were two Entered Apprentices present: they retired and the Lodge was raised to the Second Degree. Bro Martin Wright was then presented to the Lodge as Master Elect. W Bro Green informed Bro Wright of the character expected of him when in the Chair, before the Secretary, Bro Tom Calkwell, read out the duties he would be expected to fulfill. Bro Wright having indicated his agreement to all the above, then took his obligation as Master Elect.

The Lodge was raised to the Third Degree, and all those below the degree of an Installed Master retired. The Lodge was further raised to a Board of Installed Master, and during the ceremony known as the Inner Working, during which W Bro Green gave the second obligation - again from memory - and the Installed Masters saw Worshipful Brother Martin Leslie Wright placed in the Chair of King Solomon and the gavel placed in his hand.

The Lodge was severally lowered to the First Degree, the Brethren were appropriately readmitted and perambulated under the skilful direction of W Bro Theaker, saluting the newly installed master, who sat in the East with a broad smile on his face, proudly wearing his apron and collar of Office. The address to the WM was given by the Representative, that to the Wardens by me, and that to the Brethren by W Bro Christopher Brown. Normal business was resumed, and W Bro Wright took greetings from the many visitors (W Bro Colin Shields giving greetings from the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642) and closed the Lodge, the Brethren figuratively locking away their secrets in the safe and sacred repository of their hearts. The Masonic Anthem was powerfully sung by W Bro Graham Miles, the Brethren joining in the choruses.

The festive board (thankfully a salad!) was a time for merriment - Graham sang the Masonic Anthem and also "Happy to Meet Again" at the end and the Brethren departed looking forward to the next meeting.

[Photograph of W Bro Martin Wright by W Bro Charles Alexander WM of H57.]

Eddie Wildman, Guest Organist


Friday 9th June 2023:

Initiation at De la Pole Lodge

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Philip John Cowing PPJGD opened the De la Pole Lodge 1605 promptly and conducted the ritual with the calm authority of a ship's captain expecting a high degree of efficiency from his crew. It was an excellent ceremony; there were few visitors, but the Brethren were typically supportive, I counted thirty-four from the organ seat, including the Candidate.

After the opening, W Bro Cowing mentioned the four members who had received Provincial honours at York in May: W Bros Ron Stone, Ben Kelly, David Duffill and Jim Kerr; the Brethren applauded, appreciative not only of the Offices conferred, but on the reflected glory to L1605. This was followed by a ballot, after which the Inner Guard, Bro Mike Kelly took a report and admitted the Candidate, Mr Paul Dickinson. Conducted round the Lodge by the Junior Deacon, Bro John Holmes, Mr Dickinson was in safe hands; there was not a word nor even a toe out of place throughout the ceremony.

The WM led the Candidate through his obligation, and explained the Three Great Lights in Freemasonry to (now) Brother Dickinson. Bro Mike Kelly pointed out the Three Lesser Lights and the Signs were beautifully illustrated by Bro Thornally, all lines, levels and uprights enhanced by elegant gestures. Thus enlightened, Bro Dickinson was conducted to the Wardens for examination; W Bro David Nichol (Stand-in JW) and  Bro Ian Fuller (SW), and proved himself to be a quick study. Some Candidates during Initiation become overawed and allow everything to pass over their heads, not really taking in what is happening, but this was not the case this evening, in no small part because the Brethren performing the floor work had taken pains to ensure they were thoroughly familiar with the ritual.

Brother Fuller invested Brother Dickinson with his Entered Apprentice Apron, the belt of which had to be adjusted to its minimum length, the recipient being enviably slim. The address at the North East Corner was given by W Bro Peter Spencer and Bro Thornally rattled the collection box with dramatic fervour, doubtless inspired by Peter's delivery.

W Bro Forbes, his wrist still in plaster following his argument with Table Mountain some months ago, explained the Warrant and presented Bro Dickinson with his Book of Constitutions and the Lodge bylaws. I was priviliged to be asked to explain the Working Tools. I am short and the Candidate is tall, so I was in danger of getting a stiff neck looking at him. This situation was reversed when the Chaplain, W Bro Bastiman, delivered the Ancient Charge. From his lofty height and his position on the dais he commanded absolute attention as he communicated this extensive piece of ritual to Bro Dickinson, who remained totally focussed.

The questions (and answers) required for admission to the Second Degree were passed between the Wardens. Bro Fuller was word perfect, and resumed his seat with a satisfied smile on his face. The Candidate retired, the Almoner supplemented his email report with a verbal update, greetings were given and the Lodge was closed in due form.

There was a brief photograph session, after which the Brethren retired to the festive board, which was more informal. Bro Dickinson responded to the toast to him as the Candidate, thanking the Brethren and looking forward to progressing in the Craft.

A good evening - well done all.

[Photograph of Bro Paul Dickinson and W Bro Phil Cowing by Eddie; group photograph by Bro Ian Montgomery.]

Eddie Wildman, Organist



Monday 22nd May 2023:

Tom Calkwell's Lecture début

Eddie Wildman and Chris Lefevre report 

When greetings were given at the end of the meeting upstairs at Beverley Road Masonic Hall, I was put in mind of the Venn diagrams used to identify sets. (John Venn was a mathematician born in Hull - see the Well Connected nugget in the Humber nugget cache.) The Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 was quite full - indeed the visitors outnumbered the Brethren, with half a dozen Entered Apprentices, from L5642, from Juno 10001, and from a Lodge in Ipswich. One visitor was from a London Lodge, but there was a contingent from Humber 57 (Malcolm Forbes and me - but if you were to draw Venn diagram bubbles to connect us, we would also be in the Andrew Marvell bubble as Malcolm is Charity Steward - and stand-in Junior Warden on this occasion.) Bro Tom Calkwell, of whom more later, is the Andrew Marvell Senior Warden, but as he is the Minerva Lodge Secretary, he shared a bubble with supporting Brethren from Minerva 250: Chris Brown, Danny Betts, Rich Driver and me. The Representative of the RWPGM, Steve Cox, is a member of Holderness 3563 along with Danny and Malvin Sharpless. His DC, James Steele. is a member of Juno. There were other connections, but that's enough!

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Chris Lefevre opened the Lodge, pleased at the number of visitors and asking the Entered Apprentices to stay behind for a photograph afterwards. A knock on the door from W Bro James E G Steele, making his first appearance as Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and his smart entry was impressive; he fluently organised a Provincial escort  and subsequently formed them into a well disciplined parade for the Provincial Senior Grand Warden, W Bro Stephen Cox, whose commanding presence and enormous poise highlighted what the ritual calls "the dignity and high importance of Masonry."

After the minutes had been signed and other essential business, the Lodge was called off. This must have been a new experience for some of the visitors; the VSL closed, the Wardens' columns reversed; but it marks a certain relaxation, and permits the Tyler to enter (while keeping a close watch should there be any latecomers.)

The next business was an explanation of the First degree Tracing board, by the Senior Warden, Bro Tom Calkwell.

The Lodge Room has a painting  after John Harris on the South Wall, and the Brethren seated themselves in order to view this, but Tom had thoughtfully provided photocopies as the detail on the large painting has become obscured by age-darkened varnish.

The explanation is a long piece of ritual, and I was not surprised to discover that Tom had spent much of his holiday time learning it - "I don't know what the others must have thought," he said, "when I was just sat by the pool with a book in my hand, mumbling to myself." It had paid off, though. Tom's measured delivery was crisp and clear, delivered at a pace that allowed the listeners to understand the Victorian sentences, yet with conversational inflexions, and with movement around the Lodge, to hold the interest. I have seen the Tracing Boards described many times, and few explanations were as engaging as this. When it came to the working tools, Tom asked the Entered Apprentices to stand, and asked who could say what they were, handing the items in question to those who answered correctly; an effective bit of theatre which involved his listeners far more than a dull recital could ever do.

Brethren wishing to study more can find explanations on line, and of course, Solomon is a useful resource; I shall not reproduce Tom's lecture here. But I was interested that there were digressions within the familiar ritual I have not heard before, perhaps peculiar to the Minerva Lodge explanation. Rebecca's exhortation to Jacob to flee his brother's wrath and the consequences thereof was given in more detail than I recall - and there were other instances. 

At the conclusion, the WM remarked that "The Tracing Board is one of the biggest pieces delivered in our Order, and I am in awe."

The Lodge was called back on, and reports received. W Bro Colin Shields reported that Lodge finances were sound and that the Lodge of Instruction is expected to be held in September this year. The Charity Steward named the two charities who would be receiving donations at the special Charity Lodge meeting: Hull and East Yorkshire Centre for the Deaf  and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Greetings were extended (see the first paragraph) and the Lodge closed, after which (some of) the Brethren gathered for photographs. 

The meal was lovely, the company convivial, the toasts under the expert direction of W Bro Barry Kensett, stand-in DC. Alas, the Andrew Marvell Brethren were few in number, some were obliged by virtue of their Office to stay in their seats, some prevented by age and others were typically reluctant to move, so a number of the visitors lent a hand as waiters.Well done, those visitors.

The WM introduced the Representative of the RWPGM, speaking of his love for classic cars and his meteoric rise in the Craft before proposing a toast to the Provincial Officers. W Bro Cox responded to the toast eloquently, with a mild reprimand that no mention had been made upstairs of W Bro Colin Shields' promotion to Provincial Junior Grand Deacon and the Master's own promotion to the Office of Provincial Grand Sword Bearer - both active Offices which reflected honour not only on the recipients but also on the Lodge. He addressed the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Freemasons, speaking of the value of visiting and congratulating Tom Calkwell on his brilliant presentation. He spoke inspirationally on the subject of Change, explaining the Provincial Grand Master's intention to tap into talent regardless of rank, and of finding out the best people to promote what the Craft needs. Using himself as an example, he told his listeners that a healthy ambition is useful, and that the Brethren should not be afraid to promote themselves.

W Bro Mark Luscolme, WM of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 was eloquent, saying to the newcomers that visiting contributes much to Masonry and to Masons: "Every night you learn something, and cement bonds with your fellow man." I thought again of the Venn diagram - those interconnecting circles, extending, ultimately, all over the globe.

"Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again," intoned the WM for the parting toast, and we took our leave of each other, well satisfied both mentally and physically, in peace and harmony.

[Photograph by Eddie Wildman. Perhaps someone can tell me all the names?]

Eddie Wildman, Lodge Organist.

 Comments from the Worshipful Master

The above meeting could really be themed as “The Night of the White Aprons”. We were honoured with six Entered Apprentices from Minerva, Juno (3) and even one Brother, Ryan Deakin-Hough, from a Lodge in Ipswich (Prince of Wales Lodge No. 959) who was here visiting friends and thought Andrew Marvell Lodge worthy of a visit and this was despite him having to make an early start the following morning to get back to Ipswich for his daily avocations.

We did, Of course, have our very own EA, Bro Ian Walker who never ceases to amaze us with his enthusiasm and willingness to make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.

It was also our great pleasure to receive W Bro Stephen Cox ProvSGW and his DC, W Bro James Steele Prov ADC who enlightened proceedings with their presence and sense of humour. 

What was the entertainment on offer, I hear you cry?

We were treated to a superb presentation of the “First Degree Tracing Board” by our own Bro.Thomas Cawkwell. Tom is our Senior Warden and is also a member of Minerva Lodge 250. Even our honoured regular guest and mentor, W Bro. Eddie Wildman PGOrg was in awe and listened intently. This presentation also involved some audience participation and it was soon obvious that our Entered Apprentices had remembered their initiations. We wish them all well in their Masonic pathway.

As this meeting was the last before the summer recess, the WM was determined that this should be as enjoyable as possible. The festive board was cordial, entertaining and enjoyable and seasoned with humour.

Regrettably, Andrew Marvell Brethren were a little thin on the ground which led to quite a lot of stand-ins, all of whom performed admirably.

As WM, may I wish you all a peaceful, trouble-free summer recess.

Chris Lefevre ProvGSwdB


Thursday 4th May 2023:                                       

                                           Attendance at Constitutional Lodge 294

Brethren at Constitutional Lodge always provide a warm welcome as they meet together before the opening of the Lodge.

As a member of the Lodge I was asked by Lecture Master W Bro Keith Charlesworth to stand in as Inner Guard. The Lodge was duly opened by Worshipful Master Mike Noble.

As the main business of the meeting was to view a presentation by W Bro Andy Nicholson which featured the first part of a documentary film entitled Around The World in 80 Lodges, the Lodge was called off by WM Noble with the help of Senior Warden Bro Sam Adkins and Junior Warden Bro Karl Douglas.  

The Brethren then proceeded to watch the film in the downstairs dining room. The film traced the history of Freemasonry by reference to Lodges in Scotland, the USA, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Norway and France. The second part of the film which will feature Lodges in the rest of the world will be viewed by the Brethren at a later Lodge meeting.

The film was a comprehensive account of the development of Freemasonry in different jurisdictions and referenced the inclusiveness of the Fraternity across racial and social groups.

After the film the Brethren returned to the Lodge room where the meeting was called back on.

The greetings included a response from the only visitor, Grand Lodge Officer W Bro Eddie Wildman representing Humber Lodge 57.

The Festive Board was a two course meal with a Mexican flavour of chili con carne and tacos as the main course. Two toasts were delivered.

The evening was both jovial and informative. With its links to Lodges in the USA, Constitutional Lodge was the appropriate forum to watch a film which featured the worldwide attraction of Freemasonry.

                                                                                                              Malcolm Forbes - IPM


Monday 24th April 2023:


Nigel Henry becomes a FCFM at Andrew Marvell Lodge

by Eddie Wildman


Congratulations to Brother Nigel Patrick Henry who succesfully passed today to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason. The attendance at the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 was a little low; indeed, a visitor arrived and then apologised, realising he should be elsewhere - at the Juno Lodge 10001 which was meeting at Dagger Lane.

The Andrew Marvell Chaplain, W Bro Adrian Hayward had duties to perform at Dagger Lane, and illness has prevented some of the L5642 stalwarts attending, notably W Bro Barry Kensett, a pillar of the Lodge and we wish him, and them, well.

Consequently some people were taking extra roles: W Bro John Towler occasionally moving from one end of the Lodge Room to the other in the capacity of Secretary and Junior Deacon. W Bro Malcolm Forbes (broken hand still in a plaster cast) stood in for the Junior Warden, W Bro Mike Potts, who is still recovering from a broken leg. The Inner Guard, Bro Hardy was not in attendance but Bro Ian Montgomery of the St Andrew Lodge 4683 slipped into the role smoothly. The Treasurer/Mentor, W Bro Colin Shields acted as Tyler.

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Chris Lefevre obligated the Candidate of course. Bro Tom Calkwell, Senior Warden, delivered the 2° Working Tools as well as the signs of the degree in addition to the ritual demanded of the Warden. Bro Ian Fuller as Senior Deacon expertly conducted Bro Henry round the Lodge, but briefly relinquished the role to the DC, W Bro Richard Green while he gave the address at the South East Corner. 

I had been asked to deliver the Charge after Passing, and to my shame I needed some prompts despite having had four weeks to learn it. I confess that it is a difficult piece to learn - one the great Humber ritualists whom I admire for his excellent delivery calls it his bête noire. But despite the Brethren telling me that it wasn't an issue and that I'd done well, I still feel devastated.

However, there was an intimacy and friendliness to the evening, and Bro Henry looked splendid in his 2° apron, with the distinctive two blue rosettes. From the Candidate's viewpoint, the emphasis changes from the awakening in the first degree: the focus is now on the journey through life and the development of self with new knowledge and wisdom. Brother Nigel Henry gave every indication of understanding what was going on, and paid commendable attention to what was said to him.

The poached salmon at the festive board was terrific, and the DC rattled alacritiously through the toasts, so I was back home in time to write up these notes, and to pass on a sincere website welcome to Fellowcraft Brother Henry on his preferment.

Brother Henry emailed this message for this page:

"It was a privilege to take this next step of my journey in Freemasonry with the support and guidance of the Lodge. My thanks to the WM, WB and Brethren all."

[Photo of Bro Henry by Eddie - using the Candidate's mobile]

 Notes by Eddie Wildman, Guest Organist



Wednesday 19th April 2023:

Provincial (Surprise) visit to Phoenix Lodge 

by Chris Lefevre

Seven o' clock and all’s well. The Phoenix Lodge 9963 has just been opened, but wait; what is that noise outside the door of the Lodge Room? A knock!

“Who comes here?” says Bro Cuthbert, the Inner Guard. “Worshipful Brother Karl Ward, the Provincial DC,” replies the Tyler. “Admit him”, cries the WM.

“Worshipful Master, at the door of your Lodge is Very Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and he demands admission”, says Wprshipful Brother Ward.

Enter the escort of Active Provincial Officers followed by the DPGM who accepted the Chair from W Bro Alex McCallum (WM). The DPGM proceeded to introduce each team member in person before handing the Chair back to the WM.

This visit was arranged in complete secrecy over a few weeks, led by the DPGM and between the eventual team participants who came from all over the Province to attend Phoenix Lodge this evening. The purpose of the visit was to support the Lodge and to allow the Provincial Team to have a last good night out prior to the Provincial Grand Lodge Convocation in May, all in the spirit of Freemasonry.

We, the whole team, were not disappointed. We were entertained with an excellent ceremony in surroundings a little unusual but extremely convivial, (the loft room in The Sailmakers Arms, High Street, Old Hull) when Bro Alistair Kenyon-Brodie was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. All the team wish Bro Alistair our sincere congratulations and we hope he has many years to enjoy the joys of Freemasonry. (An account of the meeting by W Bro Eddie Wildman may be found on the blog page of the Humber 57 website on this date.)

The Team comprised:

DPGM, V W Bro Jonath Smith
Karl Alwyn Ward Prov DC
David Knowles ProvGSwdB
John Wilkinson Prov.Registrar
Ian Syddall Prov. Charity Steward
Christopher B. Lefevre ProvSGD
Simon John Simpson ProvJGD
Ben Kelly Asst. DC
Martin Bean Prov Grand Stewards Lodge
James Ashley Kelly Prov Grand Stewards Lodge.

On closing the Lodge, the DPGM retired accompanied by his Provincial Officers where we all further retired to a local Chinese Restaurant and finished the evening in peace and harmony before wending our weary way home.

[Photograph by Bro Martin Lauer, Phnx Chaplain.]

Chris Lefevre



Saturday 8th April 2023:

Eddie Wildman at the Lord Bolton Lodge

I was well looked after at the Lord Bolton Lodge 3263. A late invitation persuaded me to visit for the Lodge's third initiation ceremony this year, and it is no chore playing the organ at Beverley Road. W Bro John Stebbings (who eloquently explained the Lesser Lights) gave me a lift there, and Bro Ian Fuller (Junior Deacon, who guided the Candidate round the Lodge Room during the ceremony) gave me a lift home. It is much appreciated. I was pleased to salute the WM along with Ian Fuller and Chris le Fevre as members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge.

The Candidate (his proposer announced at the festive board) increased the average height and IQ of the Lord Bolton Brethren and reduced the average age - is it a pleasure to see so many young men joining and supporting this Lodge. I had the privilege of delivering the address at the North East Corner, and the newly-made L3263 Brother paid close attention - as indeed he did when being examined by the Wardens, Bros Gwatkins and Shaw. The Master, W Bro Martin Tompkins obligated the Candidate impressively - indeed, the ritual was good all round, and the festive board of the high standard we sometimes take for granted. Thanks, Brethren, for the invation - I enjoyed a splendid evening.

Eddie Wildman - guest organist


Monday 27th March 2023:

Andrew Marvell Initiation

The Worshipful Master, W Bro Christopher Bond LeFevre ProvSGD was in situ before the meeting began rather than being paraded into the Lodge as usual; he is currently hobbling with a stick and did not wish to detract from the dignity of the Office. (He needn't have worried - we love him to bits.) The DC announced the opening hymn (Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 uses the tune "Innocents" unlike other local Lodges) after which the WM welcomed the nine visitors, from as far afield as Barton-on-Humber and Hampshire. The de la Pole Lodge 1605 was well represented, and it was good to see W Bro Chris Brown from Minerva Lodge, there to support the SW, Bro Tom Calkwell, who is also a member of L250. As W Bro Malcolm J Forbes is in South Africa umpiring cricket matches, Eddie Wildman was the only Humber 57 member there that evening. (W Bro Potts is still incapacitated - the JW's place was taken by Bro Ian Fuller.)

The main business of the evening was to initiate Mr Ian Walker, and a very succesful ceremony took place. Mr Walker paid commendable attention to what was going on (some Candidates seem to go into a trance-like state as the ceremony progresses) and from his entry via Bro Ian Montgomery (acting Tyler) to his retirement from the Lodge it was clear he was appreciating the underlying meanings within the ritual. Of particular note was his investiture with the Entered Apprentice apron by Brother Calkwell; while the SW fluently explained the symbolism of the white leathern apron, the Junior Deacon, Bro Chris Wright, fastened it around Brother Walker's ample waist. Tying two cords together while wearing gloves is not the easiest of tasks, but Chris made it look effortless, and picked up his staff of office and took his place at the Candidate's right side in perfect synchronisation with the Senior Warden's closing line.

I had the privilege of giving the address at the North East Corner, whih explains the importance of Charity within the fraternity. The WM went through the questions for admission into the second degree with the Wardens, after which Bro Walker retired to restore himself to his usual mode of dress.

The Worshipful Master thanked the team for their efforts, and then took reports, some of which had already been circulated by email by the Lodge Secretary, W Bro John Towler PPJGD, who is a model of administrative efficiency. The Lodge Mentor, W Bro Colin Shields then knocked at the door of the Lodge to say that he and Brother Walker requested admission. I then presented a United Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Lewis Kirkby.

I'm afraid my photographs of the visitors and of Bro Walker were not up to standard - apologies. Some mischievous Brother drew a sketch of Bro Ian Walker on the tablecloth, so I took a snapshot of that.

The festive board was happy, and Bro Walker was toasted and the Entered Apprentice's Song performed with varying degreees of musicality by the Brethren. Bro Walker responded eloquently, and the evening moved to its close following the Absent Brethren and the Parting Toast.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening in good company.

[Photograph of Bro Lewis C Kirkby receiving his UGLE Certificate from W Bro Eddie Wildman by Jimmy (Two Kilts) Kerr PPSGW of the de la Pole Lodge 1605.]

 Eddie Wildman, guest organist for L5642


Saturday 18th March 2023:

First Class Performance at Technical 5666

The Worshipful Master's wife's stepfather has now become his Brother: W Bro Dan Laughton initiated Mr Kenneth Andrew Wright in a superb ceremony where none of the officers involved had been through the Chair, and the floorwork was magnificently presented. It was a pleasure to attend such a thriving Lodge, and to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the younger Brethren. The good atmosphere prevailed at the Festive Board too; W Bro Neil Armstrong (from Kingston 1010) who had brought along an Entered Apprentice from his Lodge, remarked in his response to the visitors toast that Bro Wright had made a wise decision to join this fine Lodge and had now embarked on a journey that would enhance the rest of his years.

As ever the singing was excellent: the IPM, W Bro Rob Atkinson took a solo role in the visitors song; Bro David Turner and W Bro Chapman performed their songs with the high quality people have come to expect from L5666. The SW, Bro Nigel Goldthorpe was generous with the whisky and I for one returned home singing happily to myself.

An excellent evening - well done all.

Come to think of it - the Candidate in his white sheepskin apron does look exactly like the Worshipful Master's older brother!

[Photo L to R: Nigel Goldthorpe, SW; Ken Wright, Entered Apprentice; Ash Vesali, JW; Dan Laughton, WM.]

Eddie Wildman, Guest Organist


Thursday 9th March 2023:

 Attendance at Thesaurus Lodge 3891 Installation meeting by Malcolm Forbes

I arrived at Dagger Lane at 5.0 p.m. in time for the start of the Installation meeting at 5.30 p.m. A warming cup of coffee was most welcome on arrival on what was a wet and cold night. Attendance at the meeting was affected by an Old Hymerians Lodge 6885 Lodge meeting being held on the same evening at Beverley Road where Past Provincial Grand Master W Bro Jeffrey Gillyon was due to receive a fifty year Masonic certificate. Thus Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Johnson, who proposed me as a joining member of Thesaurus Lodge, and W Bro Eddie Wildman, who had duties to perform at the Old Hymerians Lodge meeting, were unable to attend the Installation. as was WM Chris Lefevre. W Bro Graham Miles, a member of Minerva Lodge 250 provided admirable musical accompaniment throughout the evening.

In attendance was W Bro Adrian Hayward, the Chaplain of  both Andrew Marvell Lodge, Thesaurus Lodge and Juno Lodge 10001.

Representing the Provincial Grand Master was Grand Lodge Officer  W Bro Richard Smedley, a member like myself and W Bro Wildman of Humber Lodge 57. W Bro Charles Alexander, the Worshipful Master of Humber Lodge, was one of the visitors.         

Worshipful Master Steve Burns duly opened the meeting. Accompanying W Bro Smedley was his Director of Ceremonies W Bro James Steele, a member of Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611.

After Lodge reports were delivered the Installation of the Master-elect Bro Adam Watson commenced. Lodge DC W Bro David Harrison took charge of the Installation ceremony. The obligation of a WM was delivered by W Bro John Watson, the father of Bro Adam Watson. At the Board of Installed Masters W Bro Burns confidently guided W Bro Watson into the Chair of King Solomon. 

After his Installation into the Chair, WM W Bro Watson installed his Officers. I was pleased to accept the Office of Charity Steward.  

WM Watson thanked everyone who had participated in the excellent ceremony.

All the visitors who gave greetings praised the WM and his Officers for their contribution to the ceremony.

At the Festive Board I sat opposite W Bro Alexander. The four course meal was substantial and thanks were later given to Bro Carl Moore, the dining steward, for organising the Festive Board. A full toast list was delivered. There was much good humour and banter throughout the meal. It was a busy evening for W Bro Smedley as he not only represented the PGM in response to the PGM'S toast, but he also delivered the Address to the Wardens at the Installation and sang the Master's Song at the Festive Board. W Bro Alexander responded appropriately on behalf of the visitors.

After the Tyler's toast everyone departed into the pouring rain having enjoyed an uplifting evening.

[Photograph of W Bros Adam Watson and Stephen Burns (WMN and IPM) by Richard Smedley.]

                                                                                                            Malcolm Forbes IPM 

 Monday 27th February 2023:


             Fifty Year Certificate at Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 Meeting

It was good to see a healthy attendance at the Lodge meeting and Festive Board. Supplementing the Lodge Brethren were the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith and a Provincial team of Officers, which included W Bro Ben Kelly as Provincial Director of Ceremonies and W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward. It was good to see W Bro Philip Daniels, the current WM of Humber Installed Masters 2494, who was not part of the Provincial team but attended as a visitor. W Bro Charles Alexander, the WM of Humber Lodge 57 and W Bro Martin Thompkins, the WM of Lord Bolton Lodge 3263, also attended as visitors.

The Lodge meeting was opened by Worshipful Master Chris LeFevre. Due to the continued indisposition of Junior Warden W Bro Mike Potts, I stood in as Junior Warden. 

The main business of the meeting was the presentation of a fifty year Masonic certificate to W Bro Andrew Peach. The presentation was conducted by the Deputy Grand Master in an informal and reassuring way. W Bro Peach was able to relax as the Deputy Grand Master asked him about his Masonic career, his upbringing, his work career, and Andrew's interests outside Freemasonry. Andrew's service to the Lodge both as a past Master and Lodge Charity Steward were particularly highlighted. Andrew has served the Lodge in many capacities and held many Offices in the Lodge. He commented that he particularly enjoyed being Inner Guard as he was able to set the standards for the evening within the Lodge. As an excellent and proud ritualist Andrew never let the Lodge down. The contribution which Andrew has made to Freemasonry not just in Andrew Marvell Lodge but also in other Lodges of which he is a member will be difficult to surpass. Andrew reflected on the changing nature of Freemasonry over fifty years and his belief that the future was bright for Freemasonry provided at the same time it maintained its traditional values. 

The presentation was warmly received by the Brethren. W Bro LeFevre thanked the Deputy Grand Master for the way in which the presentation had taken place.

The Lodge reports included the Treasurer's report from W Bro Colin Shields, who presented the 2022 Lodge accounts to the meeting. The accounts were duly adopted. As Charity Steward I outlined the support that I was later to propose should be given at the Lodge's Charity Night in September to the Hull and East Yorkshire Deaf Centre and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. A proposition to donate £250 to each charity was duly accepted.

In the greetings visitors congratulated W Bro Peach on his outstanding service to Freemasonry.

The Festive Board paid due reverence to W Bro Peach's achievements in Freemasonry. A set of crystal  glasses was presented to him by the Lodge in recognition of these achievements. Before giving a toast to Andrew W Bro Eddie Wildman delivered a superb oratory to the Brethren in which he encapsulated Andrew's work on behalf of the Lodge.

The response to the visitors toast was delivered by W Bro Alexander.

Everyone in attendance was privileged to witness a fine evening which was most thoroughly deserved by Andrew. 

[Photograph of Andrew in the WM's Chair in 2018, and shaking hands with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master by Richard Green.]

                                                                                                                                                   Malcolm Forbes - IPM

Through the Lodge Secretary, Andrew sent a message to all the Lodge members, reproduced below:

Dear Bro. Secretary,

Would you please pass on my sincere thanks to the Brethren of the Andrew Marvell Lodge for the gift of a very modern and beautiful glass decanter set, suitably engraved, presented to me to mark my 50 years in Freemasonry. This gift will form a lasting reminder to myself and family of my time as a member of the Andrew Marvell Lodge: it will, I have no doubt, be passed down to future generations of the Peach family.

Sincerely and fraternally,


[Some of Andrew's reflection on the changing times can be seen on the Members Page.]


Monday 13th February 2023:

First Degree Rehearsal

Unfortunately the WM was unable to attend the rehearsal at Beverley Road Masonic Hall. Nor was he the only absentee. Fortunately, some essential Brethren were there to rehearse the First Degree ceremony in the offing; the Junior Deacon, Chris Wright (his responsibility is to lead the Candidate through the ceremony) was on good form, and the newly installed Senior Warden, Tom Calkwell, was eager to discover the Andrerw Marvell method of doing things. John Towler kindly stepped in as Junior Warden, and Malcolm Forbes took the WM's Chair. Richard Green as DC also acted as the Inner Guard, and Colin Shields, the Lecture Master, patiently put the Brethren through their paces. Andrew Peach and I sat on the dais as Tutters, but in truth there was no need for tutting when everyone was trying so hard. It was a pleasure to see Ian Fuller - he'd been out on call in Scarborough but had hurried home and then on to the meeting without even taking time to change, bless him! He rattled the SD's box magnificently!

There is a world of difference between reading the ritual at home and performing it in Open Lodge. Difficult words, silently glossed over when skimming through the text suddenly become unpronouncable mouthfuls. There is a rhythm to ritual when delivered well - volume, tempo, tone of voice, these are all elements that improve with practice - and what better way to practise than in the company of like-minded Brethren experiencing the same issues? Hitherto unasked questions are addressed: "Should I stand up as soon as the WM calls my name? When should I salute? If I'm carrying a staff or a baton, should I salute? When should I bang the gavel?" The interaction between Brethren is important: "Should I stand immediately or wait for a nod? How do I get the Candidate from point A to point B? What do I do if he makes eye contact like a rabbit in the headlights - doesn't he know I'm as nervous as he is?"

The rehearsal Lodge, or the Lodge of Instruction is a useful tool to get to know about Masonry in a more informal setting. The Brethren can come casually dressed and are not obliged to wear ties. I was really envious of Tom who is recently back from the Costa Rica; I think he wore the gleaming white tee-shirt just to show off his brilliant suntan. Ian Fuller still had his woolly work-cap on.

It was good to be able to discover difference in ritual - not all Lodges, even those practising Humber ritual, are exactly the same. That's how the topic of the Garter came up (it's part of the explanation of the Candidate's apron) and I was pleased to be able to explain afterwards how this came to be used in Masonic Ritual. "You ought to write a nugget about it," Andrew told me. I agreed, and you'll find it on the nugget page. But I also told the Brethren I'd put a picture of them on today's website, and an exhortation to those that couldn't make it this time to try to attend the next rehearsal!

[L to R: John Towler, Chris Wright, Malcolm Forbes, Andrew Peach, Tom Calkwell, Colin Shields, Ian Fuller, Richard Green.]

Eddie Wildman, redundant tutter.

Friday 10th February 2023:

Worshipful Brother Barry Kensett PPGSwdB became a member of the Lodge in 1970 and is our oldest regular attender, well known for his ability to step into any role, for his amazing delivery of ritual, his fine singing voice and his good advice. He is a problem solver - and whether it is an intellectual conundrum, a  mechanical issue, something Masonic or some problem on the computer, Barry often finds himself the first port of call for advice. It surprised me to receive an email late one evening (or rather, early one morning) saying that he had been challenging the Artificial Intelligence currently in the  news to produce a Masonic Grace, and, later, to explain the Working Tools.

View the results on the Nuggets Page!



AVPWednesday 8th February 2023:

W Bro Andrew Peach PPJGW reflects on Freemasonry after fifty years in the Craft - see his comments on the Members Page.

Andrew is to receive his certificate later this month: watch this space!


Wednesday 8th February 2023: 

                                                              Visit to Minerva Lodge 250                                                   

 At the invitation of Minerva Lodge Secretary, Bro Tom Cawkwell, who is also Senior Warden in Andrew Marvell Lodge, I visited the Lodge in conjunction with W Bro Chris Lefevre, the current WM of Andrew Marvell Lodge, and W Bro Colin Shields, the Treasurer and Lodge Mentor of Andrew Marvell Lodge, and W Bro Eddie Wildman, the L5642 Organist. Bro Cawkwell had invited members of Andrew Marvell Lodge to the Minerva Lodge meeting with a view to claiming the Travelling Gavel held by Minerva Lodge.

Due to parking restrictions in and around Dagger Lane I arrived at 5.45 pm and received a warm welcome from W Bro David Green, the WM of Minerva Lodge and other Lodge Brethren.

The ceremony was to initiate Mr Richard Driver, who paid great attention to the proceedings. The Brethren performed admirably; Brother Sutherby, who had proposed the Candidate, delivered the address at the North East Corner of the Lodge.

At the Festive Board Bro Driver made an emotional response to the toast to the Candidate where it was clear how much the evening and the support he had received meant to him.

The response to the visitors toast was provided by W Bro Tyson who as Worshipful Master of Holderness Lodge laid claim to the Travelling Gavel. Under the rules accompanying this prestifious artifact W Bro Green rightfully recognised the claim of Holderness Lodge and the Travelling Gavel was transferred thereto. The progress of the Gavel may be seen on the Humber Lodge website.

Following the raffle and parish notes W Bro Green delivered the Tyler's toast.

All the visitors enjoyed the hospitality of the Minerva Lodge Brethren which made the evening special not only for Bro Driver but for all those Brethren who attended.

Malcolm Forbes, visiting IPM


 Monday 6th February 2023:

                                              Visit to Humber Installed Masters Installation 2494

I arrived at 5.30 p.m. to find a crowded reception area where Lodge Brethren and visitors gathered for pre-Installation refreshments of tea/coffee and cake and ale. The Installation of W Bro Philip Daniels was very well supported. Visitors included Master Masons who had yet to take a Craft Chair but are nevertheless welcome to attend the Lodge meeting. W Bro Daniels had strong representation from the Brethren of his mother Lodge, Technical Lodge 5666.

As a member of Andrew Marvell Lodge I was in the company of the current WM W Bro Chris LeFevre, who was part of the Provincial team, and W Bro Adrian Hayward, the Chaplain of Humber Installed Masters Lodge and Andrew Marvell Lodge.

W Bro Danny Betts opened the Lodge in due and antient form. The Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Dr David Chambers , the Deputy PGM WM Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith and the Assistant PGM W Bro Ian Johnson were escorted into the temple. The immediate past PGM W Bro Jeffrey Gillyon accompanied them in. 

Before the Installation took place two joining Brethren were successfully balloted for.

The Installation ceremony was choreographed and directed by Bro Craig Maurier. The Address to the Master was delivered faultlessly by Bro Eddie Wildman. Bro Maurier delivered the Address to the Wardens and Bro Terry Fisher delivered the Address to the Brethren. The Masonic Anthem was sung by Grand Lodge Officer Bro Richard Smedley.  WM Daniels injected both sincerity and humour when installed into the Master's Chair. 

Following the Installation of the WM and his Officers propositions for two new joining members were proposed and seconded.

Some 55 Brethren sat down for the Installation Festive Board. I sat with an enclave of Brethren from Thesaurus Lodge 3891 and Bros. Tim Healey and Peter Adamson. A full toast list of ten toasts was delivered. The warmth towards WM Daniels was apparent throughout. The PGM W Bro Chambers highlighted his plans and vision for the way forward for the Province. W Bro Daniels thanked the immediate Past Master W Bro Danny Betts for all the hard work he had put in during his year in the Chair. Bro John Chapman sang the Master's Song. The response to the visitors toast was given by W Bro Daniel Laughton, the WM of Technical Lodge.

After the parting toast from WM Daniels it was time to go home. We look forward to the next meeting of the Lodge in June which will feature a lecture from the newly installed Junior Warden Bro Hiten Thaker, who will talk about the Covid19 pandemic from his perspective as a medical practitioner.        

[Photograph of Neil Armstrong, SW; Philip Daniels, WM and Hiten Thaker, JW by Eddie Wildman.]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Malcolm Forbes,  Immediate Past Master


Friday 27th January 2023:

Myton Lodge 9808

"As we have an organist here," said the Worshipful Master, "we will sing the opening ode." This was at 11 o' clock am in the Myton Lodge 9808, a Daylight Lodge that meets at Beverley Road. The Master, W Bro Christopher Harland was on good form.

The name Myton, the Lodge summons states, originates from the conflation of the Old English "Mythe" (river junction) and "Tun" (farm) and the Myton Ward of the City of Kingston upon Hull is indeed at the confluence of the Hull and Humber. This Daylight Lodge meets four times a year and encourages the participation of family and friends, who attend lectures and talks in the building while the Lodge meeting is in progress, then enjoy the Festive Board with the Brethren.

The RWPGM is a member of the Lodge - he was the Junior Warden for the first part of the proceedings and stood to order with the rest of us when his Representative, W Bro David Burnett PJGD was announced by the Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, Tony Calvert.

The previous meeting's minutes having been approved, the ceremony of Initiation ensued; the Lodge was raised to the Second Degree and the Wardens and DC remained in place as Installing Officers. Brother Derek William Edwards was duly installed according to ancient custom, being invested with an apron bearing the "level" emblems of an Installed Master and the collar of office bearing the Master's Square.

Meanwhile, downstairs, wives and friends were attending a lecture about Motor Neurone disease by Mr Colin Pearson who is an expert in the field and the Area Support Co-ordinater for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. This was particularly fitting as the new WM suffers from this debilitating condition.

The new Worshipful Master invested his Officers, reports were given, greetings from the RWPGM announced ("Normally," W Brother Burnett smiled, "I would give greetings from Right Worshipful Brother Doctor David Chambers, but as he is sitting right there I am sure he will greet you all without me") other Lodges tendered hearty greetings (Andrew Marvell Lodge was represented by WM Christopher Lefevre, W Bro Makcolm Forbes and myself) and the Lodge was closed in due form. I didn't stay for the Festive Board, but noticed the dining hall was well appointed, having to accommodate not only the Brethren but wives and guests. It was an enjoyable couple of hours and I felt virtuous missing lunch - I'd be eating that evening.

[Photograph of WM Derek William Edwards by W Bro Richard Heaton.]

Eddie Wildman, gatecrasher.

Addendum by Malcom Forbes

There were thirty-three diners at the buffet lunch which had been expertly prepared by chef Luke Pyrah. As there were non-Mason guests present only two toasts were delivered. Everyone present enjoyed the good company and delicious food. As Charity Steward of Andrew Marvell Lodge I spoke to the speaker Colin Pearson after the meal and informed him that I would like Andrew Marvell Lodge to support the Motor Neurone Disease Association at the Lodge's Charity Night on 22nd May by making a donation to the charity. Subsequently Colin has put me in touch with local fundraisers for the charity to make the necessary arrangements.

Daylight Lodges need supporting and Myton Lodge will continue to provide a first class experience. 

Malcolm Forbes, Charity Steward.


Thursday 26th January 2023:

Constitutional Lodge 294 Installation

W Bro Ian Johnson, Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings remarked in his response to the fifth toast at the Festive Board what a pleasure it was to see the light blue aprons of those below the dais worn by the Worshipful Master and his principal officers; many Lodges are having to recycle established Provincial officers (with dark blue aprons) but the Constitutional Lodge 294 has no such issues; indeed, for one of the oldest Lodges in the Province (founded 1793) it has plenty of young men in the ranks. Pictured here are the Senior Warden, Bro Sam Atkin, the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Michael Anthony Noble - the levels on his apron replacing the rosettes of those Brethren who have not yet occupied the figurative Chair of King Solomon - and Bro Karl Douglas. W Bro Malcolm Forbes is a member of the Lodge; Eddie Wildman was the visiting organist.



Wednesday 25th January 2023:

Congratulations to our senior member Ian Blakey PPAGDC on his 90th birthday. Ian lives in Portugal and is unable to visit the Lodge, the last occasion was to celebrate his 50 years in Masonry a few years ago. Ian was our Master in 1978 and was a distinguished Hull businessman in his working days.


Barry Kensett, PPGSwdB



Monday 23rd January 2023:

Installation of the Andrew Marvell Master and his Officers

The term "installation" derives from Medieval Latin: the "in" bit is obvious - meaning "into"; the "stall" from "stallum" meaning "a place, or stall"; hence an installation is the act of placing someone in a designated position. The ecclesiastical use of the word carries the sense of a prebendary, canon or other official being formally conducted to a particular seat or "stall" (often with high sides to protect from draughts) and placed therein with due ceremony, and it is this writer's opinion that the Masonic use of the word derives from this. At an installation ceremony, the Master is "installed" into his seat in the East, and the other Officers are then conducted to their places after being invested ("clothed") with their collars of office.

There was a wonderful flow to the ceremony for the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642, undoubtedly assisted by the many visitors. W Bro Malcolm Forbes opened the Lodge and W Bro Tony Calvert, Director of Ceremonies for W Bro David Burnett, Past Junior Grand Deacon, Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, announced that the latter was outside, and organised an escort of Provincial Officers. The minutes of the last regular meeting were confirmed and signed, and the ceremony proper began. The Entered Apprentice retired: (historically Masters of the Lodge are only declared in a Fellowcraft Lodge) and W Bro Christopher Bond Lefevre, who as a sprightly eighty-five-year-old has been through the Chair before elsewhere) recited his obligation in confident tones.

The Fellowcrafts were then invited to leave and W Bro Forbes opened the Lodge in the Third Degree. W Bro Andrew Peach PPJGW (who celebrates fifty years in Freemasonry next month) became the Installing Director of Ceremonies and controlled subsequent proceedings with enormous dignity and authority, dismissing those below the degree of Master Mason after ensuring they handed in their collars and paid their respects to the outgoing Master. The ceremony known as "the Inner Working" followed smoothly, and W Bro Forbes relinquished the Chair to his successor.)

The Lodge was lowered by stages to the First Degree, and W Bro Lefevre, having been entrusted with the Warrant, the By-laws and the Book of Constitutions, invested his Officers, welcoming Bro Tom Calkwell into the Principle Office of Senior Warden, his first Office in the Andrew Marvell Lodge. (Bro Tom is the Secretary of Minerva Lodge 250 and there were several Minerva Brethren amongst the visitors in support - likewise, there were half a dozen Humber 57 Brethren in attendance, supporting Malcolm Forbes who is the Charity Steward there.)

The address to the newly installed Master was given by W Br Richard Smedley, the address to the Wardens by me, and the address to the Brethren  by W Bro Adrian P K Hayward, whose reputation for delivering long and difficult ritual is well known. You could have heard a pin drop.

W Bro Barry Kensett PPGSwdB sang the Anthem beautifully (he had starred as Senior Warden in the Masonic Opera in 2008) and the Brethren joined in the chorus.

Chris Lefevre thanked the Installing Officers and Malcolm responded on their behalf; the new WM closed the Lodge in due form.

The Festive Board was a happy occasion, with the Representative of the RWPGM commending the website. the toasts and responses followed, with W Bro Richard Smedley singing the anthem in his rich baritone, and the Brethren left with happy smiles. Watch this space for closing comments from the WM and the IPM.

[Photographs by Eddie Wildman]

Eddie Wildman

Message to the Brethren from the Worshipful Master:

Last night, you may have heard me say that I was a ‘reluctant master’. This was because of my advancing years as at nearly eight-five I was beginning to doubt my own ability.
But my installation last night has really opened my eyes. Everyone has been saying what a great evening it was and as I looked round the temple and the festive board, seeing the obvious enjoyment on the faces of the Brethren, I am no longer ‘reluctant’ but fully rejuvenated and determined to make 2023 an enjoyable and happy year for all.
Sincere thanks to all Brethren, members and the vast number of visitors last night, for your kind words and support. I pledge renewed efforts to make Andrew Marvell Lodge the Lodge to be in!

W Bro Chris Lefevre ProvSGD, WM.


Message to the Brethren from the IPM:

past master's jewel forbes.jpgAll good things must inevitably come to an end and after three years as Worshipful Master I handed over the reins to Worshipful Brother Chris LeFevre at the Installation meeting on 23rd January 2023.

I can now pause to reflect on those three years. Through the thick and thin of the pandemic years the Lodge has come out the other side with a positive outlook for the future.

I can only thank the Lodge Officers who have multi-tasked in their duties to provide me with support. The Worshipful Master heads up a team and he can only be as good as that team.

Whilst there has been a turnover of members, the Lodge has welcomed five joining members and two new members since lockdown was lifted in 2021. A further candidate is due to be initiated.

As well as the formality of Lodge meetings there is the enjoyment of Festive Boards and Lodge social activities. Much of the fun of being Worshipful Master is in visiting other Lodges and making friends within the Masonic fellowship.

The Lodge is a family and briefly as head of that family I have been able to appreciate the hard work that members of that family have put in over the last three years.

Many thanks to you all!

Malcolm, IPM



Thursday 12th January 2023:

                                                                          Visit to Thesaurus Lodge 3891 


east, tollan, burnsAfter attending a short business meeting of Humber Chapter 57, Humber Chapter Companions were invited to attend the monthly meeting of Thesaurus Lodge. Thus, changing from Chapter regalia into Craft regalia, the Companions were admitted into the Lodge meeting soon after the meeting had been opened.

The Worshipful Master Steve Burns welcomed the visitors from Humber Chapter as they took their seats in the Lodge room. In attendance were Grand Lodge Officers W Bro Eddie Wildman and W Bro Richard Smedley. Also in attendance was the Assistant PGM, ian Johnson, a member of Thesaurus Lodge. In addition, W Bro Adrian Hayward, the Chaplain of Andrew Marvell Lodge, attended as Chaplain of Thesaurus Lodge.

The main business of the meeting was to initiate Mike Tollen. The initiation ceremony was conducted with professionalism. W Bro Richard East, who stood in as Junior Deacon, conducted the candidate with much authority throughout. Typical of the standards set W Bro Hayward delivered the Antient Charge with his customary elegance.

I stood in support as W Bro Charles Alexander, the newly installed WM of Humber Lodge 57 on his first visit as WM, gave greetings on behalf of Humber Lodge. I gave greetings on behalf of Andrew Marvell Lodge supported by W Bro Hayward and W Bro Wildman. All the visitors expressed their praise for a splendid first degree ceremony.

The well attended Festive Board was an undoubted success. I sat opposite W Bro Alexander and alongside Bro Ian Douglas, a member of Humber Lodge, and W Bro Stuart Gamble, a member of Thesaurus Lodge who had delivered the Address at the North East corner at short notice. A full toast list was delivered. The Entered Apprentice's Song was sung with much enthusiasm. Bro Tollen responded well to his toast as the new initiate. W Bro Ian Syddall, the Provincial Grand Charity Steward and member of Humber Lodge, responded with much levity to the visitors toast.

I look forward to attending the next Lodge meeting of Thesaurus Lodge as a possible joining member. As always, the Lodge had made all the visitors thoroughly welcome throughout the evening.

[Photograph of Richard East, Mike Tollan and Stephen Burns by Richard Smedley.]

                                                                                                                                                        Malcolm Forbes - WM