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Despite the legend which sometimes features on Masonic mugs, "Old Masons never die, You'll have to join to find out why" we do, from time to time, lose Brethren to the Grand Lodge Above. This page is a tribute to them, and to those who have been members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge.

Friday 8th July 2022:

The Small Chapel at Chanterlands Avenue Crematorium was well attended for the funeral of Peter Atkinson, and members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge were there to pay their respects and to celebrate the life of this notable character. The Rev Stuart Spandler led the service, during which W Bro Barry Kensett delivered the moving address below:

I am proud to have known Brother Peter Atkinson throughout his career as a Freemason from his initiation into the Andrew Marvell Lodge on 24th February 1997.

Throughout his masonic career Peter was an asset the Lodge, not a flamboyant man but quietly making his contribution to our three guiding principles, friendship, charity and the preservation of our antient rituals.

Peter’s friendship was infectious, he had a quiet but sometimes cutting sense of humour. We have heard of his tales of his National Service in the RAF and for much of this he was posted to Changi airport in Singapore. He seemed to have the role as a personal assistant to the Station Commander, and at major functions he was involved in organisation and met all the famous people.

This sounds much like his offices in the Lodge. He never aspired to high pompous office but he worked tirelessly meeting and helping people.

Peter would always be ready to advise on gardening matters from his knowledge derived from his apprenticeship and lifelong career in the Hull Parks Department. He helped our members in the planning of their gardens and advice on planting and maintenance.

Peter was a charitable man, not only by contributing financially to our work but I particularly remember how he supported another activity. For many years our Lodge was able to obtain surplus stocks of plants from a nursery which we took to a garden party in York to sell in support of a retirement home. I took Peter along and he was able to give plant care advice to our customers and some got to know him from year to year and sought his advice.

Peter enjoyed the preservation of our antient rituals and was often the first member a new Brother would encounter formally when he joined the Lodge. Peter would prepare him for his entry giving him just the right amount of apprehension but not too much. Peter enjoyed memorising and delivering items of our ritual and this was consistent with his interest in antiques.

He kept our artifacts and regalia in good order. When items needed repair Peter would take these home and he and Barbara would stitch and stick to keep things pristine.

I am proud to have had Peter as a personal friend and I have tangible memories. Whenever one visited Peter he first fed you to the dog then he would give you a few plants. I have an area of my garden known as Peter’s corner; his delphiniums are in flower at the moment.

When eventually we arrive at the gates of the Grand Lodge above Peter will be there to welcome us and give us that bit of apprehension - but not too much.

Barry Kensett

[Photographs by Barry Kensett and Eddie Wildman]

Afterwards there was a quiet celebration of Peter's life with family, friends and Brethren at the Masonic Hall on Beverley Road.