Wishing all our readers a Happy New Year!
Next Meeting:
Monday 27th January 2025
Installation Proclamation
See the Charity Page for MCF info
Wishing all our readers a Happy New Year!
Next Meeting:
Monday 27th January 2025
Installation Proclamation
See the Charity Page for MCF info
Andrew Marvell Lodge – Seriously Friendly.
We are a group of twenty or so men from a broad range of ages and diverse backgrounds who meet under the banner of the Andrew Marvell Lodge of Freemasons No. 5642.
The Lodge meets at The Masonic Hall, 69 Beverley Road, Hull. HU3 1XL on the fourth Monday of the month except for June, July and August: in December, we meet on the second Monday. We gather in the lounge bar from 6:00 pm onwards where we relax and put aside the cares of the day and prepare for our meeting. At 6:30 pm we go into the Lodge Room. This is where new Masons are initiated and domestic business is conducted. Once the meeting has ended, we go to the dining room for what can only be described as a sumptuous meal. We usually end our evening at around 10.00 pm.
Although the Lodge is a relatively small Lodge it is forward looking and is looking to attract people who enjoy both the serious side of Freemasonry in terms of its rituals and ceremonies and the camaraderie of a social group who share common aims and ideals.
As Freemasons, we have a common bond in the form of the serious commitments we made at our initiation where, in like all Freemasons, we undertook to behave as if we were brothers, to be of good character, and to be charitable towards those in need.
On joining the Lodge, we each found that we had an immediate circle of friends. In addition, we were able to visit other Lodges, both local, further afield, and even abroad, where we could be confident that we would receive a warm welcome from fellow Masons.
However, our friendship extends far beyond the Lodge Room. Opportunities regularly occur to meet as individuals for coffee; or to have social events at which non-masonic guests are welcome. As part of our commitment to the needy, the Lodge supports both national and local charities chosen by the members. From time to time, local charities are invited to address members and guests at functions arranged for that purpose.
In brief: when you are initiated into the Andrew Marvell Lodge you quickly gain new friends who will welcome you as a brother amongst them. By visiting other Lodges, you open up a whole new world where you rub shoulders with men from many different backgrounds; and, last but not least, in the Lodge Room you are reminded of those attributes of character and morality which distinguish a man of integrity.
If you would like to learn more about us, please contact our Secretary at wolds@wolds.karoo.co.uk.
Andrew Peach, Charity Steward